Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3753 is close to

(The first to come!)


When the sword is found to be in the range of its soul, the look of the immediately became more dignified.

At the same time, special treasures that have been hidden on him, and once again show an unprecedented desire.

"Sure enough, as long as this blood sword appears, the baby will be very impetuous. It seems that there is something that is extremely desirable, unfortunately ..." Shen, but it is to start comforting that treasure.

"Baby don't have to worry, wait for this seat, you will find a way to get the thing in the master of the sword, but now, still go fine first."

The head shook his head, and there was no intention to meet with the sword.

After all, the strength of the sword is far stronger than him, and the two sides have long been complained. At the beginning, he is only a wolf to escape by the sword.

Now I have one person alone, I naturally don't dare to face the sword, so I can only choose to retreat.

It is also ridiculous, and there is a masterpiece that actually avoids the Lord of a rule.

"The Lord of the Sword, let you first prior to a while, this seat will definitely look back." The master is holding hands, and the heart is secret.

He has specially wounded the sword.

It can be found soon, he discovered that although he took the initiative, the Lord of the Swords was also changed, and his position was rushing up.

"The Lord of this blood sword can have the strength of high-priced, and its soul sense of knowledge is not weak. This seat can induce his existence, he should also feel me, now this seat is active, he Instead, it is not indistered directly to this seat. "There is a little ugly to the main nature.

He dominated that he had taken the initiative to avoid a rule of the rules, but he didn't want the rules of the rules, but it was not indominating, and it was still rushing to him.

Although the heart is angry, the lunar is still nothing to face with the sword.

He continued to change the direction and accelerated its own speed.

However, he changed the direction, and the sword is unparalleled, and after speeding up, the speed of swords is also accelerated.

It is clear that it is completely eye-catching.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, what do you want to do?"

Under the anger of the hometown, directly consciously wit.

"The Lord, I have already played two photos before, it is an acquaintance. Now I have encountered the third time in this third continent, but you will be too greeted, just leave, it is too unhappy. Nearly loved a little. "The sword was unparalleled.

"This is not close to human condition?" The mouth is slightly convulsted. "This seat is nothing to have, but also can't say hello to you, this seat is going to leave, don't follow me."

"What is eager? How much is it to sit down?" The sword was unparalleled, but the body shape was again accelerated.

He accelerated, so that the Lord immediately vigilant, his speed also started to break out.

"This is the Lord, it is really alert." The sword was unparalleled, but he also relieved.

"It's also right, here is in the Red cloud industry, fight for killing too crazy, he knows my strength, even if I have never thought about it, but I know that I can easily take him, I don't dare to meet me. It is also normal. After all, he will be invisible, the same encounter, he wants to come to the second time. "

The sword is not smiling, and it is suddenly a look, the sound road: "The Lord, you don't worry, I don't think about it, I deliberately rely on, there is a matter."

"What?" Although the Lord returned, but did not stop.

"Yes, I heard that you have a special treasure, and the treasure is not small, so I want to talk to you." The sword has no double. "

"Special treasure?"

When the Lord heard this, the vigilance of the heart was instantly skyrocketing.

He, there is a very special treasure, which is his greatest secret, in this world, in addition to himself, there is absolutely no second person.

He has dealt with some of the rules of the rules in this year, and it is also because of the special treasure.

Now I heard the sword is unparalleled, and the first time I want to think, it is the baby in my hand.

What is the problem is, how do you know how you have that baby? Still, the special treasure of this blood sword is not that?

"The Lord of Blood Sword, this site does not know what you said." The Lord directly.

"You don't know if you don't know it? It is impossible, I am very clear that the treasure is indeed in your hands." The sword is unparalleled with a confidence, followed by: "The Lord, I think, you Still temporarily, you and I will talk about it. "

The eyes are slightly sinking.

He didn't dare to face the sword in front of the sword, but the sword was unparalleled, but he had a scruple.

He is not sure that the special treasure of the sword is not his baby. If it is true ... The baby's existence is the master of the sword, once it passed out, it is absolutely a big trouble.

So he also figured out the special treasure that the sword is unparalleled, what is it.

"Okay, this seat promise to talk to you, as for the place, don't choose, just here, I don't go, you don't close again, you and I will be separated from the void, conscious, I will communicate." The main zoning.

"Is the consciousness?" The sword smiled slightly, "Yes."

Said, the sword has stopped the pace.

The shape of the dupigo is also hurt in the void.

The two people are in the case of nearly seven thousands of voids, so it is far away.

I saw that the body shape of the dupigo was really paused. The sword didn't move on the double, but it was dark and smiled.

He naturally doesn't know what special treasures have been got, and the reason is to say, it is to let the Lord stop, so that the Tempral Tempillar of the surrounding void is convenient.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the strength is not good, and has the first to wait for the first grade of the Bao War. It must have received some special opportunities or creation, and it has also received some special treasures. This is very normal.

Don't say a master, most rules have got some special treasures, and the sword is unparalleled is only a special treasure. It is not clear what kind of, the donkey will be more scruple, do not dare to despise their own words .

Sure enough, the lupid is the same.

His body has already paused, although there is still 70,000 miles away from him, this is nothing wrong with the sword.

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