Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4364 Osteen

At this moment, everyone is in confusion:

"Who is this person? Challenge Qingmu 7th, he wants to find it?"

"I have challenged less respect before, all the invincible domains that have been named in the universe, this person is not obvious, and it is also equipped with the challenges of Qingmu 7th?"

"Qingmu Yusun, what is the A cat, dog, can you challenge?"

Everyone in the field shook his head.

Even the star dust dominated, it is also an urgency, and even shouts: "Do not abandon your, what do you want to do?"

At that year, although the sword was unparalleled, he killed the people who chased them, but the person did the top ultimate dominate, is it a compassion with Qing Mu Supreme?

He just wanted to go to the sword without double. He saw that Xing Yun was slaughtered and shouted him. ? "

When I said this sentence, Xing Yun dominated the light flashing, and the face was faint.

The star dust dominated the head and looked at her, and the expression suddenly came.

This ... this is still a good wife, is it a good wife?

"Xing Yun, what are you talking about? What is a multi-tube? Don't forget, don't give up your savior, but our savior!"

I took a deep breath, and the star dust dominated the star rhyme, it was like a stranger.

"Xing Yun, I see that you are the Qian Mu Yusun, giving the devil!"


Xing Yun dominates a little uncomfortable, Zhang Zhang Zhang said what to say, but when he saw the star dust, the chase of the gradual cold, could not help but sigh:

"So many people challenge Qingmu Supreme, Qing Mu Zhouzun did not take them, do not abandon everyone, it will be good."

The star dust dominated, and his face flashed and hesitated. When he saw that Qingmu Supulent handhered to the gods from the high platform, he had unable to stop this battle. He had to sigh. :

"I hope so."


High platform.

Qing Muyu is gave up, overlooking the sword, there is no expression: "This is no matter who you are, no matter where you come, you listen, or as the previous rules, you will take the three tricks, this The seat is better than you. "

The sword is unparalleled, and I am watching him, said: "Then you hurry, I am hurry."

"Wash time?"

Qing Muyou will hear himself, suddenly pneumatic laugh, in this person, the first day of his life is arrogant, what is it?

"This is to see you to die!"

Qingmu is a cold snoring, his hands are holding, and it is unparalleled with the sword!

This sputum is a young and anger, and it is more fierce than before, but it is more fierce, directly crushing the void, Magic Phoenix Importance!


"Prepare the second trick."

The sword is not double slightly lifted, the power is slightly turned, gently pop up!

In an instant, it turned into the power of the power of the avenue. It was covered in the sword without double fingertips. He went toward anger!


It's like a crushed mountain sea, the fierce god of the gods is lightly lighter, and it is actually a scream, flying out!

Qing Muzhi is shocked, and then retracts three steps, runs the whole body and power, and presses the giant force from the gods!

In an instant, Qingmu, the young expression is amazed, and it is tightly staring at the sword without double a moment.

"I can't do it so much. It turned out that there were a few points of facts."

After a sudden, he was acknowledged to continue: "However, this seat just used it just three0%."

"Is it 30%?"

The sword is unparalleled, if this is the young animal husband, knowing that one hundred% power is not used, how to think.

Now, although it is still dominating the realm, no matter the power of the chemical avenue, it is still the best, and it is far from the master.

Regardless of any invincible domain, in the sword, there is no pair of anticines, but the crushed antity.

Even if it was the first nine robbery of the first one in the dominant, or the prison dragon fell from the supered spirit. In the current sword, there is no three strokes, and it will not mention this Qing Mu.

The dominance, and his avenue of the avenue, the root is not a grade.


Qingmu is so cold and drink, no longer suppress strength, invincible master repair is the outbreak!

In an instant, the wind is steep, and the roar is screaming, forming a whirlpool!

Supreme Supreme, standing on the whirlpool storm center, just like the God of the world, Huanghuang is not visible!

"Secret, heavenly punishment !!"

Boom ~~!

In an instant, the rod in his hand has changed, and a strike is like a blood vessel fine line, and the Qingmu has a stabbed, which is actually directly guiding the heavens and the earth. Countless god!

Finally, these gods have fallen in the gods, cross-crossing, forming a terrorist lightning like Taikurong!

Surrounded by everyone, suddenly shocked.

"It turned out this, this is the real strength of Qingmu Yunzun!"

"The real strength of Qing Mu, so horrible !!"

"It seems that Qingmu Yunzun is moving!"

"This mask is here!"

Star dust dominated the shape, his face suddenly was sudden, shouting, so that the sword was unparalleled.

And the star rhyme, the expression was flashing under the sudden concern of the sword, and paid a deeper worship of Qingmu.

"My husband, if this is the powerful person."

Her heart is secretly

"go to hell!"

Qingmu is so cold.

Boom ~!

In an instant, this horror god thunder, carrying the destruction of the earth, and there is no pair of swords!

"Prepare the third stroke."

However, the sword is still lighter, in the face of the horror god thunder that makes everyone exclaimed, just a sleeve.

This sleeves, the clouds are very bright, can't see any power, just a vague think, as if this sleeve is, the mountain is the water, it is a heaven and earth, it is the road to nature.


This horror god collided on the sword without a double-sleeve, just dripping a stone in the water, swaying the ripple.

next moment!

This god thunder was turned out, a time to move, more horrible, and more horrible, hit the Queui!

"How can it be?!!!"

Qingmu Leizhong's face is changing, and wants to go to resist.

However, this god is directly destroyed and pulled up, and he hits the chest of Qingmu!

! ! !

The horrible power broke out, rising huge mushroom clouds in Nansha Island.

"Cough ~ cough."

In the huge mushroom cloud, the sound of Qingmu is uncomfortable, and the people who saw the original Fengshen Yulan, such as Shen Yu Chen, Huanghuang can't I first fell, falling in the ground. .

He just at this moment, it is like the gods falling down. Everything is very popular. The black hair is blowing, and the clothes on the body are bombed, revealing the black chest, and the wolf is extreme.

In an instant, the whole game is stiff and falls into petrochemical.

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