Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 383 I am not married!

"Yang, Yang Yufeng!"

Na Lin Yu, before the forever, it has always been odor, but now, when she sees Lin Wei's spiritual power has been completely recovering, she is all over.

Lin Hao did not care so much. Her body shape moved directly in front of Lin Yu, and then a slap is already in the past.

Lin Yu was shocked, the next consciousness wanted to dodge, but the speed of this slap is too fast, and it is even more in the world, as if the whole world is oppressed.


The crisp sound rang, Lin Yu half the cheek is red, and the head is biased by the fan.

It can still be reacted with this Lin Yu, but Lin Hao has once again shot.

Snapped! Snapped!

It is also the two slaps, very crisp on the right cheeks of Lin Yu, plus the previous slap, a total of three palms.

After the three bars, Lin Yu's right cheek is swollen, the mouth also has a blood flow, she is wide, and the eyes are lost.

The surroundings are also silent.

After all of this, Lin Hao did not pay attention to Lin Yu, and he did not say a word.

The strong style is full!

The disciples on the play of the Warm, looked at Lin Wei's back, and there was no better inner shock.

They all know that there is a peerless genius that admires all the people who have made all people have come back!

Lin Hao came to the table, looked up and looked at everyone on the table.

Deep sucking tone, Lin Wei slowly opened, "I know, the family has proposed, even makes decisions, to marry me Luohai, then I will respond to you now ..."

"I am not married!"

I am not married, simply three words of single single, but it is awesome.

Even Lin Yu himself, after telling these three words, her heart is also a heavy tone.

Before the Lin family made a decision to marry her Luohai, it was almost desperate.

At that time, she was still in a trough, and she had nothing to do in Linjia's status. At that time she said that she didn't marry, and she did not have a bit.

But now, it is different!

Now she has resumed the strength of the peak.

Once the amazing super genius, returned.

And the most important thing is that she also has a master of a master, a mysterious, and the powerful master.

Has her master support, she is full!

On the table, the high-rise strong people of Lin family have a little ugly, and Lin Wei is a decision that is open to the highest level of Lin family.

However, this man does not dare to say anything, after all, in this stage, Lin Wei's master, this horrible swordman is still there.

At this moment, the sword of them is unparalleled, but it has slowly stands up. He looked at Lin Wei and smiled slightly.

Lin Wei also tightly followed behind the sword, soon, the two were completely disappeared in the sight of everyone.

When the sword is unparalleled with Lin Hao, this play is dramatic.


Within a private room in Linjiafu.

"Kill her, I have to kill her!"

"Mother killed the monk for me, killing her!"

If the face is still swollen, Lin Yu, is crazy, and the sky is in the sky.

In the face of the entire Lin family, there was a three-bar, which was slapped by Lin Wei, this Lin Yu did not go crazy.

"To shut up!"

The big lady screamed.

"I didn't expect this little man, but I still have to turn over, I knew that when I started her, I was already a little, and I kill her, not only for her."

The big lady faces cold.

That's right, it's a two-year time to get rid of Lin Hua, which makes it nearly desperate, it is true that this big lady is sent.

However, she did not kill Lin Wei directly and worried.

After all, Lin Wei was extremely high in the Lin family. The whole Lin family as a treasure, but not only Lin Jia, but also a Tie knife collar, some of the top, and even someone sent it, and said that Lin Hao is a disciple.

And at that time, she was also far less than the palm of Lin's home, and she did not dare to kill Lin Yu.

Until now, Lin Hao has no status in Lin Hao, she only wanted to Lin Yulin to die, but unfortunately, he was saved by the sword.

"Lin Zong, the swordsman, what do you think?" The big lady looked at Lin Zong next.

Lin Zong stood there, frowned tightly, sinking for a long time, he was solemn: "Madam, the swordsman ... The strength is very strong!"

"Although I don't see him, I don't see him really shot, but the incredible killing of his unbelievable, it is enough to prove his strength."

"And that of the witch, there is so many strong, even the strong people who have the ultimate hierarchy of the sacred border, there is no good choice, but they are easily removed by him."

"This kind of species explains, this person, it is terrible, at least within our Lin family, there should be no one can match it."

Lin Zong is very clear.

Lin Jia is only a medium-sized family. The strongest is also the third-top of the domain. It will be the ultimate in the holy border, and you can cross it in Linjia, and the sword is unparalleled ... Lin Zong conservative estimate At the very least, it is also the ultimate holy border, even in the ultimate in the context, it is not general.

"Bastan, this sword passengers, where is it?" The big lady was cold.

"Lady, to tell the truth, the swordsman ... we can't afford, the whole Lin family can't afford." Lin Zong low.

The big lady is also a sink, but it is a cold and cold smile. "Yes, the swordsman strength is strong, and it is not convinced of my Lin family, but we can't afford it, some people can afford."

"Well?" Lin Zong couldn't help but read it.

"That Lin Hao is not the face of everyone, saying that she doesn't marry? Hey, Lin Wei is married to Na Luohai, I have been angry with Luo Shang, now I don't marry, you as Luohai I'm going to give it? "The big lady hooked a cold smile.

"Lady, what do you mean?" Lin Zong frowned over.

"Immediately send people to pass this news to Nahai, remember, is passing to Luohai himself, not to pass it to Luo Family." Mrs. said.

Lin Zong looks, and the bottom is also immediately understood the intentions of the big lady, and immediately head.

The big lady has been overwhelmed with an unprecedented coldness, as with poisonous, the cold voice is also slowly spit out from her mouth.

"Swordac, Hey, I am can't afford you, but I have to look at it, one of the six large families, there is no provoke!"


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