Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4269 Fighting

(The first to come!)


The 16th city has been completely turned into a battlefield.

The void is constantly coming to the roar, the land is being hit by a wolf, and sometimes it can see the ultimate domain.

This scene is extremely spectacular, and in the outside world, it is the ultimate dominance of a party. At this moment, in the 16th city, it is just like the cabbage of the street, and it is worthless.

The sword is unparalleled and the magic monarch is relatively, and the other Mono people are standing on the side, as if there is a tacit understanding, preventing the war from burning here, affecting the murder between the swords and the monster and magic erosion.

This time, I saw the magic erulant, the sword is unparalleled. The breath on the ancient monk is much stronger than too much in the eighth city, and sitting on his shoulder boy black, from the previous The pale face, becomes the solemnity, like a Buddha, full of sacredness.


The sword is unparalleled, and no more breath. It belongs to the fourth-heavy sword. The source is crazy. The swords of Feng Rui are straight to the Han. It is like it to break the sky!

A blood-colored sword is condensed on the sword where the sword is unhappy, and the spin is rolled in the air, and the ancient rock is in the air!

It's a goddess, the Buddha's low voice!


Magic Loxitis is in the ancient scorpion, screaming, raising the right foot, topping!

"Magic Region !!!"

Boom ~~! !

Immediately, an extremely violent force poured, and the entire land began to tremble splitting, and a volatile light wave is like a diamond diffused around.

At this moment, countless two people are the ultimate dominance of fighting, they are not bounced, and some strength is weak, and they have a moment of painting.

And the sword standing in the center of the volatile wave is unparalleled. When I feel the eyebrow, I can't help but wrinkle. This trick is once again used by Magic Ancient ancients, and several times more than before.


The sword is unparalleled, and the whole body is suddenly turned out, and death is like a wave, a wave of shocking waves.

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled before the opening of the sword, and it has already fallen in the body of the magic Luo Yan.

These years, not only Magic has become stronger, and his sword is unparalleled, but the strength is also a tremendous improvement.


Open the sky swordstered in the right arm of Magic Ron, the ancient times, the ancient times returned to the back, a dark golden blood, from his arms.

He looked down at the arm, and then looked up and looked to the sword. The eyes were flashing. If the guy, you will become my magic, the most friendly friend. "

The sword is unparalleled, from the heart, he is still very good about this magic Lu Yan ancient view, although this person is with him, but it does not take advantage of other Mono people here. Deceived.

"Talented nonsense, fight first!"

"Cosmic rules, ten times willful!"

There is no laughter of the sword, and there is no more than half a point in the charm. Everyone is venting, and the ten times will give him a paradimacy of the universe, such as the mountains and splashing ink, and picking up thousands of swords.

Magic Region is also laughing, and a giant force is in the arms, and there is no sword!

"Good, blood sword! After this battle, if you can live, I will ask you to drink!"

The two instantly battled together, the power of a shares and the power of the sea, the swords of the sky, collided with the swords of the sky, on the 16th city battlefield, blowing a beautiful spark!

In the heartless of the sword, I only feel that it is very fast, and the attack is more and more.

At this moment, there is a view of the 16th city battlefield. It is already a smoke, gradually, with the ultimate domain, and some people began to stand out!

"The donor, my Buddha is compassionate, don't make it again."

I sent a bloody, and the rabbit Buddha of the rabbit head was solemn, the eyes were solemn, and the eyes were full of compassion, as if they were pity.

Next, he waved in the medhere in his hand, and the head of the strong, the brain, who was nearly invincible!

"Hey, the poor saved a killing, I am compassionate." He sighed and continued to go up toward another.

Suddenly, the ultimate dominates around him, the eyelids are mad.

This guy, while talking less to the killing, one side of the body explosion, short a few incense, the ultimate dominance of death in his hands, no longer the number of hands.

"Where is this metamorphosis?" Everyone is all gallbling.

On the other side, a white long shirt, left shoulder hangs, beautiful young people with wheeled light blue meniscus, the thin knife in the hand, the knife is turned out, a knife is constantly flashing, just take him Within a round, it has been completely dead.

"He ... he seems to be a demon knife!"

"What is the month? Is that the peerless killing of the three big stars?"

"How did he come !!"


Extremely close to the center of the seal.

Jinwu Emperor and Dark Devils continue to kill!

Jinwu emperor has already turned into a golden flame, and there is a three-sided three-faced one, and there is a murdere of the world. .

"I only live in the abyss dirty and poor insects, you are so humble, and it also combines this emperor?" Jin Wu Emperor expression is indifferent, high high-top, a sharp descendant.

The dark devil descendants dance in the hands of the giant ax, constantly spreading the fire dragon, and he carries a pair of huge blood wings, and the blood river under the foot.

next moment.

He twisted his neck, sent a sound, and immediately smiled:

"Give me a sense of nausea, then, go to death!"

Roar! ! !

His right foot is heavy, the whole person rushes to the sky, the giant ax in the hand is light, head towards the Jinwu Emperor!


Jin Wu Emperor snorted, his eyes narrow, cold and said:

"Talent ,!"

call out!

In his eyebrow position, a golden vertebrae, stand hard!


The battle has become more and more fierce, which is the ultimate dominance of the black pressure, and it has been rapidly reduced with extremely fast speed.

Now I can also kill on the battlefield, nor one is not the power of the ultimate dominance.

The cold wind, the mountains and other five major striions of the contender, besieged blood reins, the bloody, one person faced the five people, even smashing weak.

"Blood Sword ..."

In addition to fighting, the side of the mountains and universities watched the sword that was fighting with the magic erulapia, flashing a worry in his eyes.


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