The sword is unparalleled without choosing immediately.

He is very clear, when you come to this, it is not there when you snatch the nuclear fragment.

Not only don't be guarded around the blood, or even in this area.

Otherwise, he has no movement, when the countless monster is murdered, why didn't you see a level monster?

Obviously, these two monsters are from other areas of dimly light, such as ... deeper.

Since it is not in this area, but knowing that the life of the nuclear fragment is robbed, then after this area gradually calm down, the two-headed monsters may leave, returning to themselves. local.

If the two-end monsters are left, the difficulty of the sword is unparalleled to win the nuclear fragment will reduce a lot.

So, he must first wait.

It can make the sword unparalleled that he waited for three years in the surrounding time, the two men's monsters did not leave the meaning.

"Three years, there is no movement, it seems that the two men's monsters are not going to leave." The sword is unfolded.

The dimming domain is calm three, and the two heads have not left the monsters, then explain that the two men's monsters are estimated here in the future.

This also proves that these monsters are really incomparable.

Perhaps there is one day, the two-end monsters will leave, but who knows what is going to go.

The sword is unparalleled.

He is not intended to wait.

"There is no way, I can only fight." The sword flashed in the cold, and the plan has been planted in the heart.

This robbing is too much more difficult than last time, the last time he has a bottom gas for his strength, so there is not much careful plan directly.

But this time is different.

After a moment, the sword was unparalleled.

Like the last time, the sword is not as good as the bloodstock as much as possible, but because these monsters around them have strengthened the alert, plus the existence of the two orders, the sword is unparalleled, it is not approached. Found.


It contains the frustrated snoring of the sky.

After a long time, a four-year-old dimly four years, once again shaken.

So far, there is six or seven thousand monsters around the blood stone, and it is easy to react with this snoring.

Sapphire, instantly swept it.

"Intriving !!"

"It's him, it is he !!"

"Dead, death, kill him!"

These monsters almost instantly locked the sword unparalleled, and they also saw the sword unparalleled figure, could not help but be more angry.

Although their wisdom is not high, they are very memorable.

Four years ago, the human cultivator suddenly broke here and grabbed their holy object and killed many companions left.

These monsters will be angry, and the hatred of this human cultivator is incomparable.

Now, this human cultivator, it turned back, and it looked at his purpose or before, grab its holy object!

Two consecutive shots, how can they make this human beings succeed?

There are countless monsters from the sky.

This time, it is very obvious that the sword has a slow shot. He has not been able to step on the bloodstone. It can have a dense Ma Ma to be able to block the monster in front of him. One of the most, and it is the two heads. One of the monsters of the monster.

The two-headed monsters did not stay together, but each other is a distance. When the sword is unparalleled, the two-headed monsters have reacted, but one of them is unparalleled. Naturally, the first time The block is in front, but it can be another side, but it has already begun to come.

"Human cultivator!"

Blocking the monsters in the sword unparalleled, the dark red eyes exudes a heart.

"It's you, grabbed my holy object? Did you dare to grab a second time?" The wisdom of this level monster is significantly higher than that of other monsters, but it is not too much.


A whistling, this header monster and the thousands of ordinary collapse after the body, the elite monsters are like the tide of the swords, and they come.

"not good."

The sword is not double-colored.

He found that the speed of the monster is also a lot more than the ordinary elite monsters. Almost this moment this monster has appeared in front of him, and its two are like a war arm, which has already been tall Start up.

" !

Two swearing knives, carrying the chills of the sky, crossing them directly.

The space is all open by these two knives.

On the exquisiteness of the knife and the exquisiteness of the knife, this level monster is far from the elite monster.

In the face of these two knives, the sword is unparalleled, and the first time I first burstworthy Huangquan sword in his hand.

The same sword is shining, and the two knives that cross the crossed strike together.

clang! !

The crisp impact sounds, and it has been filled in the void's light red fog from the dispel of the powerful impact.

The sword is unparalleled with a slight shock, and the whole person actually took a few steps.

And that headline monsters, but only the body is slightly, and then, it is stronger, and there is no double kill.


The sword has a shock in the eyes.

Just a sword, he has made his own power to achieve the ultimate, and then with the sword, it is enough to easily crush the top dominates, and can collide with this monster, which is obviously in absolute disadvantage.

This level of monsters are simply in power, at least the first-class number of primary grade, and it is very good.

"This level of monsters, more difficult than those of the elite level, hurry up!"

After the sword is unparalleled with that, he will not hesitate to turn around, and Xuan Guang is stretched, and the speed of sword is also open.

But what is interesting is that although the sword is unparalleled, but it does not instantly burst out his fastest speed.

Instead, keep the speed to some extent, at least a lot of monsters behind, can feel that there is a chance to kill yourself.

Sure enough, the sword has no double one, these already crazy monsters, under the leadership of the two monsters, they will be directly chasing the sword.

At the same time, a rushing shock sounds, they are also constantly summoning the companions around the surroundings.

The sword is unparalleled to escape, but it turned to look at the back of the empty, and found that the sixty-thousand monsters who were originally guarded around the blood stone. At this moment, it has been chasing most, especially the two men's monsters are chasing it, this Let the sword have no eyes bright.


PS: Today is more coming!

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