(The first to come!)


These people will think that it is also normal. After all, the so-called war is mainly the treasures left by the three major sanctuary.

The three major sanctuary dominated for so long, they accumulated the treasures of resources, it was too much.

30% of resources ... Sufficient, a large force, Zongmen, is a long time.

The sword is unparalleled, so having so many resources?

They don't know, these resources, swords are not used, but the people around him can use it.

First of all, it is Qixing Xuanzong.

Seven Star Xuanzong experienced the battle, the bottom is lost, although there is a chance to reunion, but in addition to a strong person, there is naturally a large number of resources, so the sword is unparalleled 30% of the resources, one of them must be Have left to Qixing Xuanzong.

With this result, it is easy to reunite with the strength of the strong people in Qixing Xuanzong.

As for the other two-result, the sword is unparalleled for many cultural people in the world.

Wancha Chaos World, the gap between the Taijie Shenjie is still too much, and those practitioners have come to the gods from the euchao chaotic world, so the sword is unparalleled to find a part of the territory in the genre. Forces, these resources are used as the operation of that force.

Although there is no double one for the sword, there are some people who are dissatisfied, but no one will dare to say more.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, "the remaining 70% of the results, including the Arabic, Time and Space Temple, Tianzu Road, the four major gods, each of which, as for the last 30% ... Participating in the six-party heaven, as well as the Zijingmen, Too many forgetting valleys. "

"For this allocation, I don't know who is opposed there?"

The sword is unparalleled, but who has different opinions, but directly says who opposes, this meaning is very clear.

That is, this allocation he has decided, will not change again.

In terms of all parties to the scene, do not say that the allocation of swords and unparalleled, even if there are a few people who are dissatisfied, they don't dare to say opposition.

After all, in the face of so many people, this is the face of the passion, who dares to do this?

The sword is unbolded, overlooking the last for a long time, seeing no one is open to refute, he said: "Since no one oppose, the treasure of the three major sanctuary of this time is allocated in this way."

"In addition to these resources treasures, there is a thing, it is the territory of the three holy areas, with the site ..."

The power of the party's strength or the highest level is immediately in the spirit.

For them, this big battle in this war is not the treasures left by the three major sanctuary, but the territory, with the site! !

The three major sanctuary, in the Great Great God, said that the territory of its control is always the best in the world.

Especially the old nest of the three major sanctuary is what they are now in this void.

Here, it is the core of the three days. Although it has just been encountered a tragic war, it is just a variety of architectural laws that ruined this territory. It will not be too much influence on this territory. of.

It is still the best territory in the world, such a territory, the role of practitioners is naturally extremely huge.

Imagine, if there is any partial force or a Zongmen to account for this territory as its own old nest, then the practice of the disciples will be a lot more faster than other places, the chance of the birth is naturally. .

Because of this, they will only take a special area of ​​these territories.

And the sword is unparalleled under the expectations of everyone.

"Three major sanctuary, those who have mastered before, those sitting, I am too lazy to pay, but one thing is that this territor in this three major sanctuary, will be controlled by Qixing Xuanzong, this, I don't know if there is Different opinions. "The sword is unparalleled this time, let everyone express opinions.

"I won the average, there is no opinion." The first opening of the Lord.

"The Tempral Temple, no opinion." The Temple of the Temple is also open.

"In the first seven-star Xuanzong is in the hands of the three major sanctuary, the seven-star Xuanzong must reunite, and the old nest of the three holy regions is very reasonable. I have no opinions in the field of Tianzu Road." Tianzu also said.

All the three free leagues have shown their position.

In the following, the paramenors below saw this, and they didn't dare to say half of them.

From the perspective of swords, and the attitude of the three freely alliances, it is clear that they have long decided to hand over this territory in the old nest of the Sanctuary, let Qixing Xuanzong reunited.

In this case, then there are opportunities they have to force?

Of course, even if the best in the territory gave seven-star Xuanzong, the remaining three major sanctuary have also mastered many territories and the site, and the attraction of them is still very large.

"The rest of the things, you will allocate it yourself." The sword is unparalleled, but it has turned directly to it.

"I am three freely interested in the territory of the territory, those things, you look at it."

The three freelance Union, and the Lord of the United States as a representative, followed by directly left.

As for the four gods, because there is already a huge, and the cultivation conditions are very good, they are not interested in other places, nor is it to compete with the foundation of the land.

Instead, the Six-Party Tianzong and those who have been deeply profound and have begun to fight for these sites.

Of course, no matter how they are fighting, this is nothing to do with the sword.

On the empty, the sword is unparalleled, the , the time and space of the Temple, and the mysterious people with the ancestors are all standing there, the eyes overlook the ground below.

"These three major sanctuary, ending is destroyed." The sword was unparalleled.

He reluctantly remembers that he has been forced by the three sanctuary several times.

Several times, he almost died in the hands of the three major sanctuary.

At the same time, from the previous world, these three major sanctuary have been a mountain. This mountain has been blocking him, and even if he wants to crush him, he is fortunate enough to survive, until now, I finally gave this mountain to a thorough shred.

"When I had a time, the three major sanctuary was a giant, I looked at it, but now, but a ruin." The sword is unparalleled, but the eyes flashed a complicated look.

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