Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4490 ends


Inside the corpse, there is constantly sounding the sound of the invisible god burning.

The sword is unparalleled, carefully manipulated the fire, one inch, refining the goddess of the Suli Supreme.

Under this refining, the sword is unparalleled, and the body is more and more ripe, as if the god of the Emperor, turns his second incarnation.


Next moment, the sword is not a double mouth low.

The voice falls, it closes his eyes, quietly suspended in the front of the Error to God, and open his eyes!

A sharp to the pool of gods, from the eyes of Tara to the eyes, take out!


A shocking roaring voice, issued from Tara to the mouth, forming a rolling sound, swept eight parties.

Next, Tara Supreme stood up, Zhang Zhangyi, directly, the gods that were countless by Shen Li, such as the whale of the tiger, will endless flames, and inhaled in the abdomen.

That, Tara Supreme is exudes the golden light.

His body, constantly sounding a sullen ring like a hammer knots.


Next moment, Ta Luo Supreme is a simple breath, starting a inch skyrocket!

"The most critical time is here!"

The sword is unparalleled to stare at the goddess of the Suli Supreme. Whether the Supreme Supreme can restore to respect, just look now!


"Black wings, win!"

"Zhengheng, win!"

"Evaluation, win!"


"Yan Dan, win !!"

As the game is getting more and more walk, you will become more and more fierce.

Everyone's mind is all attracted in this big.

No one pays attention to the sword, the words, 'foggy two', seems to be abandoned in a corner.

This big proportion is the five-year-old disciples that are headed by Yan Dan. The strength of these five people is obviously a big truncation than the same level disciple. Do not drag the shade.

In addition, it is a rookie called 'dust', it is born in the air, and the strong rise.

This person is also one of the refining atticings in this successful selection. He should have a high-profile, but it is a good time to wait for the sword. Non-name is not available.

However, in this big ratio, he completely highlights his strength, flying, and losing the enemy.

When I arrived in the sect, I defeated the black wings and Xuanyang two chief disciples, and met with Yan Dan, with the final finals, and the wind is two.

Everyone is talking, and the dust is the strongest disciple of the discrimination of Shen Zong, which is a big black horse.

After watching the battle of the dust, the Lord is watching the battle of dust, and it is personally opened, and it is added to him.

This makes the best of the rookie dust, thoroughly in the day.

Three days later.

The battle is open.

Cool and Yan Dan, fighting in nine days.

This battle, attracting everyone's eye!

Countless people are taking place, want to see the last one will win!

This battle, the whole continued a day!

The remaining waves of the two hands, actually triggered the imagination of heaven and earth, and the black smoke is like a big tide, the roll is rolled, and the cloud is covered.

The rookie called 'dust' 'is indeed strong. After the back, it is actually forced to make the strongest brand!

Yan Dan, broke through!

On his left shoulder, the eight stars who have invincible dominates disappeared, and a long margu twisted is derived.

Yan Dan, promoted trace of the realm!

The dust was taken nine days by him, and Yan Dan stood alone in nine days. Wanzhang Guangguang made his background, and the sun and the moon formed surrounded the weeks, like Tongshen Ling Chen.

Tiandi Avenue, crowned for him.

He step by step from the nine-day clouds, it is like a new Wangdeng, which is unparalleled.

The big ratio is big, and it has been curtains with Yan Dan.

After the big ratio, the Shenzong Zong Zong Lord's Eight Terminal is ordered, the whole celebration, let all disciples, everything is going to the main hall, and the banquet will be

It includes disciples who have not participated in this parade.


Shi Yanshan, the sword is unparalleled in the corpse.


The sword is unparalleled, and the eyes are weak in both eyes.

At the beginning of the goddess of Na Luo, the beginning of the year, the breakthrough, directly sucking all his power!

When he saw the quiet standing in front of him, the breath like the sword, the sword, the sword, but the sword is not a smile.

The goddess of Tara, finally returned to the first to be honored!

I have skyrocked swords, and I have a long to have a leap again.

Don't look at Mo Luo Zun is just that it is only to return to the first to honor, and he can't live in a full day of the whole day.

I took a deep breath, the smile in the sword was gradually collapsed, and turned to restore the power.

At this time, a clear voice of Qing dynasties, fiercely fried in the sky, directly into the ear of the Shenzong.

"The Zongmen ended, tomorrow, refining all disciples of Shenzong, all to the main hall of the main hall, held a banquet!"

The sword is unparalleled and hesitorned. This remembers that there is a big disciple in the past.

I haven't participated in it, and the sword has no noise. For now, he is now, the so-called disciple is bigger, but it is a family, and the sword is not a bidding interest.

Close your eyes, the sword is unparalleled to restore the power.

... '

The next day, time time.

The sword has no double open his eyes and starts, leaving the corpse, and head towards the temple.

The goddess of Tara is a black robes, close his eyes, like a shadow, followed by the sword.

On the high altitude, there are countless disciples, the gods of the disciples, flush from all sides to the main hall.

"Hey? Is this not foggy? Finally, I'm going to go?"

"Hey, I have also expected that foggy can get a lot of arrivals in the parade, and the foggy is directly not participating, it is a pity."

"According to me, the foggy is not able to participate in the Zongmen is wise, otherwise it is not good, isn't it true that she is absolutely equal?"

"Yes, if there is not good foggy, you are defeated, isn't it very embarrassing?"

A discussion of a whispering voice sounded.

The judge is also in it, but he didn't speak, but he looked at the sword unparalleled eyes, quite complicated.

He is unparalleled with the sword. Therefore, only him know, the sword of the mountain dew is unparalleled, and the strength is more horror!

The sword is not double-sided, as if it is, it will be ignorant, and it will go to the temple.

When I arrived at the main hall of the Zone, a crisp sound suddenly sounded.

"Fog Double Teacher!"

In the case, he saw a shadow, flipping from behind, soon standing next to the sword.

"Nine Music?"

The sword has no double back, the brow is slightly, and the eyes are shocked.

Today's nine musk, some are not right.

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