Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3723 Baby General



As the intensive cricket sounds, the dense linear knife of the blood emperor showed that the sword was unbensed.

"It's amazing, I have to show the most strong secrets. In this moment, I am from the power of the power, it is not asia to dominate, but can he still be so easy to relax my knife?" Blood? " The Emperor's eyes flashed in the color of exciting.

Next, he no longer hit it.

"The Lord of Sword, pick me up the strongest knife."

When the voice fell, he saw that the blood of the emperor slammed the body, and he was in the rush on the way.

~~~ Endless blood knife is screaming.

These bloody swords, every way is like a bending blood bright moon, and there is hundreds of bloody knives, like a huge blade, covering the sky.

For a time, the whole world is covered by this bloody blade.

In the case of the most central, one of this bloody blade, a survey of countless rules.

I saw the end of the front, a swelling blood, straight.

This bloody, incomparably dazzling, at that moment, the whole bloody knife in the surrounding blood is like a lot of colors.

The whole world seems to be completely dark. In this unhappy darkness, there is only this blood.

It is the focus of the heavens and the earth, is the only color between the heavens and the world.

"This knife is not bad."

The sword has no double smile, he still does not pull the sword, still refers to the sword.

When the blood is forced to him, his right hand finger, it is straightforward, it is like a profit, the thorns are void.

This sword, swords are still never to show swordsmanship, still just a simple straight implicator, but the sword is unhappy, but it is filled with a strong sword universe.

In an instant, everything around it disappeared.

The blood-colorant ocean has been completely dissipated, and it has become the only color of the world, and it is also very dim to dissipate.

The fiery of the sword is unparalleled, but she has never taken any power, but it has already been on the chest of the Blood Emperor.

"You lose." The sword is unparalleled.

"This, how is this possible?"

The emperor still stood there and looked at the fingers of the chest sword, but his eyes were rolled, and he was also a blank in his mind.

He is completely ignited.

He didn't think of it. This knife is already the mainstay of the master, and after the secret surgery, the short-lived power of the dominant, this moment, his combat power should be Infinity approach dominates.

But like this knife, the result is still directly defeating that the sword is unparalleled.

He didn't pull the sword, just use his own fingers, in front of his swordsman, then point on his chest.

This feeling is like a giant is bullying a weak baby.

He saw that the sword was not useless to the beginning, he has been very casual and easy, but even the same, it is still easy to defeat him.

He was completely crushed by the sword, and he was bullied by the sword.

Next to the empty, I have been watching the trendy God of God, and it is also shocked.

"How can it be? How can I be defeated?"

"Even if the strength of the blood sword exceeds the blood of the Emperor, I don't know if the gap is so big. Is it ..."

The Tiandu God will immediately think of a possibility.

At the moment, the blood and the emperor came down at the moment. He looked up and watched the sword unparalleled and asked: "The Lord of Sword, you broke through the dominant?"

"Breakthrough dominates?" The sword has no double, followed but a lot of smile, "I didn't break through the master, but my strength, I have already exceeded the general first-class dominance."

"There is no breakthrough master, but the war has exceeded the general master?" The emperor is stunned, and he hits him, "It seems that I am sitting in the sky, I thought it was the main thing of the rules, I It should have been the strongest thing, you will be better than me, it is absolutely unpleasant, you can go ... You are much better than me, it is completely two different levels. "

"Blood Emperor, you don't have to be discouraged, I can reach this step today, not only because I have a lot of special reasons, but also because I have some special encounters, as for you, in the rules of the rules, you indeed It is very terrible. "The sword has no double.

He said this, it is not for a comfortable blood, but the strength of the latter is indeed very good.

At least in the Lord of Rules, the strength of this blood, the end of the Dynasty is absolutely able to make the sword unparalleled.

It is a special life, but also has a strong mystery. It is possible to get a good power of the first-class dominance in a short time, and he has created a master of school, this strength, To a certain extent, it is no longer a weakness than a first grade.

"No matter how my strength is, anyway, I can't compare with you, and with you, let me understand, one mountain has a high mountain, single in this star field, the rules are far more than me. Strong existence, let alone the whole vast universe, there must be more than you, even more terrible genius than you, I can't wait. "

"After the competition for the Hongyun industry, I set out, the depths of the universe!" Blood Emperor Road.

"Do you want to go to the universe?" The sword was not aid.

The emperor of the bloody watch next to the war is also revealed.

He didn't expect that the blood emperor and the sword were there without double a war, there will be this idea.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, this battle, thank you." The blood of the emperor.

"Polite." The sword was unparalleled.

"Right, one thing, you are afraid, don't know?" The blood of the blood suddenly.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Not long ago, there was a sword stone to be born around the third continent, and there was a sword stone.

"Sword Stone?" The sword was unparalleled.

He is on the third continent, and the mysterious gods have been collecting intelligence in the Red cloud industry through various channels, but he did not hear what kind of swordstone.

"This sword stone has any special things, who was last got?" The sword asked.

"What is the specific use of this swordstone, I don't know, but it is certain that the cultivator of the Campaign is greatly beneficial, and this sword stone is connected to the Red cloud industry, it can be said that this piece One part of the earth, no one can take it away, so this sword stone should still be there, if you have time, you can go to see it. "The blood of the emperor.


PS: Today is more coming!

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