The sword is unparalleled, can't help but.

A peerless genius, the potential is unlimited, but because the relationship between the witch, the strength does not enter the back, this is not willing to do anyone else.

"Two years ago, when Miss Hai was the first day, Lin Jia was as a treasure, but the two years have passed, Miss, in the family position, getting more and more than the past, even the master is also slowly It became cold, and in order not long ago, the family in order to be able to talk to Luo Family, even decided, to marry the lake in Luo Family. "Lei Yun continued.

"Na Luo, but the name of the second generation, the father is Luo Shang, the old, rampant, and the whole iron knife can be said to be a notorious, and I heard that he has taken three forward wife. There are nine little sorrows, and Miss, who is married, it is true. "

"Miss your family, even if the strength is reversed, but the end is the woman of your owner, your owner is also asked for her to marry?" The sword was unparalleled.

"There is something that is reluctant." Lei Yun shook his head smiles, "My home, all the year round, the family's things, most of them are done by the big lady, and this big lady is not Miss Miss Miss, from the little sister Miss is very thin. The daughter of this big lady is the other Miss Lin Yu, which is Lin Jia, has always been a thorn in the nail meat. "

"Their mother and daughter, the Pakistan can't die."

"Like Miss this time, Miss said, it is very likely to be the hand of the mother and daughter, and two years ago, the black robe who gave the witch, I was afraid to talk to their mother and daughter. Can't take it off. "

Lei Yun said this, its face became cold.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is secretly shocked.

"When you have just entered Linjia before, then Lin Zong's feelings are somewhat unsatisfactory. It seems that the Lin Zong is the people of the big lady?" The sword has no double.

"Yes, that Lin Zong, in a long time, the big Mrs. Ma is looking forward to the first time." Lei Yun heads up.

"It's also a person, the Lin Yu is more likeish with Lin Hao, and even the poisonous hand." The sword is unparalleled.

"Jealous." Lei Yun looked over, "Miss Miss is very high, it is the real person in the phoenix, and Na Lin Yu is quite talented, but it is more likely to be more than Miss Miss. Far away, from small to big, this Lin Yu is pressed by Miss Miss, and natural is jealous. "

"Is this this?" The sword is unparalleled.

"Three days later, the family will hold a hunt, after hunting, the owner should truly announce the marriage of Miss Hai." Lei Yun said.

After listening to the original Committee of the Thunder, the sword is unparalleled.

It can be tight, but there is no love, but it becomes an old.


"My big day, it is incredibly, like cold, like the world's sacred sachets, can devour the conversion, and this witch, I don't know if I translate?"


On the night, it is dark.

In the huge courtyard, a green shirt, a long sword, and drilled the sword alone.

The long sword waved, in this dark night, there is a bright sword light, and these swords are very fast, and the power is also good.

The upper side outside the courtyard, the sword of the long sword is quiet, standing there, looking at Lin Wei, the latter did not find his existence.

Seeing Lin Hao took a sword over and over again, the faint convergence in the eyes of the eyebrows, and was also seen in the eyes of the sword.

"It seems like." The sword is unparalleled.

He looked at Lin Hao, and he saw some gods.

Because of his body in Lin, I saw myself.

When he was still young, he was in the swords Houfu, and he was suffering from the relationship between the spiritual power.

At that time, he did not accept the gas, the same did not accept the sound, and desperately wanted to condense the spiritual power. He also made a lot of efforts than ordinary people, and finally he succeeded.

The encounter of this Lin Hao is much different from him, and even more miserable, more desperate, but Lin Wei also gave up.

"Very good gimmick, the talent on the sword is very good." The sword is unparalleled, but it is slightly with his mouth.

In the courtyard, the Lin Wei still drifted the sword, but the sound of a light fluttering came from the side, "A person was practicing the sword, and she was too boring."

"Well?" Lin Yan's face, stopped the movements in his hand, and immediately saw the source of the sound, and saw the sword unparalleled.

"Mr. Ji." Lin Hao came down.

The sword is unparalleled, followed by a waving, picking a branch from the tree next to the tree, and the Linyi pointed out. "Your sword is good, how is it compared to me?"

"Compare you with you?" Lin Hao first was first, and immediately watched the branches in the sword. He looked back.

"Shoot." The sword is unparalleled.

"call out!"

Lin Biao has been moving, turned into a shard, with a sharp, a cold sword light, stabbed to the sword, and Lin Yu Lingli achieved the ultimate, so this sword speed is faster.

"The sword law is really good, I also realized the source, and I comprehend or the world's source?" The sword was unparalleled, and then it was slowly shot.

"you lose!"

Flat sound sound!

Lin Wei shocked his branches in front of the chest, the tip of the branches, pointed to her chest.


Lin Wei's response is very fast. She clearly remembers the scene just now. She just out of the sword, the sword is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled. The sword is just into the distance, and the priest is the Sword.

Simple thorn, fast to sword, no, hide!

And the sword is unparalleled, there is no plenty of spiritual power, and a milestive force has not been urged, but it is still easy to defeat her.

"Just just the sword ..." Lin Wei recalled the sword who had just thoroughly thorns.

Very ordinary and very flat sword, you can give her feel that the sword is tolerate the whole world, Xuanao is incomparable, far beyond her imagination.

"Your understanding of the sword is not weak, plus the sensation of the world's origin is quite high, I have completely have a chance to escape my sword." The sword lost the branches to the side, faint, "Unfortunately, yours The heart is too chaotic! "

"It seems that this two years of encounter, or because of the end of the family, you have to marry the relationship between Luohai, your heart has begun to become anxious."

"My business, Mr. Jamant knows?" Lin Wei did not look at the sword.

"Lei Yun has told me." The sword is not a hyper point, "that the witch, maybe I have a way to solve."

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