"I can see that these blood color is gathered here, just to protect the nuclear fragments, this is their mission, the owner you want to get a nuclear fragment, only forced from them Past this pathway. "Magic Flame.

"Can only be hard?" The sword was unparalleled.

Directly hard, risk is not small.

To know, the monsters gathered in front of you, but there are thousands of heads, including dozens of elite hierarchies, it is equivalent to dozens of top prizes.

To grab the four life fragments from the four-way debris, then escape, it is absolutely not easy.

"No matter what, I have to try it." The sword didn't have a double.

He immediately carefully wedd into the blood.

The hidden secret of the magic flames, he is now clear that he has come to the surrounding monster, but the monsters have not found the sword unparalleled traces.

The sword is unparalleled in slowly close.

His idea is very clear, first of all, I have to be in the monster, I didn't find him, as much as possible, so when he shot, he could rush to the blood on the blood at the fastest speed, so he only Slowly close.

It's very close, the position of the sword is not born with the monster is very close, and there is no longer ahead before and after.

Suddenly ... there are thousands of monsters in the thousands of monsters, the most powerful dozens of elites, all raised their heads, clearly have some observed.


The sword is unparalleled without any hesitation. When he saw the dozens of elite monsters, he immediately burst into his fastest speed.

I saw a huge black wings, and the mysterious fantasy shadow was to achieve the ultimate. The breath of his body rushed to the sky, and the whole person seems to have a sword and insert a monster group.

At the same time, ~~~ A large number of dark-cold rays crazy sweaters.

These paint black spirits are a heavy magic light.

Triple magic light mirror, the field is suppressed!

In combination with Xuanguang Tianyi, this horrible field covers thousands of miles around the surrounding, and the thousands of monsters on this area are suppressed.

"Hey!" "Hey!" "Hey!"

A shocking snoring sounded.

These snoring came with an unprecedented crazy and anger.

The thousands of monsters in this area have been awakened. I saw countless violent breath, almost locked the swords and unparalleled, followed by a lot of dark red monsters crazy.

However, the speed of the sword is too fast.

He was originally as close as possible, immediately shot immediately after being discovered, instantly built the fastest speed, coupled with the three magic light mirror combined with the field of monsters in those monsters, so that the speed of the monsters Weaken.

So when these monsters reacted, the sword has broken into the monster group, and it is already very close to the blood.

"Life and fragmentation, just in front." The sword flashed in a double.

He can feel the killing of all sides.

The monsters who have been killed from the rear and from both sides, he is now not paying, but it is in the front, there are many monsters to block there.

No way, this is a monster group. Although he rushed in the first time, there must be a monster to stop.

However, these blocking, the sword is unparalleled, the front is defeating.


Huangquan Shenjian appeared in the hands of swords, this moment of swords were unparalleled, did not dare to hide, almost the first time, the strongest powerful power.

I saw a voice of the dragon sound, and the three-centered magic dragon power of the magical dragon, and it has been bored on him.

"Incoming, dead!"

The monsters that block in the sword are unparalleled, they all waved their two arms. The two are like the arm of the knife, and the time has a dense Ma Ma, and the long river is like a sword. .

The sword is unparalleled to achieve the ultimate, and only a strange phantom stream flashed. Its figure is easy to pass through these knife, and then the dazzling sword light is lit.


A low, a huge sword, like a nine-day waterfall.

Sword is cold, carrying horrible power, almost simultaneously covering more than ten monsters in front of you.

These monsters have gathered their arms to resist, but more than ten teams are actually saved at the same time, including two of them reached the elite hierarchy.

The shape of the sword is not hindered, and it is a rush, and the cold sword light is light.

A monster of an elite level, still scarlet, keeping crazy and angry appearance, but its body has been smashed two paragraphs by Sword, and the life is broken on the spot.

The monster of the elite level, comparable to the top of the cultivator, can be killed in the moment, and instantly be killed under the sword.

Said slow, but I can't act from the sword. I suddenly broke into the monster group, and I immediately slammed the ten monsters in front of the front. I added the elite level of monsters, I just finished in an instant. In this short instant, there is no coming from the monsters of the swords and the two sides and the monsters they attacked both.

The sword is unparalleled, but the obstacles in front have been defeated, and his body has also stepped over the blood.

On a step on blood, the sword is unparalleled to immediately locked the life fragmentation from his nearest.

The sword is unparalleled, and this life fragment has been directly income in Qiankun.

"The first life is broken." The sword is unparalleled, but when he is looking up and preparing to collect the second piece of life, the face is abrupt.

"not good!"

The sword is unparalleled to see himself, and it has already had a full-foot monster to block there, and from his two sides and behind him, there are a lot of monsters crazy to attack him.

And it is very close to him.

In this situation, he will not receive the second piece of life fragmentation at all.


The sword is unparalleled, and turns now to escape this place.

But rushing in is easy, you want to escape the monster group, but it is very difficult.

After all, there is any direction around him, there are no monsters that are blocked in a hundred monsters.

The sword is unparalleled, and the direction of his own coming in, a lot of coldness is moving.


PS: Today is more coming!

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