Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4472 Exposure

The sharp alarm sounds in front of the Shenzong Mountain, which suddenly exploded!

In an instant, Lingyu Supreme, sword is unparalleled, and the ice is full, it is a big change!

Wat, exposed!

That is already low, prepare to call another night to try to try, and then lift his head and look at the ram.

"You are not the people of our universe!"

God must grow the old eyes, and the death of the dead is supreme!

Next moment, he raised his hand in an instant, and took it to the ram!

The horrible virtual power is moving directly, and the ram is shot!


The ram is changing, no more concealment, the whole body's supreme look of all, and he is full of breath!

In just a short blink, the ram is full of breath, and the high-end power is broken, but it is not weak to this god!

Immediately, the ram is lifted by the right hand, and the god must have a palm of the palm! ! !


, the horror violent power is rolled up, it is like the water of the Tianhe River to pick up the tsunami, spread the Yu Wei who has been emitted, and directly closer to the sputum, crushed into a powder!


The ram is awkward, and the feet is heavy, and it is turned into the sky, and goes towards the extremely far away!

"Sword is unparalleled, ice, this is not, we will go back!"

Lingyu Supreme Express Sword Musou and Ice Supreme Said, I'm going to open, turning into the light, rushing towards the opposite direction to the ram.

God must be old and old, suddenly browed, then it is like a real thing, first, first move towards the sound of the Zongmen, and then look at the sword unparalleled and ice supreme, open mouth:

"They are a group of people, the leadership, stop them!"


I saw the gods that were long and the old, the lid, fried frying, a skin paint black and dry, the five officials on the face were as burned, and the sorrows were generally melted, and they slammed out from the coffin, and they raised a roaring.

Rotary, this dry body is instantly moving towards the sword and the ice.

This is still not finished, in the abnormal god of the gods, there is a few devices that are not weak in the gods, rushing out from the inside.

Among them, most of them are light towards the rushing of the ram, and there will be a few, it is from the sword unparalleled and the ice supreme surround.


The sword is unparalleled, and just wants to escape. I have not been talking, I haven't spoken, and I am numbered the supreme, I'm reaching out, grabbing the sword unparalleled wrist!


Suddenly, the sword was unhappy.

He didn't expect that the Supreme of the Supreme would have a horse at this time.

He looked coldly and saw that I saw the ice to honor the mouth and hooked a sierarchy.

In the next moment, he saw his body to start an inch knot, and finally crushed.

Mirror flowers, blew!

The sword is unparalleled in an instant!

I am only afraid that the front of the ice is disappeared, it is for this moment!


In an instant, the gods of the gods will be refined by the three traces, and they fall in front of the sword without double.

One of the old faces, the body is thin, and the old man who is full of eyes, on his left shoulder, suddenly has five long marks!


Halfway invincible supreme!

,, the sword is unfolded, and it is extreme.


at the same time.

The peaks of the refining god are far away.

A young man in a silver hair, slowly opened his eyes, and his face was poured.

"Hey, it is also expected that this seat is expected. For the sake of insurance, you will go forward."

The ice is standing up, and the eyes are looking through countless clouds, and they look at the direction of the artifact.

"The sword is unparalleled, the sword is unparalleled, I see that you die this time. Hahahaha!"

In the peak, it came out of the cold laughter.

Next, Ice is awesome, the body disappears in this mountain peak.


Before the Shenzong Mountain Door.

Plus that there is a corpse, a whole four traces, and the sword is unparalleled, blocking all the swords and unparalleled things!

"Say! Where are you from, join the refining god, what do you want to do?"

A monster of a ski-sickle shape, cold and looked at the sword.

The sword is not moving, but the heart is alert to the extreme.

This is definitely one of the biggest crises that he has encountered!

He understands that as long as his answer is slightly inadvertent, he will be killed by this monk!

At that time, don't say that he is just an initial supreme, even if he is invincible, I am afraid that it is difficult to survive.

"I don't understand what you are talking about."

The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the expression calmly replies.

"Garlic? Are you not with the three people who just escape?"

Just now, the head of the sickle-shaped trace, and laughed.

The sword has swayed his head, replied: "Adults, I think you are wrong, I am just coming on the way, I will meet with them, I don't know them."

"Oh, are you a fool?"

The sickle-shaped trace sphere, disdainful reputation.

"I tell you today, you are already in a disappearance, if you are awkward ! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are not a cold, but they are calm: "Adults, I really don't know what you are talking about, I just said, I just met with them on the road."

At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, quietly pressed the sword handle of Ta Luo Shenjian.

Temple beasts still do it!

If these people are really do not believe, they don't fight a fish to die!

"Mingling, you .....!"

Just in the scikkife-shaped five screamed, the face flashed an angry, and I couldn't help but I had to attack.

Among these people, the highest is also the highest, and the five screamers who have the greatest threat to the sword, put their hands, faintly:

"Do you have no peace. This way, you go to the trial of the stone stone, you said it is true, natural results."

After that, the five screamers who were full of eyes were deadly stared at the sword.

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, the sword nodded, and the big step was taken toward the trial of the stone.

He knows that there is any hesitation of hesitation. This five laughter is will not hesitate to kill him without hesitation!

At the same time, he began to think about the escape in his mind!


Next, the sword is unparalleled, and the figure is flying, stepped on the trial of the stone!

Suddenly, an old power, from the trial of the stone, started to scan towards the sword.

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