Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4282, Sword, Wushuang Dy, Dinner (below)




The chief of the sorrow, the sword is sword, and the eyes are full of self-blame and embarrassment.

If you are a strong point, you can share a little for the blood sword, will the sword will not be this ending?

If you don't put it, this geeks will go to the Swordsman who will go.

The ember dominates the bite of the teeth, the first time, such a hate is humble.

The sword is unparalleled, and the pale face is strong and smiled.

After that, the sword has no double-eyed light to see the prison dragon, and the indifferent opening: "Tell me, who you are?"

"I?" The prison dragon is unparalleled with the sword. I want to think about it. I then laughed and didn't laugh: "It's all, anyway, you have to die, then I will tell you, I am too deficient, prison Long!"

"Okay, blood sword, go to death!"

The prison dragon smiled, and there were countless gods between the five fingers.

"Unlimited gravity!"

! ! !

That, the power of the heavens and the earth is mobilized, and it is coming towards the sword!

The sword is unparalleled, under the heavy pressure of this world, one inch explosion!

Finally, in a loud loud voice, the sword has no bodies crashed, and the mood is countless and dispelled in the air.

In an instant, the whole is a dead.


Nothing to looked at this scene, the heart was shaking.

Even the four invincible, the sword is unparalleled, is it so dead?

Everyone looks at the eyes, all like a cold, cold.

The intersection of the mountain is more fist, the nails are deeply in the meat.

Among the people, there is only one of the face, and it seems that there is something that it has been thinking.

"Hahahaha, from this day, the whole star air road can only hear a voice, that is, the voice of my prison!"

The sixteenth city sky came from the laughter of the prison dragon.

He stepped on the empty, and his eyes were full of evil spirits and overbearing.

Everyone looked up and saw the prison dragon, inexplicably, all of them were trembled.


The years are circulated, and the blink of an eye has passed.

The sword is unparalleled in the star ancient road, and the four invincible dominates, won the five sealing monuments, then the news that was killed by the prisoner dragon, gradually passed out from the starry airway.

Time, the whole universe is shaken, with the fifth level of the main score, killing the four invincible dominates, this is enough to glorious, amazing era!

The name of the blood sword, the first time, the real name, the universe, more people will be unparalleled, and it is the first day of the universe!

Just, with the fallen of the sword, but let more people sigh.

"If the sword is not dead, there must be impact on the supreme position!"

"I have been waiting for the universe, I have been such a demon, but it is so fallen, it is a pity."

"No matter whether the blood sword is falling or not, he is enough to record the history of the history!"

"Yes, the ancient Tianjiao list, there should be a seat of the blood sword!"

Countless people sigh.

With the news that the sword is unparalleled, the more far, the life of life is shaking!

The god of life is in the temple.

Blood waves sitting on the big chair, the face is sinking to the extreme, he has just went to find out, the sword is unparalleled, the life lamp has been extinguished!


He took the palm of his hand, directly smashed the big chair armrests, express in yin: "Check! Give this seat! This is to know, the killing sword is unparalleled, what is the identity!"


Decorated in the blood waves, he heard the words, heard the heart and hemured, knowing that blood waves were really angry, and even busy loudly, then stepp, disappeared in the temple.

After doing this, the frost on the blood wave is still not reduced by half, a pair of killing flash.

The giant ax is sitting next to him, and it is difficult to see the same expression.

The sword is unparalleled, it is to carry the hope and optimistic that they carry them, they are considered to be able to sit in peace, and even the people who live with them in the future!

Listening to blood wave supreme words, this huge ax is nothing to refute.

Although he is not good, it doesn't mean that his sword is unparalleled.

As long as the Tang is just a battle, they allow swords to have no double defeat, and even war in the star air road, this is nothing, but they are never allowed, some people are dangerous, and the sword is unparalleled!

"Once you are known by this seat, this dragon behind the dragon, then no matter who, I want him to pay at the price!"

Blood waves to Zun Sen, the eyes, the ice is cold and cold.

Supreme angry, volt corpse!

He wants to let the people behind the prisoner know, anger a surcharge price!

The giant ax is the head, and the eyes flashed a cold killing machine!

Their life got hibernacked dozens of chaotic discipline, and it should be a good time to tell everyone.

Any life of the gods, the disciples of life, can not be insulted!



The Temple of Too Temple, has no light, and is covered by a shadow.

A black minaret.

It has been promoted to the Lord of the Ice Temple of the Montereight of the Temple of Temple, standing quietly in front of the window, holding hands, not happy, can't see any emotions.

Outside the window, countless lightning is intertwined, countless thunder, the red-white electric light will be the face of the Hall of the Hall, and the map is mapped.

In his hand, I took a newsletter just came.

The content in the news is simple.

After the blood swords, the four invincimals were killed, and then they were killed by the prison!

"Fiction, sword is unparalleled, your enemy is a teacher to report, good rest."

The Hall of the Hall is whispering himself, and it is turned around and walked toward the darkness of the black minaret.

The newsletter in his hands floated, and then a fire was burned and burned.


at the same time.

At the depths of the Supreme Stars.

The nine robbery is on the knees, sitting on a mountain, full of white hair slightly blind, and a white dress is dyed red.

Next moment, he slowly opened his eyes, looked up in the sky, and the ancient and indifferent eyes, it seems to cross the starry sky and look at unknowns.

In his hand, I took a recent universe newsletter.


He bowed his head and watched the newsletter, flashing in the eyes, a power in his hand poured out, directly pressing this universe newspaper into a powder, with the wind.

"He can't die, how can people die?"

He took a deep breath and shot his head.

He is still waiting for the sword where there is no double breakthrough, he is still looking forward to meeting in the Universe Wancha Hall, and the two meet again.

He is never allowed, the sword is unparalleled!

Between the heavens and the earth, recover again.

After a long time, a faint self-calling was once again.

"The sword is unparalleled, if you are dead, the prison dragon killed you, I will be accompanied by you."

The sound is very light.

But very cold!

PS: Today is more coming!

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