

A sword rain, killing nearly 80 rules, swords unparalleled, the Lord of all the rules present.

Of course, this does not include that hegemony dominates.

"Kid, hand in the wings!"

A roar, the hegemony of the golden armor is dominated, holding the huge amount of gold ax, but the whole body suddenly skyrocketing.

Originally, it is only a normal human size. It can only be a talge of hegemony, actually turning into a golden giant of ten meters high. This golden giant has exudes the temperament of the sky, killing the sky, like the killing from hell Magn God.

His pace has taken out, and every step is seriously trampled, the horror power, if it is in the outside world, I am afraid it will be immediately stepped on.

Just just a few steps, the golden magic of the hegemonic dominates has appeared in front of the sword, and the huge gold ax in the hands is too angry.


One ax is cut out, the golden ax in the huge giant ginseng, it seems that the heavens and the earth are secondary,

That suffocating horror, from the gold axes, there is a lot of colors around many rules.

The sword is not blessing is also a sink.

He can ignore the Lord of all the rules present, but he does not dare to ignore this hegemony.

After all, this can be a genuine, and the strength is extremely high.


The sword is unparalleled, and the life of life is in the moment.

The ambiguity of the universe is given, and it has also been urgent to reach the extreme.

"Star fire burning!"

With endless violent swords, it was chopped in an instant, and the huge golden ax on the vast waves collided.

A loud noise of the heavens and earth.

The people of those rules around the war are all in the ear, while the horrible power is crazy from the place where two power collides.

~~~ Endlessness Crush, disappear directly in the world.

This scene, giving everyone a breath.

"Return! Retreat !!"

"It's just that Yu Bo can easily annihilate the rules of the rules of the void, what horror horror?"

"It's terrible, high-grade fierce battle is not what I can be able to do it."

The people around the surrounding rules have retired from the distance and retreat to the battlefield.

Although they still hold a lot of heart in the black wings, they don't dare to break into the terrorist battlefield at this moment.

After all, the treasure is good, but it is not as important as life.

The most central ... !!

Two people have been recovering.

The sword has no double eyed is cold, staring at the hegemony of the eyes.

The hegemony is dominated, but the eyes are slightly.

"Good kid, I heard you before defeating the lord, and I was forced to escape. Others said that you have high-priced war, but I haven't taken it back now, but now I really hand together, even if it is I have to admit that you do have a high-priced war, even in the high master, it is very strong, at least the power of the frontal fight, you are never weak than me. "The hegemony is dominated.

The hegemony is dominated, and the people are very arrogant.

He is the strongest, also attack, overbearing, strong attack.

But just, he has just fully implemented ax law and swords unparalleled hard. As a result, he did not occupy a half-point advantage, which made him immediately understand that the sword is unparalleled in the attack, is not weaker than him.

"The hegemony is dominated, the wings have fallen into my hand, you want to get, unless you kill me, but you think, can you do this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Hey, I am killing you, but since the black wings have already fallen into your hands, then don't want to leave so easily!" The hegemony domains domineering is unparalleled, and the sorrow is: "The Lord of the Sword: I am a ax. "

Booming ~~~

Heaven and earth shakes, hegemony marches both the hands of the hand.

Time, it is a mighty, emits a suffocating powerful ax, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is not double-colored.

One-on-one, he is not afraid of this hegemony dominate, even really fights, he will make a mana, it is possible to criminalize the hegemony.

However ... he just got the black wings, but there was no time to engage this.

You know, the strongest flying class is born, and that is too dynamic, the whole of the third continent, and even the entire red clouds are shaken.

For the time being in other mainland, it is estimated that all strong people are coming to this side. Even if there is only one hegemonic to block in front of him, but if it is time, I am afraid that I will have a second place. It is the third dominant to the scene, and it is also very troublesome to him.

"I can't be engaged with this mana, I have to find a way to leave again." The sword is very clear.

He does not love the war, just want to leave.

And the hegemony marching, naturally, I also saw his intentions.

"Hey, the sword of the sword, you want to go? How is it easy."

The hegemony marching a low drink. On the way to the sword, he suddenly wrapped out a small pyramid, this 'pyramid' exudes a very rich to treasure.

"The peak of the crack is the treasure?" The sword was not changed.

"The beginning of the world, suppress everything!"

The hegemony is dominated by the scorpion, and directly put the pyramid in the hand into the upper void.

Suddenly, Jin Guang broke out from the pyramid, and the pyramid is also an unlimited zoom in the sight of everyone.

A layer of gilded light is also swept around, and it covers hundreds of thousands of miles away.

There are hundreds of thousands of miles, all covered by this pyramid.

The sword is unparalleled is also covered by this pyramid.

"Haha, the Lord of Sword, I can't escape, I am the golden tower, but the crackdown in the peak, I use it to the suppression of the suppression, even if it is the top, I can't break, you want to This crackdown was escaped, it was impossible. "The hegemony is dominated.

The sword has no double-sided colors become ugly.

His soul is swept away, and it is also possible to feel that the cracks of the pyramid release is, just like the imperial axes say, in a short time, he can't open the suppression of the crack, naturally Can not leave here.


PS: Today is more coming!

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