Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 3814 does not die

"Abdominal, master, attack his belly." The sound of the magic flame sounded in the sword.

"Abdominal?" The sword has no double look.

"Yes, it is best to take it directly to the abdomen directly." Magic Flame.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is strange, and the surrounding of the dark red monster is easily swim.

It is clear that there is only a sword, but you can see that this sword is like a fine line, which is unable to distinguish.

The dark red monster tried to wavily wavily waving, but only the small part of the thin wire is just blocked, the most important thing is that it does not block the sword of the sword in those thin lines.

I saw the swords of the fairy, with a sharp, directly stabbed the abdomen of the dark red monster.

The terrible power will run this dark red monster on the spot.


A crisp, as if the glass crushed voice, the dark red monster is still with the sky angry and crazy, but its voice is already dissipated, and the two are like the arm of the knife.


The sword is unparalleled to see this dark red monster body.

The dark red monster head was pulverized and crushed, and the heart of this monster was directly smashed, but this monster did not die, but immediately repaired.

But now I have a sword to run through the dark red monsters, but it is dead?

Obviously, this dark red monster's weakness is in the abdomen.

"Sure enough, it is true."

The magic flame rang with a bit of excited sound.

"Magic, you will recognize it?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Yes, if I have not admitted wrong, this dark red monster should be an extremely rare bloody videin in the vast universe." Magic Flame.

"Blood color?" The sword was unparalleled.

"Blood color, although it is a ethnic group, but most of the ethnic groups in the universe is completely different." Magic Flame said, "Most of the ethnic groups in the universe, all the universe is born, and then through the long years of prosperity, Graduated ethnic groups. "

"The blood color is different, this ethnic group is not the universe, but is pregnant by another ethnic life."

"Another group gives birth to birth? What do you mean?" The sword is unparalleled.

"The owner, in fact, this blood color is derived from a very terrible ethnic group in the universe, not dead and moon!" The magic flame said, "the unstead of the Magic Family, in the vast family of the universe, absolutely calculating the top group This ethnic group is extremely powerful, simple to talent, it is strong than the special life that is mentioned with the owner. "

"What?" The sword was shocked.

Is it strong than God?

, it is an extremely very special life, but the nature of the rules of the heavens and the earth, even if it is not cultivated, as long as it grows slowly, reach the peak period, that is, the ultimate level of the integration of the nine-door rules, this special life, already Let the sword are unparalleled.

But this is not dead, but the talent is strong than the gods?

", although it is, but growing to the peak period, the ultimate level is dominated, but not dead, it grows to the peak period, but it can achieve the supreme level, and the quantity of simple, and the monster is more than the god. More than many, and most importantly, the reason why it is not dead, it is reasonable. "

"This reason, first of all, because of any of the terrible and unstead of vitality, and the ability to save life is more crowning, there is such a sentence in the universe, and the peak period is not dead, no one can enemies!"

"The reason why no one can be enemy, not to say that no one is strong, but because they have too strong power, no one kills."

"Of course, this sentence is actually exaggerated, the unstead of the peak period, although most of the supreme is no good, even the top level, it is not dead, but the vastness of the universe is countless, those standing in the universe At the top, the universe hegemony of the invincible in the supreme, or can kill the demon. "

The sword is unparalleled.

Do not die and demon, perhaps the ability to lose money is terrible, the crown is universe, but it is not really invincible.

After all, even if the Hand of the Red Cloud, the old ancestors who reached the top supreme level may be killed, even Lingyun Supreme, such as the resisted invincible hierarchy of the universe, the Ling Yunxing created, will not fall, you can think of the vastness of the universe With terrible.

If you don't die, you will be strong in life, but it is not really invincible.

"In addition, there is a second reason." The magic flame continued: "If you don't die, the quantity in the universe has only ninety-nine, this is eternal, even for some reasons, I died, I didn't die, and the universe will give birth to a new unstead of demon. That is to say, it will never be extinct, as long as the universe is still, it will always exist. And it has only only ninety-nine points, and it will not exceed it, and it will not be less than ninety-nine. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the heart is very shocking.

He finally understood the terrible of this ethnic group, and also understood why this ethnic group would be called not dead.

It is indeed no death.

Not only single life-saving ability is against the sky, the most important thing is the special status of this ethnic group in the universe.

Even if you kill one, the universe will give birth to a group. This ethnic group is indeed an eternal immortality. There is no one in the universe to give this ethnic group.

"Of course, the universe is fair, not dead, although it is strong, eternal, but this ethnic group has some disadvantages." The magic flame continued: "The first is that their growth is too long, according to my Know, an unstead of demon, from birth to the peak, must have experienced hundreds of chaotic disciplines. "

"Do hundreds of chaotic bilies?" The sword was unparalleled.

A three-level star, from gestation to destruction, this is a chaotic.

Hundreds of chaotic?

How many years?

This is too long, it's too long.

"All the people who don't die, are this? Can you not reach the peak period in advance?" The sword didn't have a double.

"You can't, even if you are amazing, how is strong, but you want to reach your supreme, you must wait until the peak period, and you have to get a long period of chaotic discipline."

"But hundreds of chaotic disciplines are too long. Many of them are not in that day, they are killed during the growth period. Only a very small number of ä dead and demon, can get through the peak period, Become a Supreme, the real can be rampant in the universe, even the top supreme is not there. "

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