Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4510 is mad, destroyed

The ram is embarrassed to the corner of the gods, and the eyes are not looked at this battle.

At first, he was also intended to be intended to persuade, but after seeing this momentum, he suddenly took the plan to persuade.

To put it, he is also the top supreme, in the universe, it is also a big figure.

But seeing the sword unparalleled and the Supreme battle, he actually felt that there was no room for himself.

"These two people are too horrible!"

The ram shook his head.



The swords consisting of swords and light, sword light is like a river, and the same angry sea mad, constantly blown, and make an amazing bang loud noise.

If it is not in this god, there is a ninety-nine banned, I only afraid of the entire universe sky, I have to be swords with swords, and I have a hole!

In the boiling of the swords of the boiling, it is collapsed in just a few interest in the sea.

There is only true Ice Supreme, in the sword sea, constantly swinging against a wave of swords and waves to shoot him.

" , !"

boom! ! !

In the room, the Supreme of Ice was slightly lost in the slightly slightly slightly slightly slightly slim, and the whole person quickly expanded quickly!

The horrible breath, spread to the center, rushing to the earth!


There is no feet of the sword, there is no expression of the face, this time, it is a slight war.

"Ice, this is like a look."

"Come! Present your strength, don't let me down!"

The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and the body is also launched!

One feet ... ten pieces ... Baizhang ... thousand pieces ... Wanshang ... 100,000 feet! ! !

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled and the Supreme of the Swords is the skyrocket, and the land is put!

The two seem to have an ancient giant, an elderly peak, at their feet, but the knee position.

The two seem to raise your hands, you can hold the sun and the moon, step foot, you can touch the Galaxy as a foot.

The two eyes of the two seem to become the sun burning.

At 150,000 feet, the Essence stopped expansion growth.

His whole person's breath changed, and there was a crown of glazed ice.

He is on the skin, and it covers a thick layer of crystal armor, just reveals a pair of cold silver.

In his hands, the sword disappeared, turned into a frozen huge sword!

This is still not finished, in his back, the ice crystal wings are again condensed, but there is no big double, as if it is gently, you can destroy this world.

But ... The sword is still growing!

Twenty thousand feet!

Twenty one million feet!

Until 25,000 feet, swords were unparalleled, and they stopped.

It was originally like a high-like ice, a high-rise, in front of the sword, and suddenly became short.


No words, swords are not double!

He stepped out, directly stepped into a flat place, right fist like a full moon, squatting towards the ice to respect!

The medium-sized repair is all outbreak out, condenses on his fist, with him to dominate the ancient people who are not destroyed, suddenly put a sun in the fist, scattered the light light!

Rumble ~~!

This punch is just strong, the strength of the overbearing, the strength of the brilliance, has not bombarded the Supreme of the Ice, and put the void in a pit, set off the sky!

"Come! The sword is unparalleled! Today isn't you die, I die !!"

The ice is full of madness, and it is also a pole, and it has taken out an unpropted spirit!

He mentioned the giant sword like the glacier mountain, and he was ignorant towards the sword!

! ! !

Surprise explosion! !

The ice is to respect the body, the overbearing strength and the horrible swords of the sword are unparalleled, and they directly follow the glacial giant swords, such as the thousands of waves, and a wave of yang is in the Supreme body. !

Suddenly, countless ice crystal splashes, the ice is full of three steps, every step is going to step, all like a earthquake, with his foot as a center, the earth began as the spider web, the unique depth, Viso-gully long marks.

The sword is unparalleled, and the fist is overflowed from the bloody blood, the bones are almost broken.

However, even if so, the sword is not a big face.

In the same year, the sword was unparalleled with the Supreme. It is almost unrestrained, the poor is in the past, and it can't hurt the ice.

Finally, I still use the last trick of the Taile Swordian, and I will defeat the Ice Supreme.

But now, with his strength, he is already enough to fight against the ice!

"Come again!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the words are like fire, and it is constantly flashing.

I saw him stepped out, and I started to fly, and I will play it again towards the ice to kill!

"Good! The sword is unparalleled, this seat is going to see, what level you grow!"

The ice is sinking, and the glacial giant sword is also raised, and the sword is not pair!


"Talent Magong, life shock!"

The sword is unparalleled, and the life is directly shocked.

A stake in the life level, suddenly spread, let the ice contest actions.

It is this time, the sword is unparalleled, and the hands are condensed into a punch, as if put the sun and the moon in the palm of his hand, release the endless light, moving towards the chest of the ice, is a madness!


The sword is unparalleled, the fierce swords are exploded, bombard in the chest of the ice, and suddenly there are countless sulings.

For the current sword, there is no double, in fact, it is not difficult to kill the ice.

He only needs to show the fifth style of Tara Xianxian, and the sword is unparalleled. This time it can directly kill the ice.

I don't even have trouble, he will directly put out the Yulo gods that are now hiding in the town monument. Under the two, even if it is slowly grinding, the ice can die.

But the sword is unparalleled without choosing this.

He depends on his most origin of our most origin, and the whole side of the bottom is completely pressed!

He wants to let the ice to die!


The more the sword is unparalleled, the faster, like a heavy gun, and the mad storm is smashed on the chest of the ice.

Countless ice crystal splash.

The thick crystal armor is directly smashed by the sword unparalleled fists directly!

In the sword where the sword is unparalleled, the bodies of the ice are beginning, began to tremble, and the whole person is like a native, constantly vibration.

His face is fast by green, and the ear is overflowed between the blood, the atmosphere begins to become sluggish.


With the sword unparalleled big drink, gather the sword without a pair of body and swords, the pen is straight in the center of the ice supreme chest!

In an instant, the ice is like a violent train head, the whole person fly out, like a sack, rolled a parabolic in the air, and poured down on the ground, set off the smoke like a mushroom cloud.

The sword is unparalleled to pick up the fist, slightly.

The whole world, there is only one of the mountains, one stands.

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