Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3721 Someone wants to see me?



The Lord of Ci Red is indeed a good thing. I don't know who should give the peak to the Bao Wanjia.

At this time, the sword is unparalleled first. "Wuqing dominated, you come over now, is it difficult to fight with me to grab this peak?"

"Is the peak to the treasure war armor?" Wuqing dominated his eyes secretly shrinks, and he scored himself. He smiled: "The Blood Sword is misunderstood, I just perceive this void's movement of this void. Since you rush here, you have to fall into the sword, and I naturally have no better competition. "

"After all, everything has to have a first time."

"Oh?" The sword is unparalleled.

The people around those rules, the look is more quirky.

In this red cloud, the battle for the treasure is still going to come first.

What is joke.

"Since the competition already has the result, then I will leave." Wuqing dominated that there was no doubts around the people around him, and they had turned directly to it.

Soon, Wuqing mainly disappeared in front of everyone.

This scene is even more attractive to those rules present.

"How come, Wuqing dominated, just like this?"

"There is no idea, it will go straight, this is the blue, when is it so good?"

"Is there a honey palace behind the stern owner, it's not right, although the Star Palace is also a big power, but it is not strong to the North Sea Palace, this Wushen dominates should be complete No need to take advisorite. "

"I still say that Wuqing domain knows that this blood sword is not good, I can't do anywhere, so I can only leave, but the peak to Bao War now has not yet falling into this blood sword."

The Lord of the rules around, clearly understand the move of Wuqing dominates.

They don't understand, why is this Wuqing dominated that there is no idea, it will leave directly.

You must know that it is a peak to the treasure warfare, but it is enough to let many dominate the eyes, for it.

The only thing on the court has not felt too much about the departure of Wuqing's main slaughter. Naturally, the sword is unparalleled.

"Oh, I still have to know the phase." The sword was unparalleled.

He knows that Wusong is the main kickness, it is obviously the latter is not willing to compete with him for a peak to fight.

"There is a peak to the treasure war armor. It is not the strongest to treasure. I can't commit this to the treasure, and then to provoke this Blood sword. Otherwise, whether it can compete for the hand, the key is to put this blood sword If I am sinned, I don't just secretly expose it, and the Lord of this blood sword can be the dominance of the Star Palace to kill me, and even murdered my present. "

"Once they are stared at them, I can't escape."

Wuqing dominates the idea.

If it is the strongest to treasure, he has to use himself, or it really makes him the strongest to treasure. He is likely to be really desperate with the sword.

Otherwise, he is absolutely afraid to provoke the sword.

Wuqing dominated one away, this competition has no longer suspense.

That kind of chairlry, the old man gave the peak to the treasure battle to the sword, the sword didn't have a double investigation, and found that although this to the treasure warfare is indeed a peak to the treasure level, but the discipline, with oneself The blood magic tianea compared to the difference.

This is a treasure, he is definitely not used, but in the future, go to the Jiu Di Court to redeem other treasures, but it is still possible.

Twenty years, you can get a peak to the Baorai, which is already great.

Next, the treasure to the treasure in the Hongyun Dynasty is still going on.

It is another 50 years.

In these fifth years, the peak of the Hongyun Dynasty is coming to treasure, which has reached the number of twelve, and most of them attacked the treasure. The peak is only one, that is, the sword is unparalleled, there is one More precious soul attacking the peak to treasure, was gotten by a master.

The large land of the broad land, a blood red.

~~~ The sound of a faint knife sounds.

In front of the void, a purple war is quietly suspended there, a high universe spread from this purple knife.

At the moment of this purple war knife, I have been waiting for the main instant of more than ten rules around.

Suddenly ... a vast space of time and space is like a corrugated swept away.

All the rules of the purple war knife rushed away, at this moment, the huge limit of time and space, and the body's speed was greatly weakened.

It's close to the eyes of everyone, and a ghost figure appeared next to the purple war knife. He whed the purple knife in Qiankun.

Seeing the purple war knife has been taken away by the other party. After more than ten rules, after a short anger, it has revealed helpless colors.

Because they have already seen people who take the purple war knife.

That is the Lord of Sword, which is recognized as the strongest existence in this star rule.

The purple war knife falls into the hands of the sword, and they have no chance to compete.

Suddenly, the Lords of more than ten rules have begun to scatter.

The sword is unparalleled, but it is planned to leave, but it is at this time to take the initiative to dress him.

"Well?" The sword didn't look at the people in front of himself.

"Tiantiao, see the Lord of Blood Sword." The people came with a ribbon.

"Tiantiao God, do you have anything?" The sword asked without a pair.

For this day, the sword is unparalleled, it is a strong strong six-way strong, and this strength is definitely unqualified to compete with himself.

"Yes, I have a friend who wants to be with the Blood Sword, so I want to see you, let me find a way, please wait for him." Tiaoto God.

"Oh? Someone wants to see me?" The sword has no double look, "" Who is your friend, who? "

"This, when he arrived, you will know." Tiaobao gods laughed.

The sword is not a double brow, "Okay, then I will wait for a shortness, but I only wait for half an hour, after half a time, if your friend is not arrogant, then I will leave."

"Reassured, my friend I heard that after the third continent, I also came to this continent above ten years ago. Now I am not too far away, I don't have to have half an hour, and he will arrive. Tianda God.

"Then I will wait." The sword is unparalleled.

Who is the friend of the Tiaoto God, he doesn't know, but there is absolute strength as a capital, he is not worried that the Tian marma God will calculate him.


PS: Today is more coming!

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