Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4451 Blackland Supreme

The seventh team is stationed in a lush bamboo forest.

Blue Su did not personally send swords without a double, but inform the sword, there is no parallel, the Zhen Shen people have already sent the seventh team, let the sword are unparalleled.

Before leaving, Blue San is still good for reminding the sword without a double sentence, the seventh team captain's black source is very strong, but the nature is not bad, if it does not have, let the sword are unparalleled.

"Black source supreme?"

The sword has no double one black robe, the right hand holds the slightess of the slightess in the waist, step by step into the bamboo forest.

Black source is supreme, he is not stranger.

There are not many invincible suits within the universe, almost every one is a famous earth, and the existence of Yao Yao is.

The black source is supreme, in the invincible supreme realm, the previous precedent of the name.

If you say that Mo Luo Zun is the words of the first sword of the ancient times, then the black source is supreme, it is the first knife of the ancient.

Black source is supreme to take the knife, and eight thousand chaos, and the invincible supreme realm.

However, he came to alone, so there is no penetration for the universe, and understanding him in the universe.

A piece of bamboo leaves fall, then walk, Lin Zhonghuang is getting wider, not how long, a bamboo house appears in front of the sword.

The bamboo house door is open, more than ten supreme plates sit at the door, they are wearing a unified white robes, after seeing the swords, the eyes are novelty, constantly doing them up and down.

The name of the sword is unparalleled, even though they have been staying outside the battlefield, but I have heard that the first day of the universe, there is a battle force.

In this regard, they will be suspected.

The sword is unparalleled, and a total of 20 supreme, the secondary supreme is repaired, and there is a top supreme and half-step invincible supreme.

The two people are also different from other supreme, although it is also the suite white robe, but in the corner position of the robe, it is stitched.

"These two people should be the vice captain of the seventh team."

The sword is unparalleled, and the two people have a sinister, just look at it, there is a shocking killing.

The sword is unparalleled to continue to raise his head and look at the deepest part of the bamboo forest.

There, just standing alone.

This person is very tall and burly, put a black long knife on the shoulder, wearing a white big rumor, and the black line embroidery has the second word with a brilliant 'seven team', back to the sword.

He is standing there, just like Taishan Heng Yue Li in front of him, a huge perillivation of a lot of power.

next moment.

This person slowly turned.

A face is covered with long scars, face-oriented faces, not angry, appearing in the sword where there is no eyes!

This person, is the captain of the seventh team, invincible to the supreme black source!

Black source is supreme, with the knife, the invincible supreme of the nine days of the universe!

He is full of hevity, and the sword is unparalleled just to touch him in the air, and he felt a horrible to the extreme, enough to suffocate the cold killing.

At first glance, this person is definitely the super power from the blood sea of ​​the corpse!

"Sword is not double?"

Black source is supreme, and there is no expression of the sword without expression.

"Black source is supreme."

The sword is unparalleled, and the hand is greeted.

Black source is nodded, saying: "The sword is unparalleled, this is younger, you seem to be the first day of the universe now? No matter how you are stunning, the ugly words are in front, this seat needs Remind you, into this domain battlefield, into this seat, don't bring you the arrogance of the first day of the talents, here, you only need to know four words, obey! Live! Understand? "

The sword is unparalleled, and I saw the black source to respect the expression, so I nodded: "Reassure, I understand."

"Well, this is also for you." Black Yuan is very passionate about the sword unparalleled look, seeing the sword and unparalleled, like other genius, one I heard that the face is full, it is not a slightly, I nodded:

"Okay, honor, you have a sword to replace our seventh team of team robes."

"Yes, the captain."

One of the two deputy captains, the top of the top to respect, the honor of a short hair should be a sentence, and then look at the sword and laugh:

"Unparalleled to respect, please."


The sword nodded and nodded.

After a while, under the leadership of the Rongshi Zun, the sword was unparalleled quickly changed the seventh team's clothes, like other people, a white robes, chest position, embroidered with the black line with the two words.

"Unparalleled to the question, just talking about the team, you don't put it in your heart, the captain, the captain, he is straightforward, not to deliberately target you, our people who have just entered the seventh team, the captains will mention Some, what I was afraid that we were too sharp, not calm enough, lost their lives on the battlefield. "

Hiroshi and smiled.

There is no double point of the sword, and it will be understood.

When the two left, they were talking, basically proud of the supreme, while the sword was unparalleled, it was silent, and nodded from time to time.

After some conversation, the sword is not a double impression, it is good, and there is no feeling of his position and repair than the sword. It is full of people, which is quite gentle.

"Well, the sword is unparalleled, the front is your palace, if there is no war, the team is not bonded to the individual, you can practice, but if it happens, it will receive the black source captain. Whether there is anything on the hand, be sure to come to the collection, otherwise the black source captain's thunder is angry, but it is not so easy to go out. "

After the honor of honoring, he was handed over to the sword without double a token, and he was leaving.

The sword is unparalleled, and immediately pushed away the door of his own palace, and stepped in step.

This palace is extremely wide, and a futon is placed in the center position. It is a dialect next to the futon, which can make the monk sitting on the futon quickly restore the power.


The sword is unhesed on the door, and the knee is sitting up, and the eyes are flashing.

"When you come, you will be safe. In this domain battlefield crisis, even if there is no enemy, there is a danger of falling, the danger is far from the universe, and now I am still too weak, I have to find way to improve the strength is the right way."

The sword is unparalleled, and the eye is closed, starting to condense strength, impact the other supreme realm.

At the same time, the nine robbery, Longqing and others are also settled. Among them, Longqing is a step, directly joined the third team, and makes up the vice captain of the third team, becoming the vice minister of the third team.

Time is swayed, an armor passed.

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