Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4514 died in words

In the place of god.

The Tianjiao from the top of the top, is already quiet, there is no double surrounding the sword, and seals it.

In just a few words, this Tianmen is proda, and there is no double in the sword.

Tianmen is in the middle of the people's reaction, and then looked at the faceless expression, but the sword of the words and unrequisited, even the sneer on the corner.

He looked around, the sound of the sound: "All, I dare to be determined, this person will have anything to cover the breath, avoid the force of the forbidden power! Now he got the benefits, I wanted to leave, do you agree? ? "


As soon as this sentence, everyone's face is a pupil, looking at the sword, unparalleled eyes, becoming less good and greedy.

"Yes! This person has a secret treasure, which can avoid these ban!"

"Hey, we have died so many people, it is hard to go here, and you have to have a benefit. Now I want to leave, there is such a good thing in the world?"

"Kid, hand in the secret treasure, let you leave!"

"Hahaha, I am looking at me, this person is just to give us a wedding dress, and the risk of our risk is again in progress."

"Yes, according to me, we are not as good as killing this kid, then the treasure on him, let's segment it again."

At a time, everyone looked at each other with each other, and the corner of his mouth was broken.

Humanity is evil, relying on rules.

There is no rule, people will be like a beast, will not talk about any morality, release the most primitive greed and sin in the human nature.

In this world of weak meat, strength is the world, the only constraint, who is more powerful, fist.

The Tianmen is prior to seeing, and the heart has a bruises.

He doesn't know if the sword is unparalleled, and it is possible to avoid the force of this banner. He doesn't know if the sword is unparalleled to enter the core position of the gods.

But these are not important.

As long as the sword is unparalleled, it is enough.

As for the reason?

Oh, my disciple of Tianmen is almost all the army, why can you be alone?

This is the biggest reason!

Shake and shake, he looked at the sword unparalleled, and there was a touch of light. It seems to be the emperor who has mastered everything.

"Now give you two options"

"First, it is, you will be awkward, give up everything resistance, maybe we can safely leave after we search for you."

"Second, it is our group to attack, directly kill you."

The sword is unparalleled, and it is a distracted face, suddenly revealing a smile.

He laughed, and he sighed and looked at the guests at the door. He sincerely opened: "Do you know why are you dead?"


The Tianmen is a frown, and some can't touch my mind.

"You died in words."

The sword is unparalleled, and the other people surrounded him will open again: "You know, why do you die?"

I don't wait for them.

The sword is unparalleled and self-answering.

"You died of stupidity."

In an instant, the sword is unparalleled, holding a sword holder of the Ta Luo Shenjian.

Pull the sword!

boom--! ! !

A whitening sword, like a horrible dragon, suddenly pulled out from the Junjian sheath!

Between the heavens and the earth, there is only this white sword!

A sword is like a dragon, straight to the nine heavy clouds!

The crisp sword sound, like a bomb, in the ground of the gods, fried!

Under a sword, whether it is the first day of the day, it is still more than ten days of arrogance, and it is like the antity of the sky, it is small to the extreme.


In an instant, Tianmen was prodeah lifted his head, and he looked at the swordsmanship of the WANG Yang's sea.

Others have the same face to be shocked. Under the lock of this sword, it will not be able to do it.


As with the knife cutting, this sword has swept it directly from these more than 10 Tianjiao.

After a sword.

Heaven and earth recovers clear, only sword is unparalleled, standing in the land of Feng Shen.

All Tianjiao, directly killed in this sword, even the flying ash is not left.

For the current swords, these are just eight stars, or a trace, two trace-level span, to kill it, it is more simple than the dead ants.

call out!

Shake the head, the sword has no double step, and suddenly the same is the same as the horizontal thunder, rushing away from the ground.


Feng Shen's ground.

Shenqi old face is gloomy, sitting in a knee.


Suddenly, a glare of swordsman is flashing in the land of the gods, and Shen Square is not to look at it.

A familiar atmosphere is constantly rushing out.

"Someone came out."

The gods flashing in the old eyes flashed a tempering, got up and stood up and blocked the part of the exit of the god.

On the other hand, I will help everyone in the genus of the gods, and some people must rush out, and some people will be jumped, and they will stand up and look at the scene.

"Only one person came out!"

"Ice is adult! It is definitely a big people come out!"

"Small, follow me to welcome the Ice Adult! I wish the ice gods to return, flag!"

Great Camoraited Lu Zhunzhen hit the god and smiled and opened his mouth.

Get closer, getting closer.

In everyone induction, this place of the gods, the speed is very fast, and the exit of the gods is close to the distance!


next moment!

A black robe is slim, and it suddenly rushes out from the land of Feng Shen.

"Ice big ... , is not the ice big person!"

"Who is this person?"

"What about Ice?"

The red whale helped everyone looked at this black robes, and they could not help but stay.

And the goddess is old, it is a pupil, and the face is slightly changed.

"Fog double !!!"

Suddenly, the grandfather of Shenquan is a piece of iron.

The father and son are attentive, and the most perceived of Yan Dan, naturally it is old.

He felt the breath of Yan Dan in the sword!

"Fog double! Say! Is it you kill it ?!"

Suddenly, Shenquan is dead and staring at the sword.

The sword who just stepped out of the gods was unparalleled, heard the question, not homogeneous.

God's hooks, how did you appear here?

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled, it doesn't matter, I don't want to know that this goddess is afraid to follow him all the way, I want to have an outer shape with Yan Dan, assassinate him.

"Is me killed, how?"

The sword is unparalleled to see him, faintly open.

"Sure enough is you!"

Seeing the sword is so big that the big side has admitted that Shen Saxi is angry when he suddenly attacked the heart, it was furious, and the murder was flashed in the eyes, and he fate:

"Fog double, you will come!"

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