Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3700, the first person in the beginning

(The first to come!)


The three major sanctuary, destroyed.

This news is like a huge storm, in just a few days, the whole triple day is swept throughout the three days, and even the entire gods.

The whole of the gods, countless power, countless paramenors, including countless cultivators, vibrants due to this news.

No way, for many people, this news is too amazing.

The three major sanctuary ... is too early to be a long time.

It is like three giants, overlooking everything.

That high in the three holy bits, especially in the heart, invincible existence.

Even rumors that the three Saint-Gentry is the spokesperson of the Tai Chu Shen Tiandao, who represents the height of the Taiji Shen.

However, there is a three major sanctuary of the three invincible holy borders, which will be completely destroyed, which seems to be completely reversed, it is too unbelievable.

Therefore, when many people have just started to get this news, they will not believe in nasal.

Until later, as this news spread, even after the mirror screen of the first battle, this news was completely confirmed.

The three major holy area is indeed covered.

The result is caused by a large extent because of the existence of a person.

This person is a sword! !

About 100,000 years ago, the Lord of the saints, the front of the rules, and the Lord of the Hard to Holy Stay, called the first day of the first day of the Taijie gods, and the sword was unparalleled. Talent, is amazing.

In the god community, countless people were shocked for his talent.

But the horror is shocked, shocking, and the talent cannot represent its true strength.

Like Tai Chi Shen, I have also born a lot of amazing genius. These genius also once shocked, but in the end, these geniuses can really take the road of peak, but less.

So the existence of swords in the sword, just remembered many people, then marveling a two, but most force, but did not really put the sword too much.

but now……

More than 100,000 years ago, the super genius that made everyone felt the incredible strength. On the battle of the three major sanctuary, they directly killed the three main prospects. At the same time, I also killed the three masterpieces of the three major holy area.

These horrible strength is really scared.

It is important to know that the Lord of the Holy State, including the master, almost invincible in the gear of the world.

This has long been recognized.

But the sword is unparalleled, but the Lord of the Holy Gentry is dominated, and it is still a sight of the three holy land, plus three dominates, what is this concept?

This shows that the war is unparalleled in the Taiji God, far exceeding the Lord of the Shengde, and even far more than general dominance.

It can be sure that he is more than the leader of the gods, than the leaders of the three free leagues, the Lord, the Lord of the Temporary, and the Tianzu are strong.

Therefore, after this war, the strength of the sword has been recognized by countless practitioners, saying that he is the first person in the gods! !

In this case, in the fastest speed, it passed to the , the temple of Time and Space, and the Tiansu Road, but no matter what is the Lord of the United States, the Tempirator is still the ancestor, but has not come to refute, but the default.

Very normal, first, these three have no double relationship with swords, all stand in the same camp.

Second, single only in the god of the gods, the fighting power of swords is really much stronger than them, because they will be greatly limited in the gods, while the sword is unparalleled.

As for the universe battlefield, the sword is unparalleled. It is also the level of higher master, and I am afraid it is only a bumper to fight.

In this case, it is true that the sword is unparalleled is the first person in the gods.

The three dominated defaults are completely shaped in the title of the first person in the sword.

Soon, the name of Jian Tianhou once again resounded throughout the gods.

This time, his name is followed by the genus of the gods, has completely exceeded the old master.

The first person, the first person, Jian Tianhou, fully implemented.


The vast universe, boundless.

There is a certain distance from the Great Gate, which is still in the edge of the universe, but it is not some of the barren land of the universe.

There are hundreds of stars in this territory, and there are hundreds of stars, and there are more than enough.

To know, the star far field where the Tai Chuyi is located, but a secondary gentle is not.

Among the six second-order stars, there is a star, surrounding a large number of black mist, it is like the magic clouds rolling.

This star is a magic cloud.

Before the deep purple hall, one height was more than three meters, a messy hair, the whole body was dirty, and the smoky burly man was lying there. There was a haired haired wolf behind him.

This man is relied with each other, and a relaxed look.

"I don't know, this day, when is a head." The burly man muttered, turning over, took out a hug, and drink a big mouth.

He has not yet come and put the wine pot.


It's a cold, fierce in this world.

In this cold, there is a trace of anger.

After hearing this cold, the burly man was shocked, and the kohole in his hand came out, he immediately stood up with the fantasy figure.

"Tell the ice, the one more, then give him a 30,000 years. If he still reaches this request, this seat will immediately step on his ice." Ice is cold and full The domineering sound rang this day.

"Following." The burly man immediately led.

After that, after the sound gradually dissipated, the burly man was slightly spit with the demon wolf.

"What happened, before the adults, the neighbors didn't give the ice king for more than 100,000 years, how did you only give it for 30,000 years? As far as I know, the ice king has been in accordance with the Star Lord's adults. Do not act, don't you violate the command of the Star Lord? "The burly man is embarrassed.

"Who knows, since the star of the Star Lord is ordered, the ice king, only have to be old and old." The oral man's voice of the demon wolf.

"Hey, 30,000 years, to achieve the same requirements, the ice king is miserable, nor does it know how this is good, why is the Star Lord?" The burly man smiled.

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