"Before tens of thousands of fake discilies, the universe arriving ... '

'From the same place from the raft ...' '

'Everyone's repair is a six trace level, which is invincible, one of them, than refining Shen Zongzong, strong ...'

The sword has no double light, and his thoughts began to run quickly.

The imaginary universe and the sword are unparalleled, the timeline is similar.

Before tens of thousands of chaotic courses, it is time, it should be the end of the catastrophe battle.

At that time, only the group of people, entered the universe of the virtual, from this audio.

Despite the words of the Gongzong Lord, it is more embarrassing, but for the sword is unparalleled, it is simply not obvious!

Life Shenqong Palace owner!

If the sword is unparalleled without guess, the universe is not someone else, is the leader of the huge palace, disappearing in the universe of the universe!

The sword is unparalleled in the heart, but the face is put on the shackles, continue to listen to the things of the Shenzong Zongzong to tell the 'seal of God'.

He understands that this 'sealing the land' is very likely to have thousands of people with thousands of people.

"After the exposure of this group of different ethics, our universe, immediately called the large-capable giant arm of six traces, and went to the people who secretly killed this group."

"This time, it is almost half of our universe, the six trace virtues, in the small rings star field, and put forward with this group of foreign people!"

"Say, the cultivation of this group of people, although it is almost the same as me, but except for the strongest that is sufficient to suppress the source of life, the other people will play the power, but it is compared to us. "

"Soon, the war broke out, the people of the universe almost have been killed, and only the strongest, the strongest fled his birthday."

"Then, I don't know what the strongest has a means, I actually hegemony of a star field, refining it forbidden, and puts down the nine hundred and ninety-nine banned, and the remaining two and three six traces Blocking in it, not only can you have a step, we want to do a variety of ways, but also unable to enter. "

"And, repairing the higher, step into the ban, the bigger the rebound and rejection, the bigger the force, but it is repaired, it is forbidden, but will not trigger the horror, enough Kill the ban on the fairy. "

"For a long time, it was forbidden to put it down, and we called it as a land of the god ..."

The geodety of the neighborhood is slowly open.

The sword is unparalleled, and it will not be blind and never know, and finally I know the whereabouts of the Gonggong Palace.

At that year, in the god of life, the Bili old ancestors once said that the palace of the gods of their lives, was trapped in the universe of the universe, I was only afraid, it was this god.

This is also unable to return to the Gongqong Palace.

"The master, what you said, want to be related to this god?"

The sword is nothing and thinking, knowing, knowing.

"Not bad."

Into Shen Zongzong mainly, Shen Sheng replied: "The people who are trapped from the group of people, they have tens of thousands of fake discilies, and in that places, there is a big god of our gods. It is closed with all the energy supplements, which means that the injured people will never receive recovery.

Tens of thousands of fake discilies, we can also feel the strike banned banners, want to escape from it, but nearly 10,000 evil, they have been quiet, no impact banned Escape, I am afraid that I have already oil.

In the fog double your task, it is to enter this ban, see how the situation is.

Let you repair the star, the ban is almost completely not triggered, and it can go in peace and sound.

I have actually the actual combat power is good, the people of the group, after tens of thousands of frank throws, even if they have not fallen, I am afraid that there is not much strength, can't cause too much threat to you. "

The sword is unparalleled to hear a deep breath. After a moment, I nod to reply: "I understand!"

"Well, you will take it first. This time I visited the gods, but only one of you, this host will pick some disciples in Zong. In addition, other A few top scorpions, I am only afraid that I will send out the Tianjiao, you don't want to make great ideas, lose our face ... "

The main opening of the Shenzong Zongzong is said.


After the death of the Shen Shen, the sword was not paid.


Go back to the corpse of Shiyan Mountain.

The sword is unparalleled to open the neighborhood, and all the breath is closed.

For him, this goddess is not letting him go, he will find a head.

Life Shengong Palace is tens of thousands of chaotic disciples in the universe. Even if all the time, it is being trapped in the land of Feng Shen, must also know the many news of the universe.

This is important.

In addition, the sword is unparalleled, and there is doubt that I want to go to the Life Shengong Palace Main. The premise is that the life of the godbergard is not fallen.

For example, his life level, what is going on.

The more practice behind, the sword is unparalleled, the more you can notice it, as a life level of special life, far beyond the perfect level of special life!

Or, he is not a perfect hierarchical life!

His life level, far beyond the perfect!

Subsequently, the sword was unparalleled to give him a token, opened a water mirror, and reported these things to the Zhen Zhen.

About the things of 'Feng Shen', the Zhen Zhen is not surprised and unexpected, and it is clear that this is already known.

He just got a few swords, and then he hanged the call.


Night to half deep.

The sword is sitting on the stone bed, refining the god corpse.

Have yourself ~~.

Just in the sword unparalleled in practice, it was prepared to go to the ground.

An expensive person, but the door is ringing, and the sword is unparalleled.

Withdrawal, the sword is unparalleled to see the corpse door, and suddenly it is.

I saw it outside the corpse, and the bloody moonlight, a white-haired white must, climbed the old man, and the hand was standing quietly at the corpse door.

"Is the long old?"

The sword is unparalleled, and the doubt is confused.

The five majority of the elders of the mountains ... What did you do this?

"Fog double, the old man has something to say to you, don't you welcome?"

Mountain expression is indifferent, sweeping the sword is unparalleled, saying it.

"Where is the old mountain, come in and sit."

The sword is unparalleled and shaken, immediately got it, reached out and invited the spotted mountain, and entered the corpse.

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