Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4498 Awakening

God's universe, the same person with a virtual universe?

The sword is unparalleled.

That, a familiar face, is scribbled from the sword.

But the sword has no two consecutive days, and it cannot be completely locked who is a person who is sent out by the universe.

"Fog double, the old man is only doubt, there is no such person, the old man can not be determined, so we have no need to think now, just do your own caution, wait until the war once again broke out, this person will naturally water surface."

Spotted elders have said.

"It is reasonable."

There is no double convergence of thoughts, I have nodded, and then I took the volume of the roll of bamboo tubes in Zhaoshan, and it was more careful to revenue.

This volume of bamboo tubes seems to be light, but it is very heavy, but tens of thousands of fake disciions.

"Okay, foggy, old man, there is also the most important thing."

Mountain is old and deep, then the right hand once again turned, a six-priced red crystal ball, was held in the palm of his hand.

A shadow is extremely purely pound, from it.

"this is......"

The sword is unparalleled and dual-eyed.

Mountain long and old, said: "Since these tens of thousands of fake, the old man has been mostly used in addition to the collection of the news."

"This matter, the old man refers to it called the vain-fledged nuclear, formed by the most powerful power in the virtual force, only swallow this virtual dial, can instantly change your body structure, let you Become a real name. "

"After swallowing this imaginary nucleus, you will not only derive the most standardized things, that is, the virtual star or misuvant, you will be awakened, you will be accompanied by God, the buffer!"

"And, the most critical is, if you want to transform into the power, just one thought, you can convert the virtual force into the power, and the virtual explosion will not disappear, will show it in the way, what is the effect, the old man I have been refining the gods, but I have not used it, but I want to come too weak. "

The voice falls, the sword is unbounded, and the gods have skyrocket!

This matter is awesome!

It can be said that there is the existence of this virtual crystal nucleus, will truly break the barrier of the universe the universe and the universe of the universe, making it a perfect integration, which is extremely sublimated!

Don't follow the individual, according to the average strength, the reason why the universe is stronger than the universe, one of the great reasons, because the universe is more than the people of the universe, but also a killer, that is Accompanied by magical power, buffer!

The horror of the false explosion, even if the sword is unparalleled, it doesn't dare to be underestimated, and its power is enough to be more than the sword. In addition to the 'four seasons' and ' ' except all moves!

What is this concept?

God's universe, but no one can be more compared with the sword!

It can be said that in the same realm, if it is the people of the universe, it is not the day of arrogance, with the fighting power of far more than the realm, facing the same realm, will only be crushed!

And this virtual rigidary nuclear, but the people who have the universe of the universe, have a good thing to fight for the universe of the universe!

This is precious, thereby visible.

The sword is unparalleled to see the old man, and there is a little admiration in the eyes.

"Fog double, this virtual power crystal, you swallowed him, swallow him, you will no longer have any flaws, and you will open the universe and the universe of the universe."

The old man said.


The sword is unparalleled and shaken, this is the old man, an invincible supreme tens of thousands of chaotic blood, how can he figure it?

"Don't talk nonsense, since the old man let you take, you will take, Mo Xue, the daughter's family's delicateness."

Mountain elders will push the immersible crystal nucleation into the hands of swords, and turn around to go out.


The sword is unhealthy nodded, solemnly harvested.

When I went to the door of the corpse, I was so old, then twisted, whispered: "Fog double, if you can enter the land of God, the old friends are still alive, remember to give the old man to them. In the previous sentence, the old man is now very good, don't read. "

After that, the longness of the gamble is not hesitant, step down, there is a slim and thin figure, disappearing under the thin bloody moonlight.

The sword is unparalleled to look at the backs of the spotted mountain, and the eyes are flashing.

He suddenly remembered, in the history of the Shenli universe, there was a record, a Taoist called moving mountain, Zeng Yi, the cracks of nine days, just I don't know why, I have been moving the mountain, but I suddenly in the universe. The bizarre is disappeared.

I am afraid that this is the old and old mountain, the mountainee man who is bizarre in the year.


After the galler is old, the sword is not on the knee, and carefully looks at the six-prismatic red crystal round ball.

"Produce misses, awakening to accompany the craftsmanship ..."

The sword has flashed in the eyes, and after the mind, he didn't hesitate, and swallowed his virtual dummy kernel!

Boom ~!

In an instant, a painful pain, from the sword without a double popp up!

Even if the sword is unparalleled is the top three of the past three, the chaotic hegemony is also instantially torn, and the whole body is incremented in the stove that throws hundreds of millions.


The sword is unparalleled, and the body is completely burst.

next moment.

The body is once again combined, and the stock seems to distort the soul of the soul, hundreds of millions of needles in the pores of the pores, once again collapsed his body.

On this trip, the sword is unparalleled, and a very horrible power is exuded from the virtual power crystal nucleus. It starts to change the sword unparalleled life structure, and go to the span .

After connecting to the collapse of the collapse, dozens of times ...

The pain is slowly disappeared.

One is different from the sword and unparalleled breath, from the sword unparalleled out.

"Cheng ...?"

The sword is unparalleled with pale, slightly, and the ear is condensed on the ear.

He looked at your side, on his left shoulder, the two scarleta long marks, like scars, spread from his left shoulders and spread it.

The sword is unparalleled. At this moment, he seems to be a change in the body and the cultivation, but in the midst of it, there are some different things.

"Is this a virtual force?"

The sword is unparalleled in the body, like the draft of the big river river, could not help but squint.

Next, he did not have anxious to be awakened to accompany the magical surgery, but reached out to the black bodewash seal on the neck, the mouth pulled out a scouring arc.

"It's time to solve you."

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