Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4518 suspected


The disciple of the main hall is responsible for the main hall of the main hall, and it took a half-way, and he took the lead. When he couldn't read the sword, then smiled and turned into the main hall.

Not long, this disciple came out, whisper reminded: "The fog is double, go in, the main people are in it, but the master is not very good, if you have any bad news, still Say again. "

"I know."

The sword laughed without a double toward him, and then stepped into the main hall.

The main hall is dark, and a fragrant lightweight, a frenzy light, which will be only a bit of a gray, the main temple has added a bit of a bit.

The sword is unparallled, I saw that the Shenzong owner was sitting on a Beson's big chair. The head is biased, and the hand is condensed into a box, relying on the torch, elbow to resist the handrail, and some tired colors on the face.

Obviously, Yan Dan's death, and he also had a certain blow.

"The main people."

The sword is unparalleled with him.


The spirit of the Shenzong nodded and then took a deep breath and sat well.

He didn't hurry to ask the sword unparalleled in the land of Feng Shen, but said: "Fog double, you know that Yan Dan and Shen S will have fallen?"

When I heard this, the sword was unparalleled in the heart, but I was on the way back, he has set a good answer to a variety of inquiries and bursts, and the face was shocked: "What? God The sickle is also falling. The host adult, I only know what the Yan Dan is falling, but I didn't expect that Shenquan is still ... "

"Well, there is not long after Yan Dan, and Shen Square is dead."

The spirit of the Shenzong is nod, then the eyes suddenly, the face is more and more intense, and the sword is unparalleled: "The fog is double, according to the news of Shenquan old disciples, he said that Shen Square is old in Yan Dan After the zone, I follow you and Yan Dan. If you should know how to die, how do you know how to die? "

The sword is unparalleled, it is not true to reveal the color, and then he is a panicked. "" The host adult, you will not think that the death of Shenquan, is it related to me? "

The Lord of the refining Shennong did not have a positive answer, but said that it is a faint opening: "Fog double, I think you should explain this one, why do you have to go to the ground, others are dead, and you It's alive, I remember, I remember that in this time, there is a lot of people who have a lot of things. This is the embarrassment, you are listening. "

The sword is unparalleled, and the face has been struggling. It seems that he should not say that after it is struggling, he makes a decision, a bit bite the teeth:

"The main people, Yan Dan is indeed that I kill! This is really not a disciple, but the Yan Dan deceived too much, we just entered the land of the gods, he wanted to kill me, the disciple is under the life life, Helpless, anti-kill him. As for the doctor, how to live, the disciple is really unknown "

"Sure enough is Yandan you kill."

In the main eyes of the refining, the essence has skyrocketed three inches, and the face flashes a smeared color.

Yan Dan is not good, it is also the disciple of his person with a big hand, and he has chosen the people.

I snorted, and the Lord of the Shen Shen was once again asked: "The fog is double, I will not mention the old sickle, this is the master, why don't you tell me, you don't tell me, all the ban Kill. "

In this regard, the sword has no countermeasures, and the head is low:

"The main people don't know, when we entered the land of Feng Shen, the red whale helped the universal, this person's repair, at least in five trays, not only ignoring the ban on the land of the gods, Unblocking, and is killing the ring in the inside ... "

The sword is unparalleled, and all the responsibilities are pushed to the Ice Supreme.

Today, the ice is full of death, and naturally death has no evidence.

And as long as it is a slight investigation, you can know that nilal whale is the most popular.

When you go to the ground, you can surveomely, these can be investigated.

I heard it, the Lord of the refining God is not frowned.

Subsequently, the Lord of the refining God asked the sword where the sword could escape the birthday.

In this regard, the sword is unparalleled, there is already a countermeasure, takes out the damaged Ta Luo god corpse, telling yourself to the god corpse to resist, and escape the birthday.

The sorrow of the sorrow of the gods should be the injury in the god of the gods. I found that the terrorist spirit of the Tooh of the Too Too Too Too Tibet, suddenly did not doubt him in his heart.

"You step back, this host needs to think about it."

After a while, the Lord of the Lord was waved, and the sword was unparalleled.


The sword has no double loudly.

In the main hall, restore a quiet restoration.


The darkness of the main hall.

The land of the Shenzong reached out and pressed his eyebrow. He looked at the distance, and his eyes turned over the color of thinking.

Just in the sword unparalleled, he did a strong power fluctuation. This kind of power fluctuated, the strength is not under him, at least the invincible supreme.

So everything is naturally.

I am afraid that I am old, it is also dead in the invincible for the universe.

"Recently, this time, the Shenli universe has been infiltrated by our universe, and it is so frequent? I am afraid that the war will start, I have to make a good time for refining God."

He is silent in his heart.

Once the war will rise, he will be summoned by the invitation of the god, and go to the battlefield of the void ban, form a big army, and the universe of the gods.

Whether this can come back, no one can say it.

"Before this, I have to determine the owner of Ren Zong."

The painting of the Shenzong is flashing, caught in thinking.

After a long time, he sighed.

"Fog two?"


Back to Shi Yanshan, the sky is late.

At the mountain, the sword has encountered the enchanting woman nine musk.

She looked at the sword where the expressionless expression was unparalleled, the lips were light, I would like to say something, but finally, it is sigh, low.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no intention to talk to her, and the pen is straight into the seventh corpse of the mountain.

Open the neighborhood, seal the door of the corpse, the sword is unparalleled to release the gods from the void, and the eyes are flashing in the eyes.

Next moment, the sword did not have a double-disc knee, and there were countless power in his hand, and in the middle of the gods.

Suddenly, like a humbaga-like Mo Luo god corpse body, it started quickly recovery.

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