Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4469, paying in the refining god

In the void, an extraordinary breath is unfassed from the sword and the .

The ice is full of face, and the death is staring at the sword, and the eyes want to fire.

And the sword is unparalleled, and the same cold eye looks back to him.

In this virtual universe, he is not willing to have a conflict, thinking about trying to focus on the overall situation, but this does not mean, he is bullied, and the ice is supreme can step on his head!

"Okay! What are you doing? We are going to explore the news, not to come to the battle!"

The Ram Supreme and Mingyu Supreme, and quickly hit a round field.

The ice is full of eyes, and it is, and finally, he will go, don't talk again.

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but laugh.

Ok, this battle stopped before breakout.

Lingyu Supreme Hey sucks a good air: "Everyone, I agree with the sword. There is still an urgent point of the situation, I will only have to hurry, quickly detect the real news of the virtual universe, and pass it back to the neighborhood, the Zhen Zhen The big man is good to make arrangements.

Otherwise, I will wait for it to stay here, I have laid down, but it is a waste of time. "

"I apologized."

After the ram is awesome, I toldly said.

Rotary, the three eyes look at the supreme.

"Ice, your thoughts?"

Ice Supreme Can't help but look more ugly.

"Do you have three people don't have a decision? What do you need to ask?"

The ice is awkward, and it is also an agreement to this plan.

"So, how is the most critical problem now, how is how to enter a refining?"

Lingyu asked Supreme Supreme Exit.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no brow.

"I think, do you want to sneak in?"

The ram is awkward, and the brain is scratched.

The sword is unparalleled, and I can't help but look at him, I shook my head and said: "No, this is really looking for death."

Several people discuss a meeting, and the order will be unparalleled by the sword. The ram is so angry: "This is not good, that's not too! The sword is unparalleled, then you should say, how should we say? Go in? "

The sword is unparalleled, but he looked back at the mountain cave, and was suppressed in the town of the horses, the mouth, the opening: "Guangming is big!"

"Well? What?"

"The light is big, isn't that true to find it?"

"The sword is unparalleled, I see you or take it to the side, let this seat to command."

In this regard, the ram supreme and spiritual jade supreme are stunned, and the ice is supreme, it is a clear laugh.

The sword is unparalleled, but does not take care of the Supreme, but looks to the Ram Supreme and Lingyu Supreme, the opening: "You forgot, the monster of the Hadou people said, immediately refining Shenzong Guangchuan world English The entrance to the athletic? For us, as long as you do, you may not be small, and once you go in, it will generally not be suspected.

Will be the heart, you will wait in this universe to open a hero, you will suddenly doubt some disciples, is it a sense of break?

No, you will not go to this regard, but if you are ginking, once you are caught, you will be suspected in an instant, thereby launching a variety of investigations.

At that time, even if it is not found out that we are from another universe, it will definitely be imprisoned or kill. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the three do not help all the brows, carefully thinking about the feasibility of the sword unparalleled speech.

Yes, depending on their strength, I want to see their true pseudo, unless I am the most powerful one of the absolute gods, I will see their true and false.

And they got into, as a strong one of the top of the whole universe, will it take note of the disciples?

No, up to the most, but just pay more attention to it, which is the highest!

Therefore, this seemingly dangerous entering the genus method, but the safest.

"All, our biggest difficulty, is when entering the articles, no one knows what their entrance assessment is, unknown, representing danger. You have a good consideration."

The sword is unparalleled, saying it, it will not take them again.

For swords, this time, it is a must, but also in order to go to explore the universe of the universe, it is more important, or he must go in the structure of the virtual power!

Only in this way, he can understand the virtual power, thus completely solving the timing bomb tied to himself, three snakes!

"Requisiting in rich insurance, fight!"

"The risk is big, but it also represents high harvest!"

The Ram Supreme and Lingyu Supreme Due to each other, and then bite the teeth fruit.

And the ice is supreme, it is shining, I don't know what I am thinking.

It's until you have passed a moment, and you will say 'good. '

Switch, four people hit the side, from the monster of the head, I learned the exact time of the refining Shenzong, after the thoroughly didn't ask, the sword was unparalleled to take her horses. The town monument, and the income is in the middle of the Qiankun.

Similar to the skin of the universe, the top of the universe, there is a similar record of life and death, once this person heads the horses, the monsters die in them, the dummy is broken, I am afraid that I will immediately immediately Action.

Among the revenue of the Qiankun, I waited until the refining atticiency, and when I had the old disappearance, they have already entered the refining attic.

After you have finished all, the four people are changed to change their faces, and they will be a monster, and they will be thrown up.

The sword is unparalleled for a sharp-ear hair, and the weirdo of carrying the wings, and the spiritual jade supreme and others are either done to make a long-standing monster, or a monster of the sheep's head.

For them as their supreme, it is too light and easy to do this.


A strong wind blows from the four people, not long, four people are across star empty, far from seeing a pointed mountain peak that is unborn, establishing suspended in the stars.

Refining Shenzong, here!

Under the mountain peak, hundreds of thousands of breaths are different, and the strong sense of strongness is waiting outside the gods.

These monsters have five flowers, swords and four people's appearance, in this group of monsters, it is simply unusual, and it is inconsistent.

"Let's go."

The sword is unparalleled with each other, and then she will take a sigh of relief, and they have never been able to have disappeared for a while, and the fangs will appear again, and the big step will go to the position of the Shenzong Mountain.

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