Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3758 Magic

(The first to come!)


"This void has been completely suppressed, I can't escape, and the front is killing, the Lord of this blood sword is far from me, especially his strange body law, so that I am completely can't resist, mine God, consumption is too fast. "

"No, you can't go on this again."

The eyes are gloomy.

He understands that if you continue this, he will die completely.

"There is no way, you can only use the treasure." The Lord will be determined, and there is a thrilling criminal of the eyes.

"The Lord of Blood Sword, this is you forced to this."

A low and drinking, the main turned, took out one.

"What did he come up?" Standing in the surrounding void, the Lord of the Zeng, who is close to the time of the Temporary Temple, is immediately locked.

"That is ... Huli?" The sword is unparalleled, and the things taken out.

Then it is a fluorine gourd.

At first glance, this bloody gourn, there is no two like ordinary gourd, and the sword is unparalleled.

But the main looks at the bloody gourd in his hand, but the eyes have become scarlet.

That is a fanatic, a madness.

Just like he is not a gourd, but an earth-shattering, it is enough to make the lie to all the ultimate best.

"This is the Lord, which is very fast, I was forced to be desperate, at this time he took out this gourd ... What is the gourd, what is it?" The sword didn't have a brow.

"Haha, baby, this baby, wake up."

The Lord issued a loud laughter, this big laughter fell into the perimeter, while he had opened the bloody gourd plug.

Suddenly ... a suffocating terrible power is suddenly awkward from the bloody gourd.

This is a dark flame, this flame, and the emerald is enough to let the domination.

It took advantage from the blood-colored gourd, and the void of this red cloud is like a power that can't take the black flame, and it is directly defeated.

Subsequently, the black flame of the big piece was crazy, and it was actually going to the main body.

When the blink of an eye, the whole body was wrapped in the black flame of the sky, and his body has soared a circle.

! ! !

A paramountive terrorism, spreading from the lunar main body, directly oppressing the audience.

This terrible breath impact, actually has great impact on the field of magic sands that are full of magic sands around, and the field is suppressed, and it is a big discount.

"Is this?" The sword was unparalleled to look at the .

Not only one of him, and there are two people who are next to the Temple of Temple, and they are also shocked.

They can't believe that people standing in front of me, is actually a pupil?

Although the body shape is completely changed, the breath of his body has already changed the earth-shaped change. It was originally just a first-class master, even if the strength is strong, but the power of the power is close to the higher the master. .

But now, under the cover of the black flame, the power of the old master has a lot of times, which is terrible and the sky, it is absolutely too much higher than the general higher master, even if it is the top prime Get up, the gap does not seem to be.

It is not only a powerful breath, even the soul of the Lord is in the air, and there seems to have some subtle changes in this moment.

"The Lord of Swords!"

The low sizzle is issued from the main mouth, and a green gluten is rigid, and the face has been completely distorted. The eyes are overnaught in an unprecedented anger. "The Lord of your district rules can force this seat. Using baby, summoning the magic flame, even if it is dead, it is worth proud. "

"The body of the magic flame?" The sword didn't straighten it slightly.

"Go to the next hob." The old eyes blunt, the shank scratched in his hand, the red scorpion, the moment of ancient angers.

boom! !

The air is forced to tear.

The red bowl that exudes the breath of the breath, broke out at this moment, the speed of several times faster than before, and once appeared in front of the sword.

The sword is unparalleled. He can show the magazine phantom to the first time. You can change it. He chooses to wavily Huangquan Shenjian, and welcome it directly.

"Star fire burning!"

" !

A violent to the extreme sword light, fierce, directly hit the front of the red stick.

This impact, the sword is unlicensed, and the brilliance should go to a strong power from the Yellow Quan Shenjian.

Under the impact of this power, his body has a few steps behind him.

Of course, the shape of the dupigo is also reversed, but it is just the back of the three steps, and then stop.

"This ..." The sword is unparalleled.

The sidelines next to the Skylands are also horrified.

The lord is just a first-class master.

Five thousand years ago, the sword was unparalleled for the first time, it can easily ignorant him.

The second time, that is, in the battle of the Xuangui, he and the hegemony marched two people and the sword were unparalleled.

On strength, the sword is unparalleled, the main stronger is too much.

This is well known.

Can you now?

The sword has collided with this pupil, and the result is the slogan to occupy a little bit of wind?

This is the main one to use the magic flame, and it is actually in this point.

"The power he has mastered now seems to be more than I have to strongeously, but it is not necessary to hard."

Although the sword is shocked, the heart is still calm, but the heart is still calm, he quickly shot again.

This time, he didn't choose to collide with the main face, but to show the mysterious phantom, relying on his own body method to move around, and constantly attacked around.

The pupil after the attachment of the magic flame, the strength has skyrocketed, and it is so close to the top dominates. However, he now has a significant increase in strength, in front of the sword unparalleled, it is only a part of the living target.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

I saw a cold sword light, ruthlessly bombarded on the body.

As before, in the face of swords with swords, the swordsmanship showed the body of the law, the pupil is completely resistant.

However, his body behind the magic flame, the heavy black flame of its body surface, also contains extremely strong body effect.

Any attack of the sword is unparalleled, it has to be weakened by this heavy black flame. In the end, she bombards the hurt of the hostess, and the damage brought by the mother's body is smaller.

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