Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4258, sword, no double shot



Tibetan, I suddenly squatted, my eyes were visualized, and I went to the mountain: "Why don't you dare?"

If he finished, he saw that the red leaves smiled and said: "Well. Hidden, people, hills, have experienced several chaotic old names, but not you can match."

The voice falls, and the red leaves look at the intersection of the mountains, continue to say: "Yushan, hurry to send the third one."

Obviously, for this ratio, the red leaf is unable to win.

The Yushan Union face is sinking to the extreme. He understands that if they want to go out, he can only comply with the rules of the red leaves.

Deep sucking a sigh of breath, Zhanshan united to change the head, and his eyes looked at the ultimate domination of .

In his gaze, everyone can't help but head, and retreat back.

The two battles of the Tibetan, the dong martial arts and the anger were even more injured. The fierce is too much, and their hearts have been frightened, and their heart is afraid.

"Who is willing to play?" Huishan commanded the sinking.

There are many ultimate character of the crowd, you will see you, you are silent, it's awkward.

They are selling for overlord, this is not wrong, but this does not mean that it is known to make a situation, but also go.

Jingshan leaders, a heart is constantly sinking, can't help but smile, but not blame them.

"Tibet, you saw it, this is the master, no one dares to fight again." Yu Mountain is a deep breath, and the head is turned to sly.


Tibetan seal picks the eyebrows, the corner of the mouth hooks, said: "Is it a group of blessing mirses?"

I have shaken my head, and the eyes are squatting, and many ultimate the ultimate first dominates the face after the intersection of the mountains. "In this case, I will pick the object."

In the face of the eyes of the Hidden, many ultimate domains are all cold, and they are not former, as if they are afraid of being picked.

Tibetan, the sorrow is more prosperous.

at this time.

His eyes stayed on a cold youth face of a black hair.

Under his eyes, everyone unconsciously retired, only this person is still standing there, there is no expression on his face, not happy and sad.

"Who are you?" Tibetan asked interest.

"Blood Sword." The sword didn't look at him, faintly replied.

"Why do you see me?" Tibetan continues to play.

"Why do I want to retreat?" The sword was not bored not boring, and asked.

"Hahahaha, interesting."

Tibetan seal, suddenly like to hear a laugh and joke, twisted the neck: "Blood sword, you, you are the third war candidate!"

At this point, many ultimate dominates behind the hill universities, all of which are shocking, and the eyes are not parallel.

The hill leader said more: "Blood sword, you can defeat the virtues, do more, you can't play."

The sword is unpaired, and it is not concerned: "Wonderful."

Jingshan leaders he wanted to say anything, just see the Hidden opening and challenge: "Blood sword, I will watch your sword, I want to come to the sword repair? I will wait for the sword, it is, you are afraid, you are so Will it, can you get a big device? "

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are watching the sea, the opening: "Do you want to fight with me?"

Tibetan sees, smile, said: "Blood sword, speed speed, can not say good in the sword,"

Donned, Tibetan, I think of something, I have added a way: "Blood sword, you are also sword repair, you must know the Sword source? Remind you, I have broken through the Sword of Kendo triple!"

"Guide me? Sword of the sword?"

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a little dumb, and then shook his head and sighed a breath.

"That's as you wish."

The voice falls, and the sword will come out.

Jingshan is unable to change, know that it is no longer able to say: "Blood sword, this hidden strength is much stronger than that, you must not be strong, once you find that you are not hiding, you will be able to admit it. As long as you accept, I will keep you all. "

There is no double point of the sword, and it will be understood.

The sword of the hidden looks out is unparalleled, the corner of the mouth is not hooked, asked: "Blood sword, are you ready?"

The sword is unparalleled, just calming: "Tibet, I only go out three swords, if you can take my three swords, I will accept it."

This voice fell, the whole people were all stayed, unbelievable swords were unparalleled, and doubt that they were not mistaken.

Even the full face coupon is holding a smile red leaf, is also a glimp.

This kid, know what you are talking about?


Tibetan Holding Turned to laugh, there is no one to hesitate in the eyes, and the footsteps will be heavy, and the whole person will rise!

"Secrets, swords"! "

Boom ~~~!

A sharp to the extreme sword light, from the Hidden Hand, the sword, the horrible sword, spreading the percentage of four weeks, in this sword, all people are in the heart, The forehead has a fine tone.

next moment!

The hidden seal is smiling, and the sharp sword light in his hands is unparalleled with sword!

"go to hell!!!"

In the face of the sword of this transverse, the sword is unparalleled, the expression is calm, the expression is quiet, and the words are spit out:

"First sword."


A sound, a bloody sword, as the sword is unparalleled.

This sword is very simple, there is no power, but it seems that it is natural, there is no flaw, it is like a sword.

Blood-colored swords quickly got a sharp sword light in the hidden hand.

However, it is such an ordinary sword, but it is like a ruining and pulling, and the swords of the sputum in the sputum will be smashed into the powder!

Just like the egg hit the stone, facing this sword with swords, the sword is not blocked, and it is cracking!

"How can it be?!!!"

The hidden pupils were severely contracted, exclaimed.

! ! !

The bloody sword miles have been hidden, and the hiding sections directly fall from the air, rolled with an arc in the air, and flew out, fell to the ground, put a big pit on the ground!

There are countless smoke dust, the shares of the holding, the gray face, no longer keeps half-point, and the face is very frightened.

The blue sword in his hands, there is a few hairs hairs.

"How can this? How can it be?"

He is half-squatting on the ground, lifting his head and death, and the sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are full of fear and dare to confuse.

He is almost invincible, and the sword is very good!

"Nothing is impossible, it is impossible to come from your ignorance."

The sword is unparalleled, the expression is calm, and the opening: "Second sword."

PS: Today is more coming!

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