"What is this? Swirl?"

The sword is unparalleled to see a huge blood whirlpool in front of him.

This bloody swirl has thousands of miles, just like the open blood, extremely horrible.

On this area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles of islands, this foot-covered blood whirlpool is very conspirable.

In addition to the sword, the sword is unparalleled, the place where the first machine is found is this blood whirlpool.

"This vortex seems to have not dangerous." The sword is unimaced.

First of all, this bloody vortex looks at the horror, but does not give the sword unparalleled feelings.

Furthermore, the fog said that the second heavy day is only the opportunity, and there is no danger.

Naturally, he doesn't need too much vigilance or worry.

Hesitating for a moment, the sword is unparalleled to move toward the vortex, step by step, the sword is unparalleled, there is no obstacle,

And when he appeared at the core of the blood whirlpool, a greath of ancient images appeared in front of him.

In the picture, a bloody figure is single hand.

A knife is squatted.


Beautiful and experienced a sharp knife.

This knife is cut out, the sword is unparalleled in an instant. At this moment, there is a unparalleled, even feeling that the whole consciousness is, the whole soul is to be saved by this knife, and his heart is not coming out. The fear of shares.

His whole people are there, and they can't move.

He was completely surprised by the ancient picture.

Until the ancient picture is completely dissipated, the sword is unparalleled, and the heart of the sword is reluctant to recover.

"Scary, it is terrible!"

"I have never seen such a scary knife."

The sword is unparalleled to look at the ancient pictures in front of you.

In the picture, the bloody shadow has returned the knife, but the sword is unparalleled, but I will never forget the feeling of just that moment.

At that moment, it seems that I have a sense of soul to be ingenuated.

There is no doubt that it is a shocking knife.

"Shoulder Knife!"

"People who apply this knife is definitely the strong!"

"Nequate !!"

The sword is unparalleled.

Even if the blood color shadow is not the elder, the knife to which he is exactly is definitely the highest level.

"Such a knife method, there is a complete ancient picture, and even feel the artistic conception contained in the knife method, even if you are shocked by the knife, this is a strong man who is good at the knife. Under the ancient picture, look at this ancient picture to refresh, he understands that the understanding of the knife can absolutely increase in the incredible speed, and it is true in the knife. "

"But unfortunately, I am not good at it." The sword is unparalleled secretly shook his head.

There is no doubt that the ancient screen at the core of this blood color swirls is a great opportunity for any knife.

But for the swords who are good at the swords, it is not very big.

Shake the head, swords unparalleled from the blood whispered, and quickly went to another place.

"Well, statue?"

The sword is unparalleled, looking at a respectful statue in front of them.

Four statues in the foot of the foot, every respect is extremely huge, heights more than one feet.

The sword is unparalleled from these four statues, they can feel the existence of unparalleled rules.

"The master, this is a statue of God." The voice of the magic flame suddenly sounded in the sword.

" statue?" The sword is unparalleled, "What is a god?"

", is a very unique and powerful special life in the universe. This special life is very strange. They are born, they are the darling of the rules of the heavens and the earth. On the rules of the heavens and the earth, they don't have to participate, as long as they grow slowly, grow up. When they go to the peak, then they will naturally enlighten the nine rules, and all of the nine rules are all integrated, directly become the main level of the ultimate level. "Magic Flame.

"What?" The sword was shocked.

No need to go to the rules, as long as you grow to the peak period, you will naturally know the nine rules, and is intimate?

In the universe, there is a special life of this anti-sky?

"No, since it is a special life, it should be unique, but you just said they, obviously there is no one?" The sword didn't have a double frown.

"Master you misunderstood, , in fact, it is only the collective of this special life, although they are all gods, but they are all comprehensible and the rules of fusion are all different. After all, there are many rules of heaven and earth. Even if every head is fascinating and fused, it can still make a lot of gods. "Magic Flame.

"Is this?" The sword is unparalleled.

Yes, it is also a god, a great understanding is the nine rules, and another kind of other nine rules, which are of course different from each other.

"It's because I am very beautiful, so their gods will be extremely precious. Don't say it is a complete God body, even if the scales of their body meter are representative of nine rules integration, so in the universe Among the peaks, the value of , . "

"Then, the scales with the cultivator have become the statue of the gods. Although it is a statue, but still contains nine laws that integrate the essence, so the owner you now see the four statues in front of you. The strong rules have a strong rule. If you look at it carefully, you can induce the fusion of nine different rules on each god statue. "

"The owner, you are just just the main level of the rules. If you want to break through, you will be a master, it must be aware of you and integrate more rules, and this god statue is for the owner, naturally, you can go well. Experience the nine rules on the god statue is integrated together, four , representative of the rules of the heavens and the earth, the director can take a look. "The magic flame said, he paused.

And the sword is unparalleled, but it is already bright.

" ... Nine different rules perfectly fuse?" The sword was unbeatable.

Yes, he has not yet became the master, and even if it became dominates, the strength should also increase more of the heaven and earth rules.

He has a fusion of nine rules from this , and he can even experience the fusion process of these nine rules. This is simply a chance.

"This god statue is very useful to me." The sword has no double silence.

Although there is a lot of use, the sword is unparalleled, and it is unhappy under this god statue, but continues to find other opportunities in this island.


PS: Today is more coming!

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