Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4237 Tu Snake (6)

(The third is over!)



After the voice falls, a force is incomparable to the power of the whole game!

I saw that the Sword is in a hundred feet in the square, and suddenly make a dark field.

The original universe has a strong press, as long as the strength of the sword is increased in the field of the original universe, the strength of the opponent will weaken the big arc!

Suddenly, the sword is unparalleled to look at it. I saw Tian Shu Lang Jun, standing on the right side of his right side, moved next to it.

"Got you."

The sword is unparalleled, and the right foot is on the right foot.

call out! !


One half-month blood, swords, instantly, and slammed on the body of Tian Shengjun.

! !

Tianshan Lang Jun did not think that the sword is unparalleled to capture his position, and the sword is directly oblique to the shoulder, pulling out a deep mouth.

"Well? Can you see me?"

The cold and smile of the horns and laughter, frowning.

"Sky snake, die!"

I have a cold voice, and the sword is unparalleled again!

Hey! !

A huge sword turns to lock him and contains a strong consecutive rule, and come to him!

Tian Sheng Lang Jun looked at this huge sword, and his mouth was again raging, and sighed: "The prey begins to rebel."

A trident, suddenly appeared in the hands of Tianhe Lang.

Tianshan Lang Jun right hand turned down, and it is equally,,, ,, , ,,,

! !

The mysterium and the sword hit, and the two were mutually intersected, blowing a huge arc impact wave, spreading in four weeks.

The sword is unparalleled and the Snake Lang Jun quickly handed over thousands of tricks!

Under the original universe of the talent God, the speed of the sword is unparalleled and the Snake Lang Jun is finally flat!

And the sword is unparalleled, far super super-tombs Lang Jun!

The situation is instantaneous!

"Nauseaful small bug."

The sword is unparalleled, the sorrow, the Wu Wei Shen sword in the hands, keeps the thousands of sharp swords, like a bomb, go to the Snake Langjun, bombard!

"Secrets, swallowing days !!"

Tianshan Lang Jun faces this thousand hundred sharp swords, and the face can't help but stand, suddenly Zhang opened his mouth, and slap this thousand hundred swords!


I saw that as Tian Sheng Jun opened his mouth, behind him, there was a hinden imaginary shadow that blocked the sky!

This giant snake shadow opened a giant mouth, showing the teeth, biting, directly swallowing the thousands of swords.

Then, this is still not finished, this giant snake faint shadow once again opened his mouth, and he was biting towards the sword!


The sword is unparalleled, and Wu Jing Shen Jiantian time is silver Sword Hong, and the giant snake fell!


A fried spread, this giant snake is directly collapsed.

The sword is unparalleled, and the five fingers explore, and I grabbed the head of Tianshan Lang Jun.

"Now, who is the prey?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the Shenqi more than two thousand times in the body has poured into the right hand, grabbed the head of Tian Sheng Langjun, and pressed on the ground.


There is a huge pit when the ground is.

The sword is unparalleled, grabbing the head of Tianshan Lang Jun, and goes to the wall, go to the wall!


The sword flooded down, grabbed the head of Tian Sheng Lang Jun, and he hits the wall of the wall.

The sharp swordsman, wrapped around the sword, no double five fingers, constantly blown on Tian Sheng's head.

"Poor small bug."

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand is slamming, directly putting the Snake God in a small lake in the eighth city.

Suddenly, countless people stunned.

Everyone didn't think of it, the situation would be reversed so fast, so they have not reacted it, and the Snake Langjun is slammed by the sword.

The field formed by the original universe is gradually dissipated.

The sword is unparalleled to hold Wu Wei Shen sword, step by step towards the small lake.

" ! !

At this moment, the water of the Lake in the small lake was full, and he was touched from the waves. A dark giant pyth, slammed from the small lake, and Zhang said.

"Blood sword, I decided, I must not only crush your body one inch, I have to slaughter your whole family, kill all the people in your world!"

This giant is dead, staring at the sword. The eyes are cold to the extreme, and the mouth is saying.

next moment!

Tianshan Lang Jun, a constant body, and suddenly rush from the lake, and flip towards the sword!


In his huge snake, a burst of breaking the sound barrier broke out!

After the constraint, he is ten times faster!

The sword is unparalleled. It is only a flower in front of him, and it feels a disgusting sorrowfulness.

A giant mouth, biting him, swallowing him into your mouth!

"Not good! Blood swords have to be swallowed by Tian Shu Lang!"

"The legend, the belly of the Skill family is a self-contained world, even if it is a star, the Silver River, after being swallowed by the snake, will be quickly corroded!"

"Blood swords are swallowed by Tian Sheng, absolutely unhappy!"

"They are too strong! This is still the first time I saw, the Snake family's body appearance!"

The eighth city of countless watching is dominated, and the eyes are mad.

And the sorrow of the nine-day southern girl, it was instantly tightened his fist, and he looked at this scene. The atmosphere did not breathe.

The giant snake is awkward, the sword is unparalleled, Wu Wei Shen sword up, and the dead is blocked to the snake mouth.

A shaft and cold, constantly coming from the Snake Lang Jun's body, the sword is unparalleled, even if he is strong, once he is swallowed in the belly, there is no possibility.


Tianshan Lang Jun is a wild roaring, the sword is unparalleled by him, but the handle holds his mandibular Wu Wei sword, but he can't bite it.

"Blood sword, I see when you can stick to it." Tianshan Lang Jun's indifferent voice, in the sword where there is no double brain.

Immediately, a drop is enough to destroy the ultimate division of poisons, take his poisonous teeth, dripping on Wu Jing Shenjian.

Suddenly, the drug drip dripped the sword, emit a sound-burning ' '.

I saw Wu Jing Shenjian sword blade, the local dish dripped, suddenly appeared a piece of black spots, black spots, and black poisonous cigarettes.

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, I am afraid that under this toxic liquid, it is a Wu Wei Shen sword that reaches the law to the power of the treasure limit.

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, swords have no double expression to restore calm, a word a meal: "Talent , life shock!"

"... star !!!"

boom! ! !

In an instant, countless stock strength is in the sword.

At this moment, the sword is unhealthy, and there is no reservation, except for the Ta Luo Shen and 'Night' unused, it is used out his strength!

"Today, my blood sword is torched to the world!"


PS: Today's three is over!

Yesterday, I owe it, I still have today!

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