Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3668 is back

(The first to come!)


"Seeing this little guy, I couldn't help but remember the pair." Ji did not dream about Ye Chen, whispered in the campus.

"Yeah, I don't know if he can come back when he can come back." Jian Nan Tian also sighed.

Suddenly, there is no sign of a movie, appearing above the campus, appearing in the front of Ji Nan Tian and Ji Dream.

Jian Nan Tian and Ji Dream are a shock.

"South, Nantian, I seem to have seen two children, are I spend?" Ji did not dare to confirm.

"I also saw him." Jiannan also glared over his eyes.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled. At the front of the Ji Nantian, there is no dream, his heart is embarrassed, and you can't control it.


The sword is unparalleled, and the heavy squat is on the ground floor.

"Parents, mother, double-child!" The sword was unparalleled, and the sound had a swallow.

"Double child? Are you really our pair?"

Jian Nan Tian and Ji Dream have come to come, watching people in front of me, even if the years have passed thousands of years, the sword is unparalleled, and they will recognize it.

This is true, that is their son, sword is unparalleled.

"Kid, it's really you !!"

Jian Nan Tian strongly pressed the intra-hearted excitement, Li Mang reached out to help the sword, "Get up, get up, let Laozi look good."

The sword is unpaid, and the Jian Nan Tian has no dreams, it is going to make the sword unparalleled.

"Didn't change, I have never changed, I haven't changed, I have a little child, you can let me be with your mother." Jiannan's face finally showed a smile.

"It's good to come back, come back," Ji did not dream, her face has spread over tears.

Their family is incomplete from the beginning.

In the past, it was Ji no dream to separate his father and son, and in order to make a family, the sword is unparalleled with Jian Nan Tian, ​​especially the Jiannan Tian, ​​but also experienced a hundred deaths and life, and finally kill She was a deceived, and I was apless.

After that, their family had a short reunion.

It can be good, and the sword is unparalleled back to the world. When I went to the gods, this will be enough for thousands of years.

This thousands of years have been separated, as a parent's Jienan Tiantian and Ji dream, the thoughts are concerned, what is rich.

But now, the sword is unparalleled.

No matter what thoughts before, what is worried, since it is back, it is all fine.

"Uncle, the big mother!"

The sound sounded, and Ye Chen, who took the sword on the campus, ran over.

The sword has no double in the campus, and the next move has previously attracted the attention of all people on the campus, and naturally includes Ye Chen.

"This, is it a son who is worried in your heart?" Ye Chen looked at the sword.

He followed the Sword Nan Tian and Ni Dream around him ten years, and he often heard that Jiannan Tian and Ji did not mention the sword. There was a unparalleled, and also known that the swords and Ji did not have such a son, but it was only left very early. Going a far away, there is no news in these years.

"Double, I will introduce you, this is Ye Chen, a little guy in our adoption." Ji did not dream.

"As the only son with the big lady, he has not been around the big mother, and there is no news, let the uncle have worried for so long, you can be happy." Ye Chen watched the sword, there is a penny, the words .

Following the Jiannan Tian, ​​Ji did not live for ten years. He also took the Jiannan Tian and Ji did not dream as his parents. He knows that his 'parents' have been in the night, and there is no two, and now I have a sword. I have seen the sword. I have to replace. I'm a parent 'blame one sentence.

"Ye Chen, don't talk." Ji did not wrinkled frown.

"The big mother, I said this is the fact." Ye Chen said.

I heard Ye Chen's blame, the sword is unparalleled, and he knows that Ye Chen is right.

I have left tens of millions of years, and there is no news, my parents, will it be worried?

"Double, Ye Chen, the child is still twenty years old, still very young, what he said, you don't care." Ji did not dream.

"Reassured, my mother, I will not mind, and this little guy is also very interesting." The sword was unpaired, "said Ye Chen," Little guy, I can see it, you hide a very Strong hatred, if I didn't guess the wrong, you should be suffering from the blood and seas, and there is no accident, the people who come outside, should come to you. "

"People outside the town?" Ye Chen's face change.

"Oh, it is already coming." The sword has no double smile, and the head is turned to look forward to the front.

There, there are nearly 100 people in the past 100 people. This nearly 100 people are almost hierarchical, and there is no one in the gods. In the sword where there is no eyes, even the antity is not, but the fire community, especially For the territory of this Qingshan Town, the real god is definitely the top power.

Nearly 100 people are true gods, such waiting lineups, but quite amazing.

And seeing this nearly 100 people came, Ye Chen's face immediately became difficult to look, because he recognized him, these people were the people who were killed by his family, which was headed by people, ten years ago, He also met.

"Is Ye Jia's more end, is it in this town?"

In the case of a hundred people's shadow, it is a blue hair.

This blue-haired old man faces cold, cold, with a cold and cold, his tone is also a high-level posture, the sound is also spread throughout the entire Qingshan Town.

I heard his voice, I felt a horrible breath on these people, and many residents in Qingshan Town showed the color of panic.

They are very clear that these people come now, I am afraid that one will make them like the green mountain town ash.

"Go back to the big people, just in this town, I have seen him, but I am there." There is a true God, there is a true respect, and he also reached out, pointing to Ye Chen in the campus below. .

"Oh, it is there, it is not a lot of ten years, but this is a lot, but this is the same as before, the inch is not in." The young man is smirk, but it lifted his hand, " Since I found it, I used to kill him directly, bring his body back to it. As for this town, I also wipe it. "


Those of the live gods behind, I plan to shoot.

"Slow !!"

A low drinting suddenly sounded, and the Ye Chen's face was somewhat. He lifted his head staring at everyone, and a shocking killing raised.

It should be noted that this Ye Chen itself does not have any cultivation, but he can have this kind of kill, you can think that the hatred in his heart is unwillingly.

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