Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3782, Three Eyes

"It's not that I can't, but I still argue?" The three eyes demon woman smiled.

"You two don't talk nonsense, hurry up, don't forget that our time is not much, if you really make this kid from us, it is really laughing." Snow whisper.

When I heard the snow, the three eyes demon woman gnifted with the five meters high stone people.

"Stone, shoot." Three eyes demon woman.

"Well, you cooperate with me." The five meters high stone people nodded.

Boom ~~~

The void is immersed, and the whole land is crazy at this moment. On the desolate mountain, the big slices of the boulder are floating.

These boulder densely numb, with that five meters high stone people, and the time has formed a huge rock ocean.

And this original only five meters high, but the size of this moment is skyrocketing, directly skyrocketing.

This nearly a hundred feng's stone has spread over the sky, and the concave eyelids, and there are two airflow spray.

I saw this Baizhang high stone man extended his thick arms and picked up a giant stone next to the empty, and then lifted.

That boulder is comparable to the general mountain, I am afraid that there are tens of billions of pounds, but the stone people have hands, it seems to hold a cotton.

Strusted, the five-meter high stone man made a good time, this foot is tens of billions of pounds, and the sizes of the mountain size is a meteor, and the lightning is like a sword.

"What?" The sword is unparalleled.

He originally thought that this stone man would show an incredible offensive, but he did not expect his attack mode to be so simple.

That is to pick up a boulder and directly in your own.

Although the sturdy is very fast, it is comparable to the meteor.

But with the strength of the sword, it is very easy to escape the volume of such huge boulders.

Such an attack, for him, there is no danger of nothing.

At least the sword is unparalleled.

You can move the body shape in the sword, and the tribute woman who is standing at the high stone man is standing on the side of the high stone man.

In her eyebrow, the vertical third eye is suddenly shining with a dazzling violet.

This purple light is very demon, and the demon is like a huge purple sun, and the sword is unparalleled in the first time.

"What is this?" The sword was unparalleled. He said that he was in a panic. The body.

His figure is so paused there, it is always moving.

And the boulder that is like a meteor is, it is directly impact on his body.

Tens of billions of pounds of boulders are hit by the speed of the meteor, what is the impact of the stars, what is incredible.

This impact force will not be weak in the general top master, even better than the general one, and stronger.

In this way, the strong attack, the sword is unparalleled without any defense, it is bombarded by hard studies.

Fortunately, the sword is unparalleled with Wujin Magic Dragon Brief, and the impact has weakened this impact force in the first time, and the remaining power is above his body.

His supreme is not destroyed, comparable to the general first universe to treasure, but this remaining impact, complete enough to smash the general first-class universe.


The sword has no double shape, and a big mouth in the mouth is blowing out.

His body is under the impact of this shock, and the direct loss exceeds 40%.

"It's terrible, I clearly have Wujin Magines, and cultivate the Supreme Union Metamatis, and the body is comparable to the first time to wait for the treasure. It can be attacked by this level, still makes him huge, and the loss exceeds 40%." The sword has a shock in the bumper.

Despite the loss of the loss, he immediately repaid it with Shen.

But don't forget, the more you have a strong body, the more you need it, the more you need, the sword is unparalleled, which is comparable to the first universe to the treasure, if it is a general rule, I am afraid that it will cost all the power, Cannot completely repair the 40% of the body of the loss.

However, the sword is not a perfect life. It has a lot of the sea, which is much more than the master, and fixes these four complexes, the sword is only only three percent of the body.

"One-time attack loses me three percent of the body, such an attack is more than dozens of times, I can't resist it." The sword is unfolded.

The attack of the hundred feet high stone people is very attacked, and there is no doubt that the attack of the snow is strong. This is no doubt.

However, the sword is unparalleled, but he cares about the three eye demon women next to the stone man.

He is very clear, the stone man's attack he just can easily avoid, but because the means of the three-eyed demon woman, let him lose the control of the body in that incompatibility, this will Middle.

The measures of the three eyes demon women are really threats to him.

"What happened?" The sword didn't have a double eyed, he didn't even know how he was tricky.

He only saw the third eye of the three eyes, and burst into violet light, then his consciousness was an unprecedented pain.

"Master, master."

A sound suddenly sounded in the sword.

"Well, magic flame?" The sword was unbloled.

Magic flame, although his soul is in the bloody gourn, but he is a matter of knowing the outside world, and it can always contact the sword without double consciousness.

"Master, the woman, there is no accident should be a special ethnic group of three-eyed magic people in the universe. This three-eyed magic is a great special ethnic group in the universe. This ethnic group has a congenital advantage. It is the third eye of their eyebrows. The third eye can release the light beam of different colors. The light beam is enough to affect the consciousness of the practitioner. The owner's consciousness is just that she is influenced by her. It can't escape the stone. Attack. "Magic Flame.

"Does the special means of directly affecting the awareness?" The sword was unbenhed.

The awareness is dominant, and the soul is also dominated.

It can even say that a person's soul is derived.

In the universe, many attacks on the soul, such as some special illusion, illusion, in fact, is also an attack on consciousness.

Only those attacks, first will be blocked by the opponent's soul.

However, the special attack means of the Sanhe Mozu is significantly different.

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