Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4332 declares war!

The sword is unparalleled, and the hair is reached out and smashed the hair, smiled: "Silly girl, stay in the manor is, is this waiting for me?"

Cold as frost spoils, just see the sword is unparalleled, and the face raises a bright smile.

"Okay, go back."

The sword has no double smile, and then talked to the blood waves to talking about them. After seeing it, he went cold as a frost, returned to the semi-seeding of the sixth mountain.

The life of life is in a short and quiet.

However, there is still no quiet a few days, the battle of the gangster gate, suddenly spread out!

In an instant, the entire universe is awkward!

Numerous people have shocked, and they feel incredible and dare to confuse, and they feel incredible and dare to confuse.

"This, this is too crazy ?! I will always be in the spirit of life, this time has such a big action, and the five major power will send mers!"

"Unwisely, it's amazing! Who is now in the heart of life ?!"

"Hey, there is such a big discouragement from the people who live in ancient times, and there is such a big discouragement, continuous and five top strength!"

At this moment, countless people changed thoroughly of the life of the life, in their previous cognition, life, the godberg, did not ask the world, but until this war, they wake up Come over, once the life of life is angry, what horror is!

Nothing people praise, but some people, in the dark, singularly discussed:

"Hey, the life of the godberg is all kind, it is really looking for death."

"Yes, if the life of life is only sin, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it is necessary to sin, with the strength of the life, I can also pick up! However, the life of the gods is directly sinned, this is Due to death! "

"Hey, don't forget, too embarrassing, there is the temple of the enemy, the enemy, carefully, but more than five parties."

"I have seen that the Supreme is also a confused. I actually made this stupid decision. For a sword, there is no parallel, I don't care, I don't care, I see that the life of life will be destroyed in the Episode to respect."

"The sword is unparalleled, but it is not an irreplacement. For example, it has become the Supreme Nine robbery king. In my opinion, I don't seem to be more difference than the sword. I don't have to be a sword. I am in a sword. Presented in jeopardy. "

"If I have a Supreme, I will first hand over the sword unparalleled and too Luo Shenjun, and then wait for the nine robbery and others to completely grow up, then slowly, the new hatred is counted."

For a while, the discussion of the godberg of life is coming, and the rumors are four.

However, there is no end, and the life of the life is once again in the universe, blasting a shocking bomb.

"My life is the god of the palace, declared the war!"

"My life is gone, declared war to the big days!"

"My life is the godberg, and the war of blood!"

"My life is the god of the palace, declared the war to the Dagano of Chung!"

"My life is the godberg, to the starry swords !!"

"Other forces, want to be enemies with my life, I am in my life, and I will give it to the end!"

On this day, the sound of the Supreme, the sound of the Supreme, conveyed the nine-day ten, and the universe was flooded.

This time, the thousands of people are shocked! !

Life, the godberg actually wants to be enemy five!

In an instant, the whole universe is completely crazy!


Too embarrassment.

The ice is very embarrassing, and an anger can't hold it, and the top of the head, let him feel a little trembling.

He sent the seventh temple main Eskun as a messenger to the life of the godberg, although I would like to put pressure on the hometown of life, and I will have a murderous and sword, but I have never thought about it, I have to go and life. The palace is life and death.

Otherwise, he will not only be a seventh palace of the seventh temple hall, but directly the army.

As a result, he didn't expect that the life of life didn't kill the Kun Kun directly.

This is no different from a slap, but the fan is on his face!

"Well, tell me the war of the Temple? Your life is not afraid, I am afraid of the temple?"

The ice is full of cold and the cold, and the sound is Help:

"Come on! Respond to this seat, the god of life, this seat should be!"


at the same time.

The big day of the universe, the Daily God, which created countless legend, the same paper, the same paper, the same paper, the nine-faced palace, responded to the life of the godberg!

Then, the top of the top forces in the boundless desert, the top of the temple, the whereabouts of the walking, have been fighting!

For a while, in addition to the Star Swordsman, the remaining four major power, all of the lives of life, and torn the face.

Time, a turmoil in the universe, the wind rises.

And in the depths of the group, a tranquility of a palace that is hitting a nine days is a calm.

This palace is strange, as if a god sword is built, and the narrow sharp, quietly suspended.

On the palace plaque, I have four big characters in the 'Star Sky Jianzong', the pen is frightened, like a silver hook, and the dragon and phoense goes away. It is only seen that there is a sharp sword, I don't dare. Direct view.

Here, it is the sword owner of the Star Sword, and Wu Jianxian.

Wu Jianxian, is the legendary figure in the entire universe. When the young people were out of the Swordsman, they have been outside the waves until later, I met the Taile Sword, the swords were repaired, and the day has skyrocketed. , A starry Sword, became the strongest sword owner in the history of the Sword of Star Sword!

Wu Jianxian's legend, three days and three nights, it can't finish it, but the most people arrived, for it, it is Wu Jianxian, but the only female sword!

At this moment, on the starry sky.

A dark hair is tied up, and the first two black hair is hanging down, wearing red armored glamorous women, sitting on a throne.

She is a cold, there is no emotional change on her face, and there is a touch of red imprint in her eyebrow.

This person, Hed is the first first sword, Wu Jianxian!

She is sitting on a red sandalwood chair, under her, eight to respect the elders, respectfully standing.

"The main people, Mo, the life of life, so provocative, I can't wait, don't you smell?"

One of the old people who must be sent, step out step out.

"Yes, other four top scorpions, now all in the battle book, officially declared war in the god of life. The main people, if our star is Swordsman, do not make any response, isn't it let the whole cosmo laugh?"

"The big people, at this moment, must not have a woman's benevolence!"

Another slim man in black, wearing a fight, said.

Throughout the other elders, although there is no talk, the face is the firm application, but it does not show that they mean the same as the black.

Wu Jianxian expression is like water, and the eyes slowly swept from the eight elders face, and finally the opening:

"The original is a decisive, not fighting with the life of the god, and there should be no more waste of the lips!"

After that, Wu Jian Xian stood up and walked out of the main hall.

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