Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3802 Back to the Star Palace

One of the three battlefields of Red Shishan.

Since the red cloud industry re-off, the Red Shishan recovered past appearances, and many cultivators from this star field, still in the Red Rock Mountain, eager to get the chance from it, get the treasure.

At some point in the Red Rock Mountain, the red is like a heavy swirl in the central center of the earth.

This vortex is getting bigger and more complete, just like a space channel.

This sudden change immediately attracted attention to the main point of the nearby rules.

"what is this?"

"Swirl? Is there a treasure to be born?"

The two rules of the rules, a four-level peak, a short aging, the strength is not too strong, at this moment they stand on a bloodstone, full of expectations look at the ground below swirl.

Red Rock Mountain is unlimited, and all kinds of treasures are also numerous.

Now, this sudden change is now, but also thinks that there is a treasure to come to the world.

As a result, as the blood whirlpool is gradually complete, there is nothing to extend from the inside, but there is a portrait of a figure directly.


A cool laughter also rumored in this world, this laughter, with a smooth.

The two rules on the bloodstone have been widely widened.

"Is it a person, is it a person?"

"This is the same, and this is a sharp breath ... is the master of the sword !!"

"The Lord of Blood Sword? He didn't return to the Star Palace early, and did you have been closed?"

The main face of these two rules, each other, both of which can see the horror in each other.

At the beginning of the Red Cloud, a large number of cultivars in this star field tried to go to the sky, and as the first day of this star field, he had the main blood sword of the rules, with the main level of the rules. His achievements naturally attract a lot of people's attention.

Everyone is speculating, whether the Lord of this Seminar is able to test the test of the sky.

It is only to speculate, but there is no specific answer. Later, it came from the Stars Palace. The Lord of the Seminar has passed the test of the mountain and mountain waist, but the test is lost in the peak, then leave The Red Clouds returned to the Star Palace, and these years have been closed in the galaxy.

This news from the Star Palace, most people choose to believe, and there are also few people still have doubts.

But no matter what I believe, it is still questioned. Anyway, the Red cloud industry is closed, and there is no idea if there is any idea.

But now ... These two rules of the rules have seen the sword to come out from the bottom of the Red Rock Mountain.

The land of Hongshi Mountain, who knows that is where the Red cloud industry is, but it is just that it is not going to enter.

In other words, the sword has not left the Red Cloud boundary at the beginning, and he has always stayed in the Red Cloud boundaries these years until today's party is really coming out of the Red Cloud boundaries.

And the same, only one possibility, that is, he passed the test of the sky, and went to the second day of the legend.

"He, he actually really broke the test of the sky?"

"The Red cloud industry closed, he could stay in the inside, not through the test of the sky, there is a certain privilege, and how can it be done."

The two rules have darker, and the two have been prepared to tell this news immediately, let this news announced the world.

It may not wait for them to pass the message. I saw a ghost figure through the middle of the two people, and that clearly had a unparalleled figure in their eyes, but has disappeared.

"I have no hatred with two, but in order to avoid some unnecessary trouble, I can only sorry."

The sword is unparalleled in the ear of the two rules. The two rules have grown up their eyes, revealing the horror, but their voice has been completely disconnected.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body of the two rules will be annihilated, and after receiving the treasures left, gently shake his head, "I didn't expect that I came out from the Red Cloud, I also encountered people, I followed me. Walk out from the life and death. "

"But ... that is, I am too big, and the strength is not that kind of strong, so I will come back to many troubles, but I will not have any trouble this time."

The sword is unhappy smile.

With the lessons of last life and death, this time he saw the two rules from the Red Cloud, he immediately shot the main main killing of these two rules, ensuring that they did not have to pass the message.

"This is the galaxy."

The sword has passed a message, saying that he has come out from the Hongyun Realt, and then directly in the red stone mountain.


The sword is unparalleled from the red cloud. It is not the deepest place in the red cloud. It is just the outside, and the strength of the sword is unparalleled is completely rampant in the Red cloud industry. He has not been hindered along the way, very soon After leaving the Red cloud industry, I took some time and I returned to the palace.

Back to the Star Palace, I have already received the news of the news of the news, the temple of the Temporary, the Lord of the Lord, and the four people are waiting here.

Within a separate time and space, the sword is unparalleled with the mysterious god, the Temporarism of Time, the Lord, and the five people are sitting together.

"Tianhou Xiaoyou, you have the second day of the red cloud in the year, should you be harvested?" Xuanqi said smiling and asked.

"It is not small." The sword is not a hyperbidden point.

"What is strength, how is it?" The Lord of the Skyregor is asked.

"I have improved a big cut before, now I am completely horizontal in this star area, even if it is the general top master, I can't help me." The sword smiled.

He is still a more humble, in fact, in the long-term time in the Red Cloud World, he rely on the second heavens, the strength is constantly improving, especially the swords, and the improvement is too big. He now, in the campaign and the accomplishment of swordsmanship, it is better than the many dominates of this star field.

Plus all aspects of all aspects such as flourishing, now he can easily defeat the general top prizes.

Even the second level, such as this star area is now recognized, the first Ren Yun, the sword is unparalleled, although there is no absolute grasp to defeat him, but as long as he gives him some time, let him secretly secretly The first volume of the operation is refining, and it should be easier to defeat the master.

Of course, the absolute strength of the sword is unparalleled, can be hidden in front of them in the mysterious gods.

"The four digits, I returned from the Red Clouds this time, but I brought everyone a surprise." The sword suddenly said.


PS: Today is two more.

Because there is something at night, it is more early today.

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