Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3715, is like a cloud



Not only single, the Star Palace with three freely alliances, at this moment, the top of this star field is almost all brought together around the Red Shishan.

Like the sword, there is no difference in the void, with the sword unparalleled soul sweeping the past, you can induce a thousand breath, you must know that the red stone mountain is wide, and the corners can enter red smoothly. Shi Mountain, and eventually enter the entrance to the red cloud, I am afraid that there are dozens of dozens.

Dozens of entrances, swords are unparalleled. They are now just at one of the entrances, and they have gathered thousands of people, and all of them are the strong people above the void.

If all the entrance adds, at this moment, the number of top strong people around the Red Rock Mountain is too much.

"There is a lot of people." The sword is unparalleled.

"The attraction of the Red cloud industry can be non-small, not only in the three battlefields in the three battlefields, there are still many years ago, and they have never moved in the universe battlefield. I heard the news. Almost everyone is coming, but not only the Lord of the rules, even the power of the dominant level ... Many ancient existence, know that the Red cloud industry is open, will definitely come over. "

"After the front, all the strong people added up, the light coming, I am afraid it will not be less than forty." Time and Space Temple.

The sword is unparalleled.

Forty master ... This quantity looks scary, but it is actually a few primary gods now have several dominates, and the Taijie Shenjie is just a three-level star that is not unveiled to the Dingsheng period.

You must know that this star area has dozens of stars. Many stars have long been dramatically until the Dingsheng period, and there have been many stars to come, but the strong is left behind.

Although there is a large part of the choice to enter the depths of the universe, but continue to stay in this star field.

If you add these all, the number of master-level power of this star field is much more.

The red cloud industry was born, gathered a three or forty masters to come to sway, which is normal.

"It seems that our trip to Hongyun is, you want to get one or two strongest universe to treasure, I am afraid that it is not so easy." The sword has no double.

"Of course, it is not easy. The last time the Tianzu can get a strongest to the trekie, it is very lucky, but this time we have the three main three domains, and the two combat power is high, and then Plus me to get to time and space, as long as you can find the strongest universe to the treasure, get your hand's grasp is still very big. "Time and Space Temple.

"Well." The sword nodded.

At the same time in the sword unparalleled with the Temporary Temple, at this entrance, there are thousands of strong people, they all gathered together, whispered.

Do you have a gaze that you have seen the sword.

No way, this entrance is much strong, but the power of the main level, but only two, all in the sword, unparalleled, is difficult.

"That kind of void, is a person in the Star Palace? No, some don't seem."

"Not all the Stars, there are some three freely alliances from the Tai Chi Shenjie, but according to the news, the three free leagues in the Taijie Shenjie are originally wearing a pants, but now standing before those people. The position is inside, I know that the time of the time and space is to know, as for another ... "

"That is the Lord of the United States, once also smashed in the universe battlefield, and the famous arrogance is not small, but it has not been moved in the battlefield many years. It is said that there will be some changes in the Tai Chuyi, which is some of the people. Special reasons have been staying in the gods. "

"Hey, your news has been outdated, I have a friend to visit me for some time. He is a unique power from the Tai Chu Shen, and he told me that the generic gods did not have a big change. The original hegemonic's three major sanctuary was completely destroyed, and now the gentle god community is said to be a tub! "

"And the leaders of the Taijie Shenjie, not only the , the time and space of the temple, and there is a strong man named Jian Tianhou!"

"The three major sanctuary is destroyed?"

"No wonder, the holy island seems to be off."

"Jian Tianhou? Who is the Jian Tianhou? Is it dominated?"

Many strong people secretly communicate.

And the red-haired old man who was obviously known for the Taijie Shenjie, laughed: "You may not know the name of Jian Tianhou, but the big name is the master, what do you want to know?"

"The Lord of Swords?"

The many strong people present were all in the field, and a look at the head of the temple in the Tempral Temple. The sword in the middle of the Skyregor is not double, and the throat is encountered.

Indeed, the sword is not known.

But the Lord of Sword, but they are like Thunder.

That is, in the face of the top five six-legged strong, in this star field, is the strongest person known as the rules.

"The Jian Tianhou is the Lord of Sword, I heard that he has now had the strength of the master level." The red-haired old man laughed.

"Master level?" Everyone was shocked.

"How is it? He has the strength of the master level?"

"Look at the breath, he is just a rule of the rules, did not reach the master?"

"It's hard to say that he has had a big event before, and when he defeated five six-year-old, his strength has been unlimited. Now it has passed nearly 10,000 years, and it may be a breakthrough. What is strength? "

Everyone is talking.

However, there is no doubt that they are pairs of swords and unparalleled things, and the main two people are full of fear.

The master of the master level, the Lord of these rules is definitely can't afford.

And the sword is unparalleled, whether it really has the power of the master level, single he has paid five elements of the five elements, and is recognized as the strongest in this star area rule, this is enough to let these rules They chestnated.

When the red cloud fog is scattered, after entering the Red Cloud industry, if these people are in the case of the sword, they are definitely hiding far away.

at this time……

! !

The surrounding voids, the space slightly swayed, and the white robe is slowly stepped out.

When this person appeared, a strong breath was immediately swept.

"Master, is the master?"

"Is there a master?"

This entrance to thousands of strong people induced the breath, and immediately saw it.

Even the sword is unparalleled, and the three people of the Tempral Temple, the Tempracens are also eye-catching.

And when they see clearly, the sword is unhealthy, but it is a smile of playing.

"It's him?"


PS: Today is more coming!

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