Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4444 epic

The sword is unparalleled to the life of the godberg, it has been three months.

It's endless, someone came to visit him.

These people are not the Lord of the Holy Land, that is, the emperor of the country of the country is open, and the whole universe is going to shake the three-shake.

At the beginning, the sword was still quite patience, with them, the wine, the cold tour, can time, he found that his cultivation time is gone, the constant is close to the door, let the other supreme respect of life. chat.

Life, Terrace, Sixth Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled in the manor.

Blood wave supreme and giant ax, come to visit.

The three sitting on the side of the lake next to the manor, cold as frost brewed the three people, and it was well-behaved and did not affect the trisker.

"Blood wave supreme, I have always had three questions to ask you, I want to please you help me."

The sword is unparalleled.


Blood waves have picked up the eyebrows, and the fun road: "The sword is unparalleled, you have recently been big red in the universe, now there is something to ask me?"

Donned, blood waves sucking: "Okay, if you have any problems, please ask, why do we have such a guest?"

The sword nodded. After you sink, you will slowly ask: "What is the war of blood waves, the war of the people who often say? What is the battlefield outside the domain? Also, that year, Ta Luo Extreme, The universe is in the end of the enemy, who is it to kill him instantly? Even the goddess is destroyed? "

Blood waves, I regardless of the giant ax, I didn't have an emergency, but the expression gradually became dignified. After a long time, he said by the blood wave to the respected mouth:

"The sword is unparalleled, even if you don't ask, this is also intended to tell you. Since you asked today, then this seat will give you a confusion."

"First, talk about the battle of the catastrophe, I have to tell you this universe first."

"The sword is unparalleled, do you think the universe is the only one?"

The sword is unparalleled, not from the heart of the god, take a deep breath: "I don't know, but the universe I saw, it is unique."

Blood wave supreme 'um', the spirit tea on the table is faint, then said: "Before we have the battle of the catastrophe, all our people are like you, think that the universe is unique, until The coming of the war of the catastrophe. "

"Before 100,000 chaotic, in the edge of the cosmic, suddenly appeared a large void crack.

At first, everyone did not take the void crack as a thing, so I have been a long time, until a man having three six-arms, climbed from the void crack. "

"This person claims to be true, from another universe, a power is terrible to terrify, clearly only high-level respect, but can slaughter the top, even the room is not!

Even, even half a step invincible is not his opponent, can pick a life in his hand, it is a great celebration!

After this truth, after the universe, suddenly killing, brought a hurricane in the universe, countless races were killed by him, countless big can die in his hand, between the whole universe, the whole universe Wolf smoke.

I can't use any words, and I will describe the fierce of the universe. "

I suddenly took a meal, and the blood wave is looking at the sword. I am sighing, saying: "Unfortunately, the first day before the hundreds of chaos is the first day of the earth, and they are also dead. The east is not Falling, I am afraid that it is already the skyline of the universe in the universe. "

Speaking of this, the blood wave is supreme.

The sword is unparalleled, and the first day of the 100,000 chaos is the first day of the East, and the first owner of the Youth of Wentong is the same.

Thinking of this, the sword is not a pity.

At this time, blood waves continue to open.

"At this time, we finally understood that it was next to our universe, there is another parallel universe.

And this universe, we call - 'virtual'! "


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes flashed a light.

The giant ax is on the side of the head: "Not bad, because their practice is not the same as us, relying on the practice of a" virtual ', so we will call them as a virtual universe. "

"The monks in the universe, from the overall level, in the same realm, we must be strong than us! Therefore, they are also particularly difficult and difficult."

"Is this?"

There is no double brow, and the color of thinking is revealed.

"The sword is unparalleled, the battle of the Holocaust, is caused by this man named 'Qikuo', when he stranded the universe, finally noticed that the peak of the universe was noticed, the whole three invincible supreme hands, crackled him! "

"But this is the case, still let this person to show secrets, seriously injured, returning to the universe."

"In the universe, this is calm."

"And after this person escaped, the void crack that has been largely stitched is once again torn!

Thousands of virtual unsatisfied people, laying out of the cracks!

Our whole universe, suddenly fall into the boundless warfire, the whole universe, a piece of water is hot! "

"This battle, the history of history is" the battle! '"

I heard here, the sword is finally understood, and the light is imagined. He can imagine that the battle of the whole universe is full!

"That's later? How is this battle?" The sword will continue to ask.

Blood waves and laughed, looked up and looked at the sky, flashing in the eyes and removing and said:

"Later, the neighborhood was rising between the wings, and the supporting the building was fell, and it was shouting! It laid the winning and losing!

Under the leadership of the neighborhood, this battle finally reversed, we have fallen as a victory, and the universe of the universe, all of them!

It is also because of this battle, laid the name of the first person of the universe of the Zhen Shen, we respect him as a spirit! "

The sword is unparalleled, I can't calm down for a long time.

I want to come to that time, I must be the sky, the group of stars, the magnificent epic age?

Blood waves smile, ending the spirit tea, blowing the heat of the spirit, laughing: "The sword is unparalleled, you have asked the outside battlefield, which is the result of this battle."

"Although the monk of the universe, under the leadership of the universe people, we have turned back by us, but the void crack is not closed, until now, there is always the strong universe, want From that crack.

However, there is a person who is in the town of Zhen Zhen, and there is a number of invincible until the peers to guard, usually there is no universe of the universe, can truly enter our universe. "

The sword is unparalleled, thinking about it, and the blood waves to the honor: "Thank you for the blood wave, I understand."

"You don't have to polite."

Blood waves nodded, put down the tea cup, replied:

"Next, I will talk to you, how to fall."

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