For a time, the four words of the Zhen Zhen greeted were in the nine, and the world was shocked.

At this moment, whether it is a proud or dragon, or the other sex of the child, look at this white-haired old man's eyes, all of them respectfully.

Break through the supreme, I know.

This way, it is a Zhenon!

"Zhen Zhen? He ... is the big man?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the old man is quietly loudly, and the heart is shocked, and it is not exempt from some disappointment.

Before seeing this adult, he guess in his heart. This is a high-level position in the universe. Even the supreme people will see a taboo. Will it be the mysterious Mo Zun.

As a result, it is not as thinking.

"You fall."

The Zhishen stepped down and fell on the main seat of the Lingxiao Temple. He smiled with a slight smile.

"Aneech people, don't you come to innocent?"

"The Nine people, I am in the regular avenue, I have a little doubts recently, I want to ask you old."

A name that seems to be familiar with the Zhen Zhen, have opened it.

More supreme, it is the heart in my heart.

No supreme, never understand the horror of the Zhen.

One thought, Wanshui Qianshan, a destruction, and the sea.

The greatness of the Zhenon, far from what they can guess.

"Not urgent."

The spirit smiled slightly, reached out to the void, time, seventy-eight cases in the hall, have a pot of wine.

"This wine is famous, it is a small gift of the hand, and you can try it with a small gift of the hand.

This words are in the heart, and everyone is happy.

This is a spiritual wine that is a big people in the Zhen Zhen. Its value is not an estimate, even if it is a drop, I am afraid enough to set off an uproar in the outside world.

"Xie Zhun Shen people reward!"

Everyone is excited to thank, even the half-step invincible, the emperor of the Emperor of the Supreme Repair, and the eyes are strong excitement.


Everyone took the wine pot, carefully drinked, and I was afraid to have a drop of waste.

Time, I saw this spiritual wine into the belly, there were many red blush, and the gods of the opposition, and countless avenue rules were bypass.

The sword is unparalleled. This wine is drinking. I saw this wine tasteless, but I went to the throat. It was a teeth of life.

It is still not waiting for him to think and thinking, a soft flow is crashing in his body, like a fierce fire, quickly passing his singular biography, hey.

Suddenly, a plummet Shurt is coming, countless avenue rules are derived by him, which is actually condensed, forming three flowers on his head.

! !

In an instant, there is a sleepy old name in the current years, instantly, and the realm is soaring, and there is breakthrough!

The sword is unparalleled. At the moment, it was just a first-line supreme threshold, and he was grabbed by him.

"The first day of the world, the power of the heavens and the earth is used, and it is unpretched. It is the position of the supreme!"

Boom ~! !

The sound of a big road, like a tongue, frying in the sword without a double brain!

The sword is unparalleled, and it is still in this avenue, and it is busy to start me.

Others are also the same, and they have a good job, crumpled with brows, understand the true meaning of the avenue!

Boom ~! !

"Hahaha, sleepy for 300,000 years of realm, finally broke through!"

I saw an old man with a high-level to respect the long-awaited, and there were countless stars in the whole body.

After drinking this glass of wine, he finally went further, breaking through the top supreme!


The time is slow, and the Ling Xiao is in the main hall, and sometimes someone has a long haak, breaking through the realm!

Some of the breakthrough after breakthrough, I will not care, and I have fun towards the gods, thank you.

"Supreme, Cheng!"

At this moment, the fighter side of the sword suddenly opened his eyes, and the eyes flashed a golden light!

I saw that he had a buzzard of the fried beans of ' ', the whole body is moving towards the supreme look, and the endless star and Xianhui surround around the body.

It's like a piece of jade, washing thoroughly.


In the distance, a lot of colorful clouds come together, a little red, starting, starting there.

This is only the sacred robbery that only breaks through the supreme realm!

"Little guy, get rid of robbery."

I smiled at him in the horns, and waved his right hand, and suddenly felt up, stepped on the void.

Silver snake flying, full of electricity, a colorful thunder, bombarded on the overlord.

! !

Suddenly, the overbearing shower is in the Thunder, and it has been emitted from Can Chan, and the breath is not declined, but it is more and more skyrocket.

For the general ultimate domain breakthrough, this supreme thunder, not a disaster, but wash!

After the 18th National Thunder

Overlord opened his eyes, his face was full of confession!

"Thank you, the god!"

He quickly smashed three heads in the Zhen Zhen.

"Yes, this is your own creation."

The god looked raised his hand, and the time, a soft force, put the overlord, returned to the case.

The time is slow, and the wine is gradually digested. Everyone in the field has almost all from merits, regardless of the breakthrough or not, the face is with azzle.

Only swords are unparalleled, still closed your eyes, brow a hint.

Today, he has unlimited approximate realm.

If it is a common person, I am afraid that I have already broken the supreme thousands of hundred times, but I don't know why, maybe because he is a superficial chaotic life, it is much more difficult to break the difficulty.

It seems that there is an extremely thick natural barrier between domains and suits, no matter how he is shocked toward this barrier, but always gives him a little bit, it will break through.

But this is this point, but it is impossible to bring this barrier to the glowing power of the gods, but it can't break this barrier.

After a while.

The sword is unparalleled slowly, and the eyes flashed slightly slightly lost.

Notice that the Supreme Overlord next to it, the sword is unparalleled, and the face is ridiculous, and the mouth is said: "Congratulations to the Supreme Avenue."

Overlord is nodded, and the spin is going to do so and down. Some doubts: "The sword is unparalleled, the graphics say that you have more than one hundred times better than I have, I broke through the supreme, you shouldn't break the way? "

This is said, it is a bit dry ...

The sword is unparalleled. "Who knows, maybe a good thing."

Overlord sinking, then said: "Well, the sword is unparalleled, but I have also heard that the higher the talents, but it breaks through the big harmonious, just the first day before the hundreds of chaos. And the talents are rare, but how can I break through the supreme, such as the nine robbery of your life, and after staying for dozens of chaos, it is the supreme.

You are waiting for the enchanting, usually there is a common problem, it is not breaking, once it breaks through the supreme, strength will also be the same as the same period, strong countless times! "

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