

There will be dozens of people, that is because the sword has no parallel from nearly 100,000 years, their grandmens have long, and have already been prisonful, but they are not too far from some of the swords. Outside of the top of the project, the other descendants did not live in the nine-tail family, so that the sword was not seen before Bishuizhuang.

Now I have to go back to the endless territor. Zhuoyunfeng has come back with some children who are relatively close to them. There will be dozens of people.

"Father, I will get to Burning Moon City." The sword is unparalleled.

"Well." Zhuo Yunfeng scored his hands and was very excited.

Not only one of him, and there is Luo Xinqin, Zhuo Bing and Zhuo Peng.

Several people can be born in the endless territor, and they are born in this Wusha wild area. They naturally have a very high belonging, especially Zhuoyong, who caught the moon city of the city.

As for other people, including Zhuo Peng's wife, they have no advantages, and there is more curiosity of this burning city.

Soon, a group finally arrived in the air of the burning city.

Overlooking the next city, the power of swords and unparalleled souls is even more in the eyes of every corner of this city, and his inner heart is also awkward.

In this world, he is in this burning moon city, and he also knows that he has born, this burning the moon in the nine-nine months of nine months, and his mother also pregnant him nine. A month of nine days.

After you have born, this burning the big snow in the moon immediately stopped, and the blood peak sword dropped from the sky, causing a feeling.

All this, let the swords at this moment are unparalleled.

He is just a slight sigh, but Zhuo Yunfeng is very excited with Luo Xinqin.

"It is burn moon city, I have seen it in the city, although I have a big difference with previous, but there is a willow tree in the government, but it is more than 100,000 years old. This willow tree is still alive."

Zhuo Yunfeng trembled, and he also diverted the princes of the city of the city in the next city, where he was still in his body.

"Look at your monkey, don't know if you are in front of the younger generation."

"Father, you, etc."

Luo Xinqin, Zhuo Ice is open, they also immediately brushed it.

The sword is unparalleled and others naturally keep up.

The city owner of the moon city is indeed, but this burning the moon city of the city, but it has already changed several.

The current city owner is a cultivator that has reached the goddess.

God Demon, in the Wusha Wild Area, is already strong.

However, when the sword has no double group of people arrived in the city main house, they will freely dissemise a little bit of power. When they are scared, the city owner directly squats, not to mention the more powerful cultivars in the city's main government.

After half an hour, the city mainfare was reluctant to calm down, but at this moment, the city owner of the moon city has been re-opened by Zhuoyun Feng. As for the original city, Zhuo Yunfeng will give him some treasures. Those who support them zero, with those treasures that are excited.

You must know that Zhuo Yunfeng is now a no dead saint, and in the nine-tail family for so many years, then a special position, the resources you get natural are natural, he will take some treasures that will come out, for a goddess The words are simply the god of God, and the monk of the gods is of course surprises. As for the position of this city, he is still there.

"More than 100,000 years have passed, this burning the moon city, still have changed a lot."

Zhuo Yunfeng stood under the ancient willow tree of the city owner, stroking the willow tree, and secretly sighed.

"More than 100,000 years, it is quite long for an ordinary wilderness in the endless territory of the country, which is still long, this nearly 100,000 years, not only changed, this burning city is very large, this whole Wusha rupture pattern A lot. "The sword is unparalleled.

After he came to this Danyang, he released his own soul.

You must know that in the endless territor, there is no three days of stability, his soul is spread, and the idea will move, he can see the whole Danyang's holy society, for this Danyang Sheng The change in the world, he is naturally clear.

Don't say this in the Wusha Wheel, those who have changed a lot, even the whole Danyang Shengjie, which has been very different from before.

However, with the same thing as 100,000 years, this Danyang Shengjie is still controlled by the Red Rock Fort, and the owner of the Red Rockburg is still the daughter of the red stone, Yin Su, who is 100,000 years, the strength of the Yin Su. It is also better than before, it is already a first-order style of a genuine goods, and it is already an absolute overlord in this Jinculan.

The sword is unparalleled with this Yin Su, but it is also purely just that the red stone saints will help her have completely controlled the Red Rockburg, and the extravasts, the two are not, so this time, the sword is not intended to tell. This Yin Su Er, let alone see each other.

He is just to bring his favorite person to return here, and it is to refine the secret of the blood.

Now Zhuoyun Feng and others have returned to the burning moon city, the sword is unparalleled, and the main palace of the burning moon city is settled, ensuring that there will be no longer there in the moon, he and Zhuoyun Feng and others. I have explained a sentence, I went to the blood North secret.

The blood north secret is within the Danyang Shengjie.

At the beginning, the sword is also the opportunity to know the existence of the blood north secret, but later he got a lot of good opportunities in the blood nibi, especially the star map of the universe battlefield to the blood north, that is, the star map Lead him to find the special time and space in the magic smotter.

And he got a great opportunity in the special time and space.

So the blood north, swords are not grateful.

Buffalizedly ... Danyang's academic border is one of the guides, but there is no double for the current sword, but it is like a flat.

The sword is very easy to come to the entrance of the blood north secret, looking at the entrance in front of you, the sword is not a smile.

He remembers that he first came to this bloody secret entrance, but with a trolley, there is no trill to find the existence of this blood North secret. At that time, the midst of this blood north is very hidden, and the means is extremely high.

But now, the sword will have this blood North secret eye.

Ignore the obstruction of the secret law, the sword is unparalleled to enter the secret city, and all the roads are rushing, and it is easy to come to the most core of this secret.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, and the old Valley of this secret is old, and the awareness left by the blood north.


PS: Today is more coming!

There will be three more tomorrow, and the one owes before.

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