Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3670 Unparalleled Lord

(The first to come!)


I looked at the two people who rolled out from the broken void, the young man was completely ridiculous.

That two people, one of them didn't know, but another person, he is very familiar, that is his mountain, that is, the purple days he just mentioned!

And the person he didn't know, the breath of the body was strong than the purple days, which made this blue hair to guess the road, that person, eight achievements is the Master of Purple God, the magic water! !

Just mentioned, it is obviously the two people who deliberately moved out, and they appeared in front of him, and these two were obviously caught here.

"Where is this?"

"Master, you are here? What is going on here?"

From the broken emptiness, the purple days of the rolloves, the Magic Shui Emperor is a brain.

They didn't know what happened. I only knew that I was originally good. Suddenly there was a big hand, grabbed them, then they appeared here, and the place they are now obviously followed by them. The gathering is extremely far away.

Directly crafted the void, capture them from the extremely distant place, such a means, enough to let the purple days have been treteed with the magic water.

"I didn't have a half-point resistance, I was caught here. This is a very incredible, even if the most powerful white emperor recognized by the ancient chaotic world, he can't do this, who is it. Who?"

The Emperor of the Magic Water is coming to the surroundings.

And soon he saw the sword on the ground, and the Sword of Jian Nan.

When I saw Jian Nan Tian, ​​the Magic Shui Emperor had an eye.

Jiannan Tian, ​​as one of the fire communities, it is also the top emperor, and the magic water is of course known.

For the southern days of the sword, there is a fear, but it is only awesome, but it will not be too fearful, and the strength of Jian Nan Tian knows less than him, but it is much better than him. It may still be slightly weak, and it is natural that it will not be able to catch this moment.

Then, he saw the existence of swords.

When I saw the sword unparalleled, the Emperor of this Mo's Emperor wrinkled.

He felt a little familiar in the first time, but he couldn't remember when he had seen each other, and the sword was unparalleled. Although there was no breath, it was as if the ordinary person is general, but this is this The feeling of Pu Tutong, instead, the Emperor of the Magic Water.

"My name, called the sword is unparalleled, you may have heard." The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled?" The magic water emperor is moving, but it is a big shock, "the sword is unparalleled? Thousands of years ago, the leaders of the ancient chaotic world, it is enough to sit in flatness with Bai Di, even more than the Bai Di's unparalleled sword Emperor? The savior of the ancient chaotic world, the creator of the fire circle, the creator, unparalleled city? "

"Unparalleled Sword Emperor? Savior? No Double City Lord?" The sword is unparalleled but smile. "When will I, how much is it?"

I heard the sword is unparalleled.

He is also a strong master of the emperor. It is a member of the top of the ancient chaotic world. It is of course clear about millions of years ago, and thousands of years ago, the chaotic world has been in a desperate situation, but in that Among the despections, it is a genius that is famous as a sword, and the power of the monarch is helping the vital chaotic world through the crisis.

And this sword is unparalleled, and it is called the cultivator of the later generation. It is now a thousand years of experience in the past, and the name of the sword is unparalleled. It has long been a legend and myth, but many years ago. It is still remembering this super existence.

Therefore, when the big brother of the magic water learned that the people in front of the legend were unparalleled, the shock in his heart was not able to describe in the language.

In addition to being shocked, this magic emperor is coming, it is horrified! !

He understood that since this person is the legend of the unparalleled city, it is certain that he will take himself here, and such a super existence, if there is anything, how can I have no reason to force him Come here?

"The magic water and the disciple of the disciple, seeing the unparalleled city owner, I don't know if the city owner will call me two people, what is the command? "The Magic Shui Emperor has respectful.

And the purple days next to the Emperor of the Magic Shui, did not dare to come out.

He heard about the name of the sword, although not much, but since the sword didn't have a double, he had just showed the terrorist strength, and his master tried this respectful look, he understood, the people in front of him, not they What can be enabled.

"The Emperor of the Magic Shui, I will follow you, and your disciple doesn't have any hanged, but just, this person said that it is a life of your disciples, the people of the emperor, to kill this town Dead, which also includes my parents, after I have blocked, he also moved out of you, want to threaten me, you said, what should I do? "The sword is unparalleled.

Although the sword is unparalleled with any angry and killing, he listens to the ears of the magic water emperor with the purple day, but it is like a sunny day.

"Do you want to kill the parents who have no double city owners?" The Emperor of the Magic Water only felt a little dizzy.

"Stupid goods, this group of damn idiots !!" Zi Tianqi also roared at the beginning, looked at the eyes of the young people and others, but also full of shocking.

He is to have a young man and others to chasing Ye Chen, and also told them to kill everyone who has the relationship with Ye Chen, but he did not let these people will take swords and unparalleled.

Also kill the sword unparalleled parents? This is simply a big joke.

In fact, the young people and others are also very innocent. They do just comply with the Purple God ordered to act, but I didn't expect this town to hide the big Buddha.

They are now also want to cry without tears.

At this time, the magic water greatly opened again. "The city owner, you can rest assured, I will definitely give you a satisfactory manner."

"Yes? Then I am waiting." The sword has no double smile.

The magic water emperor is cold, but the next moment is a lightning shot.

He naturally didn't dare to shoot the sword, including the residents in this town, he did not dare to shoot, and at this moment he was dealt with, and he was a blue and old people.

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