Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4431, a sword

Among the voids, a dead.

There is only the wind that is constantly echoing.

I have already taken a very far-reaching watching, and I'm watching this scene, I only feel that it is cold.

The emperor is extremely dead.

The big day, the emperor, dead.

Just even in the universe, there is no enemy's supreme repair, but also funeral is in the sword!

Unable to use any words to describe their horror in their hearts.

Originally, the sword has killed the supreme in the ultimate dominant, and it is already shocking, and now, the sword is unparalleled, the first to be honored, killing halfway invincible suits!

This is too amazing!

In the universe, this is not there!

Whether it is the first day before the 100,000 chaos, the East is also good, or the nine robbey kings who have also been thought to be enchanting, it is far away, and now there is a thousand miles!

"Yu ... The universe looks really awesome!"

"The first supreme kills halfway invincible Supreme, if this is not the same, I will not believe it!"

"Wan Du First Day is arrogant!"

"From now on, there are countless years, the entire universe will remember a name, that is, the sword is unparalleled!"

"Legend! The sword is unparalleled is a legend !!"

"From today, the universe will be more than one person, that is, the sword is unparalleled!"

"Invincible Supreme, I am afraid that the sword is unparalleled enough to sweep the universe!"

Countless people open.

At this moment, they looked at the sword of the black hair in the distance, and the eyes were full of worship and fanatics.

There are also a female monk, scratching, and eye-catching Venus.

If there is a rumor in the universe, the sword is unparalleled, I am afraid that I can't hate it on the spot, and I will do my wife to sword!

No one in the field will be idiot, the sword is unparalleled, the talent is amazing, no one can say that the sword is unparalleled after the future, there will be more amazing!

If it is not a scruple, there is no double hostile dragon, Daewoo Temple, etc., the universe does not know how many people want to go online, and the next paragraph.

Now, with the sword where the sword is unparalleled, these people, the people, and then there is no counted!

"Hey, the sword has no two people to practice more than 70,000 years, there is a murderer, if the sword has no double practice more than 70,000 years, this dragon may not be a sword unparalleled opponent!"

"The dragon is too long, and it is too long. It is time to teach them, they are not the owner of the universe!"

"The dragon is strong. In fact, it is actually so, a few of the second generation of the dragons can only rely on the sleepiness, and the remaining three-generation dragons are strong, but waiting until the sword will grow up, there is no chance to open them. turn!"

"I am sure, after 10,000 chaotic discipline, this universe will belong to the sword!"

Countless people are watching, and the tone is firm.

Switch, they look at the eyes, and they walked towards the swords and intended to come to the next paragraph.

Among them, there is a concierge to participate in the Daxie Di Missionary Grand Code, but it is a fast-running flight. It is afraid that the sword is unparalleled to be angry.

"Unparalleled Supreme, in the next helpless Shenzong gold knife supreme, special to ask you ..."

"Unparalleled to the Lord, the Lord, the Lord, Island Island, apologize to you, this time, the ancestors of the Great Nesti God, it is really that my old ancestors have old ....."

At a time, various sounds that wish the sword were unparalleled, and there was a riser.

These people, there is no exception, which is the strong middle of the middle, but at this moment, there is no double, but it is all kinds of Ah. It doesn't dare to have a color.

If this scene is in the eyes of uninformed, it will definitely fall.

The sword is unbearable. These people are just the wall grass on both sides. The most good demonstrates, the rudder today is still a win, if it is defeated, these people will definitely be taken by the Yuding Supreme. After killing, disdain to spit a sight of water.

Not too ignorant, the sword is unparalleled and the right hand, the empty, the big day, the emperor and the Yuding Supreme Qiankun ring, heading toward him.

After grabbing the Qiankun Ring, the sword is unparalleled with a slight towards, and the god suddenly can't help it.

These two people are in the wealth, which is simply scary, even if they have not begun to the respect of the thunder, many of them have not been self-explosion, but they are far less than these two people.

"These two are only afraid that they have been strong, and they robbed many people!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the head is shook his head, and the two Qiankun will pick up the two Qiankun.

call out!

The sword is unparalleled as a sword, suddenly across the horizon, like a meteor, falling into the big god.


Datino King City.

Many do not rush out of the starry onlookers, as well as the kings of the left-behind Daily, are discussing each other.

They have a relaxed color, and they are beautiful, and even if they are more leisurely drinking tea, they seem to be unfamiliar with the Great Japan.

"After the Queen, the emperor of God, they have not returned for so long, will not do something?"

A big day of God's guards, some worries in the eyes.

After this king, it was a beautiful woman. She heard the tea cup, she said: "The sword is unparalleled, but the first-first-first-first repair is, how can it be a big opponent? Moreover, this time, there is also a Jade Supreme , Ren Dynasty is unparalleled with a double, this time, it is also ambush. "


This guard couldn't help but hesitate. He said: "After the king, for the sake of insurance, I will see if we still go to see it?"

After the Da Japanese, he wrinkled and wrinkled, and it was to reprimand a few words.

at this time!

Along with a bang, a low voice is like a thunder, and it is rolling down.

"Daily God has died, the people of other big Japanese people are also guilty, although they are not dead, but they should be cut, and they are especially good!"

call out!

The sword is unparalleled, and it is condensed in the void.

In an instant, countless big Japanese king king's children's liver and gentle, did not dare to confuse, after the big day, it is a moment of flowering.

"How can it be?!"

"How to defeat your Majesty ?!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the brunette is flying, and it stands in the void.

He bowed his head and looked at the Daily King City, and immediately shook his head, and he was a sword!

"This sword, deprived you!"

boom! !

In an instant, this sword is under, it seems that there is no harm, and even a grass is not alarm, but it is directly in the invisible, and I have a person who has a blood with the big day!

This sword is a variant of the never-night sword!

Have the power of depriving everything! !

It is the sword who is unparalleled to comprehend the sword of Tara, and a small magical venture that he is handed out.

"Ah! I, my repair!"

"What's going on? Why is my cultivation to retreat !!"


One time, the big royal palace is exclamated!

Countless people feel that they quickly resolve, and the face is very horrified.

Those who come with the sword unparalleled, pay attention to this scene, but also a shock, all over the body.

A sword cut to repair!

What is this ghost? !

You must know that the Daily Qian family, a total of nearly 10,000 people!

The sword is unparalleled, and I have a look at the four swords!

These four swords will be placed in the sky and then hide in the void.

"From today, go to the next 90 million years, the people of the Daily Qianyi, must not step on the big day of the palace!"

"Daily Palace, Feng Palace 10 million!"


The four swords in the void, the sword tips are transferred, and they will kill anyone who dares to step out of the Daily Palace halfway.

In an instant, countless big Japanese royal family face desperate, face like a soil.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is a foottet, and it is turned to a light.

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