Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3708 Falling Huangquan

(The first to come!)


"Emperor 13, pick me this sword."

The sword is unparalleled, and the blood peeled sword in his hand also spreads light blood.

He held his hands with his hands while holding blood and swords. He lifted up, and there was a large number of swords.

The sword is unparalleled, but it has not fallen, but it is only brewing.

But the process of brewing, but there are some people present to show a shock.

"This sword is Hou, is there really a stronger sword?"

"Look at this, it seems like this."

"Single to see the process of this sword brew, its power is extremely extraordinary."

People around the battle are closely staring at the scenes in the field.

As for the Emperor's thirteen look, he gaked his sword and worsen. , With this level of swordsmanship, it can't crack my sword. "

"Oh, is it?" The sword is unparalleled, but it is not a smile.

Following the blood peak sword in his hand, finally fell.


A sword is smashed, and the void is full of chaos.

Without any roar or sound burst, the sword of the sword didn't seem to be a scaryest power.

However, the sword fell, a cold sword is ruthless and cut off. It is ruthless to tear everything in front, but also ruthlessly toward the 13th.

If the seventh-order higher learning star created before the sword is unparalleled, it is incomparable, and it is a sudden outbreak, and the sword of his current is now, but it is cold, ruthless!

This cold ruthless sword seems to have all what you encounter.

Without anyone, there is no substance, it is possible to block it.

And the name of this sword is called 'falling yellow spring.

One sword fell to Huangquan Road!

This sword should have been more embarrassing by Huangquan Shenjian, but now because only a sword is competitive, the sword is unparalleled with blood peaks, which can already show its strong power.

Everyone around the battle, seeing this cold and ruthless, as if you can cut everything, the heart is very frightened.

"Good terrible sword!"

"This sword is too strong, obvious to us is far from us, but I can still feel the shares contained in this sword."

"This sword, is indeed more stronger than the swordstemed before the Jian Tianhou, I don't know if the emperor can resist."

I am full of looking forward to the battlefield.

Everyone is watching, I am afraid that I am afraid of a picture.

In the center of the battlefield, the cold is ruthless, the invincible sword light has appeared in front of the Emperor 13.

There is still a change in the change of the emperor.


As the voice of the Emperor fell, the diameter of the terror vortexed glamorous glazing appeared again.

This windy, still contains all the power of everything, enough to resolve any offensive.

Previously, the sword was unparalleled once, no matter what kind of swordsmanship him, even the star is burning, this stroke is a mobile phone, and it can't take this wind. Instead, it is fully resolved by this glazing.

It is also based on this trick, the Emperor 13 in the world of this sword, nearly.

Now, the Emperor thirteen shows the same sword. Different, he faced the 'falling yellow spring' of the sword unparalleled.

laugh! !

It still doesn't have much roar sound, and the cold and ruthless sword light flutes the most central, which is only the sound of energy and impact.

It was thought that this cold and ruthless sword light should be dissatisfied by the appearance of the eye.

Can abrupt ...! !

The whole wind eye has a dramatic roaring, and the countless sword is violent, this sword is also lost in the previous balance, directly riots.

And the most central, the cold, ruthless sword is burst out of the rays.

~~~ The whole eye is completely stirred.

The sky is crazy, and it is broken.


The Emperor Thirteen finally revealed the shake, the depths of the heart, the moment in the eyes of the eyes, it has waters without departure.

He thought that the feelings of swords were unparalleled in the Cosmo Cosmosphere, and the swordsman who could be created, and the top of the top, the top of the seventh-order higher level.

It turns out that the sword is unparalleled now, the sword is still just a seventh-order higher school.

But he didn't think of it, that is, this sword, even defeat his sword directly.

"Cosmic rules !!"

"This sword is in the case of a bad universe !!"

Emperor thirteen shaped tremors, the pupil also enlarged.

At the moment of the swords, he found the special breath that contained in the icy sword light.

That kind of very special breath, although he did not get in touch with it, but it has also been induced.

That is the atmospheric universe rule, the universe method can have the breath.

In the swordsmanship of the sword, there is a breath of a universe.

This is simplicity.

And relatively shocked by the Emperor, the sword is unparalleled, but his face is also a smile.

"For thirty years, I was drilled in the Town Treasure, and the secret tattoo was derived from the universe, the universe of the universe was extremely rich, and the previous cosmication rules fell, I was also close. Distance to the universe is in touch with the universe ... It is because of the close contact, there is a close-distance chance, I can use the cosmic rules in the secret tattoo !! "

"This silk universe is very weak, not bad, but after all, it is from the high-end universe, I integrate it into my own swords, this is a trick that falls into Huangquan."

"Yes, this Tibetan sword of this emperor is very good. Single with a general seven-level high school, he can't break his sword, but there is a seventh-order high-level scholastic sword surgery, but it will be His hidden sword was defeated. "

The sword is unparalleled.

The universe is atmospheric, but only the universe rules come with a single breath, not the real cosmic rules.

Under normal circumstances, only the super power to achieve the supreme level is qualified to understand the rules of the universe, master the rules of such a silk universe, but if only the universe is the case, the master of the degree, but can be mastered.

Now the sword is unparalleled, just master the situation of this silk universe.


PS: No. 4 to 7, these days, in the annual meeting of the reading group, it is difficult to ensure stability within the few days.

Today, I will update one chapter. As for the second chapter, it is estimated that it will be very late. I have to come back to get back, so the second more people can wait, wait until tomorrow morning.

In addition, the update in these days is very difficult, everyone must see what I left, give you the inconvenience, please forgive me.

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