Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3751 Hunting Plan



"What idea?" Xiang Tianzhi is asked.

"I am thinking, this is a lot of strong in the red cloud, we really want to get the strongest to Bao Wan armor, may not be necessary to pin the red cloud to the treasure, maybe we can think of something else, such as going Hunting a master of the strongest to Bao-kan. "The sword has no double.

"Hunting dominates?" The Lord of the Skyregor and the Temph Temph Heaven is surprised, but it is sinking with the two.

Hunting has the strongest to the dominant domain, this way they are not thinking, but they are just just thinking about it.

You know, the power of the master, it is extremely strong, and most of them have a strong life-saving means, even if it is the simplest first-class master, it is very difficult to hunt.

Like swords, mysterious people, time and space, the Temporary Temporary, they have killed their holy stars, and threatened to force the land of the star.

The owner of the St. Star is indeed a great threat, and then it is down.

But this is mainly because of the sword where they have not really killed, and there is no truth to the St. Star. Otherwise, the Shet's Star is the strongest brand, but it is not necessary to fight.

Further, the sword is unparalleled to kill the old nest of the Holy Star. There is also a realistic strength of the St. Star, is also unclear. The true strength of the sword is not clear. It doesn't escape the first time. This gives them opportunities. .

If it is an ordinary master, in the place where the Red cloud industry, the bottom is very vigilant. They only have to feel that there are other dominates around the surroundings, and they will be vigilant in the first time, and if they are two or three main booses The master will never hesitate to retreat, it will not give you a chance to kill you.

"It's too difficult to hunt, it is too difficult."

Time and Space Temple Shakes, "Single Hunting Orders, I have to find a great opportunity, let alone, don't say that we have to hunt or have the strongest to Baowang's dominant, this has the strongest to Bao Wanjia Master, even the first grade, the body of the body is strong, even if it is the top higher master, it is almost difficult to kill it. "

"Yes, there is the strongest to fight the dominant, it is too difficult to kill, even if the top domains personally shot, I am afraid that there is no big grasp of killing a master of the strongest to Baoying." Tao.

The sword is not frowned.

He naturally knows that there is the strongest to fight the battle armor, but he also has a certain confidence in his own strength.

"Two, I have traveled with the top of the most powerful to Baowang armor, and I have been hurt, I also hurt him. At that time I wanted to kill him, it was indeed very difficult, but now, there is no need to have no one. Possible. "The sword is unparalleled.

"Oh?" The Lord of the Skyregor and the Tempral Temple is always.

"Jian Tianhou, how much do you have?" Asked the monks.

"40% around, if you can help me with two, there will be sixormal grasps." The sword has no double.

"Sixth?" The eyes of the Temple of the Sky Temple lit up.

To kill a master of the strongest to Baojie, it is too difficult to say that the original sword is unparalleled, and they can try it, but now there is enough Head 60% ...

"Six-to-seize, you can try it, but I don't know who we want to be a hunting target, do you want to be the main road?"

"Yes, he." The sword has a goal.

In this star field, there is the strongest to Baowang's dominant, there are not many, and most of them are the top dominates, or the strength of higher strength.

The master of that level, the sword is unparalleled, there is certainly no hunting idea.

And the first grade of the most powerful to Bao War, the sword is unparalleled, and this is the main one.

And this, the main thing is that the alone is, it is not very good for the character. If you don't care about your identity, you will take your heart, this is a long life, and he kills the rules of the three battlefields. I don't know how much it is, and the strong power is a lot.

Just because this is strong, it has the strongest to Bao Wars Actor, and there are not a few people.

Such a master, the sword is unparalleled, if it is hunting, even if the thing will be defeated, there will be no sin, but I am afraid that there are many people who will not kill this.

"This is the Lord, it is indeed the best hunting target, we shot, no matter what you kill him, there will be no more people in the event, but the strength of this, the strength is not weak, and it has been It is extremely strong, and the life-saving means seems to be weak.

"His strength, I can teach, you can don't care, the key is his life life, and I will fight with him last time. Although I will forced him to show a way of life, but it is not that he is all the cards, so we must If you are killing, you still have to prepare for Wan Quan. "The sword has no double silence.

"Yes, you have to kill a master, you must first don't let him have the opportunity to escape, time and space, can you do it in time and space, can you do?"

"I can guarantee that he can't use any time and space, or the treasure escape, and completely ban the time and space." Time and Space Temple.

"This is not enough, and the time and space has been banned, but his life is displayed, you can instantly make a far exceeding the general dominance."

"This is not worried about this, I have Xuan Guangyi in the hand, and I am not more than me." The sword is unparalleled.

Joke, there is Xuangui Tianyi, he instantly bursting the speed than the general top, he does not believe that the donkey can pass him quickly.

"Even so, we still have to be prepared, such as laying some special abadlaces in advance, or use the suppression of the treasure, suppress the void, let him not escape."

"If the crackdown to the treasure, the mysterious god is a peak to treasure, and it is extremely high. Do you want him to send it in person?" Time and Space Temple.

"No." The sword is unparalleled, but I am not forgotten. I have the strongest suppression of the treasure in the Taiqi Shenjie, and the strongest suppression to the treasure, I have been in my hands "

"You are a map of Shanhe Society?"

The Lord of the Skyregor and the Tempral Tempo is all.


PS: Today is more coming!

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