
The sword is not a double brow, can't help but sorry.

He is not a person who is unidentified. Since Da Dao is so saying, then natural is in this virtual universe, there is

At least a level of power, staring at this god.

If you are strong, you will not only harm the palace owner, but you will not be able to live.

"Well, the sword is unparalleled, this matter does not have to force, you come over, I have something to give you."

Dao Yan is slightly open, and the sword is swayed towards the sword.


The sword nodded, and then went to the past.

"Come. The sword is unparalleled, sit down in front of me, this seat will send you a way."

After the sword is unparalleled in the knees in the knee, the Dao Yan has reached out, and gently spots in the sword unparalleled eyebrow.

Boom ~!

Suddenly, massive knowledge, along with Daozhi's fingertips, and perfilled in the sword without pairs.

The large knowledge of knowledge, almost unparalleled swords!

The sword has no double-eyed field of view, and it suddenly changes.


In an instant, the sword is unparalleled as if the world is flooding, endless time and space, returning to the beginning of the birth of the universe.

I saw a chaotic between the heavens and the earth, and I won't know how long, I suddenly rose, and the turbidity was sinking. The chaos was the first point, and there was sky.

Everything began to reproduce the birth, the universe, the initial appearance of the universe, thus started.

In the universe, there is a sign of life.

A ordinary green lotus is located in chaos, and it has been able to evolve the first Hongmeng.

The sword is unparalleled, this Qinglian, natural is Dao Dami!

Time flies, swords are unparalleled in the evolution of this blue lotus.

Dao Yan is respected to the rise of the micro-late, and then we dominate the entire universe!

All the avenues sentiment, the magical skills, all in the sword unparalleled mind.

The sword is unparalleled in the eyes, until the Dao Yan is asked to ask the Ding Universe.

After the end, the sword is unparalleled, and immediately closed his eyes and started digesting its artistic conception and sentiment.

This is all the comprehension of Taoquan to the Tiandi Avenue!

At this moment, I have given the sword unparalleled. This creation is very scary!

And the sword is unparalleled. At this moment, it is not to thank the words. He is doing now, and he is doing our own efforts and carefully absorb this feelings!

He and Dazzai are the same, it is superficial life. It can be said that this Dao Dami is a great avenue, and the understanding of the major realm, the sword is unparalleled, and as long as the Dao Yan is once The route is walking, the future achievements can reach the point of Taoquan!

After several hours.

The sword is unparalleled slowly, and the long calls out.

Dao Yan is a sense of enthusiasm for the heaven and earth avenue, has been digested by him seven or eight eight.

Time, swords are unparalleled on the road, there are many places that don't understand, and then combined with the sentiment of Taozzi to the heaven and earth avenue, it is not allowed to be opened by Mouton, as .

Stones from other hills, can learn.

The sword is not ready to fully refer to the heavens of Taozzi, and take a road to Dao Yanzhi.

However, Taozzi is a heavenly sense of heaven, but it can directly increase his heritage on the avenue, broaden his vision, and make up for insufficient.

"Thank you brother!"

The sword is unparalleled to suck a sigh of relief, and you will worship.

"Oh, there is no need, I am my brother, I am my brother, in private, you are a brother, this seat is more, if you really have the heart, you will practice, if you can, you can rate the brothers disciple In the universe of this virtual, it is the greatest consolidation of this seat. "

Dao Yan smiled and shook his head, raised his hand, and a soft power was blocked before the sword was unparalleled.

The sword was unparalleled, and then she was a long-awaited, and she was a long, Shen Sheng: "Dao Yan's brother relieved, my sword is unparalleled, this life is now, as long as my sword is not a divergence, it will be I want to do every way, lead the disciples of the gods, big breaks the universe, and save the brothers! "

"it is good."

Dao Yan is smiling, and his face reveals a kind gentle color.

Switch, he once again turned again, and a black iron token appeared in his hand.

"The sword is unparalleled, now the life of the gods, the dragon is not in the first, this seat is now commanded, and you are the second generation of the second generation of the god of life!"

"This make the card, the representative is the identity of the Zone! You hold this token, it is the second generation of the palace of the god of life!"

After saying, Dao Yan to respect the right hand, push this Xuan Tie token, handed over to the sword.

The sword is unparalleled and deeply glanced, and immediately got this token.

See this, Taoquan is very satisfied, saying: "The sword is unparalleled, now you will be the responsibility of the main owner, you can't make it unaffected, don't think about it." Do you understand? "

"Disciple, understand!"

The sword is unparalleled.

"Dajing Yan brother, there is, the moving people are now lurking in the Shenzong, so that if the disciples see you, help him give you a sentence, he is good, no need to miss."

"Well? This little child ... is a good life, I can't think of the weakest one in our group, but I escaped."

Dao Yan was a little, and the mouth opened and smiled.

"Also, I will still live, and I have a heart of this seat."

Subsequently, the two were explained in a few words, and the Dao Dawductified his eyes, and the color of the tiredness was puffed.

"The sword is unparalleled, then the last ..."

Dao Yan is deeply seen in the sword, there is no one, whispered:

"... take care of this honesty for this seat, trouble."


The voice came, Dao Yan respected right hand, like a picture, and this lightning suddenly inch inch.

Boom ~!

As a burst of explosion, the sword is unparalleled and not closed.

When he once again opened his eyes, the mountain and Dao Yan were all disappeared.

Instead, it is an unborn earth.

On this earth, a broken wall is broken, and there is a Dao Zun.


The sword is unparalleled, just talk to himself, is it just a reminded?

The real Daowu is a respectful, and it is already shattered?

Just when the sword was unparalleled in the brain sea.

"Hahahaha, God does not bear me, let me get all the inheritance of Daqing God!"

Daqing God,

A mad smile came, and the sword didn't have a double heard. I saw the ice supreme sitting in the same disk, and opened his eyes.

When the sword did not look at him, the ice is the same as the sword.

next moment!

He issued a low smile.

"The sword is unparalleled! The time we are accounting!"

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