Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4292 Cosmic Vibration



Call, call ~~~

A burst of cold wind and blowing the head of the tenth city.

The tenth city of the noisy, I used to be able to listen to the needle of death.

Everyone is unparalleled, and the sword is unparalleled with the color of the color.

The big emperor and the Chung Magosa, actually, is there a sword to kill? !


They didn't even see the sword unparalleled Wu Wei sword out of the sheath, just a sword, will annihilate the two people!

"so horrible!!!"

Countless people have a cold sweat, look at the foot and the air, it is like the sword God Ling Shi, the wind is unparalleled, and the heart is not far the same.

It's like a mimic species in the sky, it is really too old!

Even the tyrants, it is also to swallow, swallowed the sputum, and look at the sword is unparalleled, complex to the extreme.

Once, the sword was unparalleled, and the seventh contend under his hand, an unknown small pawn in the ancient road of the starry sky.

But now, the entire universe set off a storm!

Your own life, just saved by him!

"Blood Sword ..." The Overlord shouted, than the sword is unparalleled, he is also more accustomed to the name of the 'Blood Sword'.

The sword is unparalleled, step down in the void, say: "Where is the dragon now?"

The overlord heard the words, then he replied: "Blood sword, he is in the 18th city ..."

He still wants to say, just see the swords and have turned around and walk towards the entrance of the tenth cities.

A calm voice, and it sounds.

"Walk, let me kill him with me."

The overlord heard the words, and when he was full, it quickly followed.

After a while, the figure of the two disappeared at the entrance to the tenth cities.

And many of the tenth cities around the world, until this time, just like a dream.

They looked at each other and can see the color of the opponent's eyes.

They know that the ancient roads of the stars have to become!

Rotary, about the sword unparalleled rebirth, a sword kills the news of the big emperor and the Chung Qian Magos, with a very fast speed passed out, swept the entire universe!

Time, the entire universe is shocked!


Too embarrassment.

Ice is sitting on the main hall, is closing to the god.

He and the blood wave supreme battle, which has been compressed nearly 100 chaotic supreme power, and the countless years need to be returned.

"Blood wave, wait until the universe Wancha Hall, this is a good time to count this account." The ice is so exchered to open his eyes, and a pair of silver is blinking to the extreme.

I don't know how many years, since he asked the Supreme God, no one dared to speaking to provoke him.

However, the blood wave has opened a big kill in front of the god of the temple, but what is it? 'Words, I have never given him a lightening face.

How do this not angry?

Originally, he was new, and it was a gentlest, and the result is now a joke, saying that he is the midst of God's emperor, the most wasteful God!

His heart is almost the essence of blood wave supreme!


At this time, there was a long-awaited sound of the request.

"come in."

Deep sucking, the ice is supreme, and it is calm.


Then, he saw a master of the temple, and the footstelved rushed from the outside.

"See the Ice God!" This dominates half a hands.

The ice is nodded, and it is light: "What is the so-called thing?"

This master is half a slap in the ground, low, and the expression is struggling.



The ice is full of frown, and the majesty is proud.

This disciple watched his teeth, had to have a hard to get a tale: "After the god of the gods, the star ancient road came to the news, the sword is unparalleled, it has been returned to return, and a sword kills the big emperor, Achiyang Magic Lord Others! "

After this sentence, the whole hall, there is no Thunder anger, and there is no killing, but it is turned into a dead.

Dead is cold.

This disciple, the expression is not awkward.

It was not until a long time, the temple, and I remembered the sound of the ice.

"This is known, let's take it."

This disciple has heard that this is relieved, and it is busy talking.

He doesn't know, the throne of the ice is handed over with the throne of the best god, and it has been cracking from five fifth!


The ice-made expression is very good, and a cold breath is distributed by him. The temperature of the whole hall will drop for thousands of Baidu, and a thick frost is laid on the ground.

The sword is unparalleled, then they are too virtual temple, will become the greatest joke in the entire universe!


At the same time, the life is in the hometown.

Blood wave supreme and giant ax supreme, and also received the news of the sword unparalleled rebirth.

"Hahahaha, this seat will know that this little guy is moving hard, how can you die in a dog's dog?"

Since the sword is unparalleled, there is no smile on the face, and I am so happy to laugh at this moment.

The giant ax looks at the blood wave supreme laughing, and the face has a smile.

He is not a good words, but heard the sword is not a double yet, the joy in your heart is not less than the blood wave.

"Blood waves, this time is too big." The giant ax smiled and shake his head.


Supreme star airway.

The nine robbery is acute, and it is chasing a big old man.

"You don't want to kill me, do you revenge for your palace?"

The nine robbery kings showed a little while chasing.

"Abnormal! Enchao! Mad !!"

The old man's teeth biting the bite, the face is frightened, and it will continue to shoot forward.

This person, is it to kill the nine robbery of the Temple of the Nine Robbery!

Just don't know when, the two hunting and being hunted, changed an identity.

"Special life in these life, the special life, than I wait for the ordinary supreme, the advantage is too big! Especially the nine robbery is a perfect life level."

The thoughts in Zhennan Supreme, the madness began to calculate, how to escape chasing.

However, at this time.

Originally chasing his nine robbery king, suddenly a sudden.

"Oh? Sword is not double?"

The nine robbery king, and his face was surprised.

Just now, he received the blood wave supreme message, and he was informally of the sword.

"It is also. He is a person who I am in the opponent, how can I die?"

The nine robbery smiled and smiled, and he looked at the main hall of the city, said: "For this, this is a life today."


At the same time.

The sword is unparalleled and the overlord, and it has stepped into the eleventh city.

"Blood sword ... sword is unparalleled, you listen to me, if I have a good thing, the prison dragon should already know that you have no death, now the whole, eight cars is his person, if you rush into If he will set ambush, send people to come to kill you. According to me, it is better to first find the nine-star sacred and magic errors, and then think about the countermeasures, how to deal with the prison dragon. "

"Otherwise, if you enter the eighth city, you will be able to live around."

After the overlooking the sword, there is no double body, and it is speaking.

Now the sword is unparalleled, naturally no longer treated with the previous attitude.

Even him, you must first think twice, whether it is right.

"Is it a world?"

The sword is unparalleled, and then he shakes his head, calmly: "Then, it will be enemy."

PS: Today is more coming!

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