
The white-haired and the sword have hit in the air, the sword is unparalleled, only two Thunder is injected into his eyes, and I can't help but leave a slightly after retreating.

When the sword is unparalleled, open his eyes and look at this person, his face has been brought more.

In front of you, this white-haired is the old man, and it is a six trace of virtuality, but also from strength, I am afraid that it is strong than refining the gods!


The surprises in the heart of the old man are even more, he is a virtan of specializing the Rayt, the Lei has already concluded, just in this eye, although there is no plenty of power, but the perpetual pressure of the self Even if the three screamers see, you can't get it.

But this person, just half a step behind it slightly?

"It seems that the new host of the eight abreamous is not a simple role."

White haired is the old man shakes his head, but it has not thoughtred.

"Fog double, this is the adult."

The main opening of the refining Shenzong is introduced.

"Make adults."

The sword is unparalleled, the white-haired, the old man, the head is nodded, and immediately look at the main owner of the god, saying: "The main people."

"Well, foggy. Today, you are also to take over the main owner, become a person who is the primary of the Shenzong, this principle has something to say."

Refining the gods, the main micromlude, the spin, I thought about it, I said:

"Fog double, this time makes adults come to refining the gods, it is necessary to bring this principal to a place, the place is dangerous, this is a peaceful return, and it is also unknown. We don't know the gods. Therefore, this association decided to convey to you, let you temporarily behave, the job of supervision, you are willing? "

"Disciples are dead, and they are trying to do their best, protect the gods!"

The sword has no double forward, and the sound is awkward.

"it is good."

When I heard this, I couldn't help but get satisfied with the color, and I said: "Fog double, this host has already sent it to the five majority, let them help you. These five big too The old man is the real top pillar of the Shenzong, which is like a long time, and it is more than the main owner. It is still a long time to refining the gods. I want to come to you. You have five people, and the size can be safe. Over, you don't have to worry too much. "

I suddenly took a meal, and I was going to say:

"It is often declaring the universe, let the Wan Dynasty congratulate the universe, and this time this time is more rushing, I am afraid that there is no time to get too grand.

But I will not be able to perfine things at will, fall in the face. Later, this principal will send the corpse doodle, send it to the big delivery of all major, to invite those who have the same, come to participate in the banquet. I have witnessed your Dragon Based.

However, there is a place, but you need you to go to run, showing sincerity. "

"Where is the place? The master is not saying,"

The sword is unparalleled.


The main opening of the Shenzong is spit out.


The sword is unparalleled. He is so good to come here for so long, and it is less than the power of the universe.

This episode is in the universe of the virtual universe, and the immortal tract, but it seems that the relationship between the Shenzong is not very good.

How can I make him a person who will become a host, personally send an invitation?

It seems to have seen the doubts of the sword, and the spirit of the Shenzong is slightly smiling:

"Fog double, you don't know, this is actually one of us in this year, but it is the god of the gods of the ancestors of the ancestors of the gods, and they have been able to open up.

We refining the abortion of the abnormal refinement, and this episode is to practice himself as a god corpse.

For so many years, because of the philosophy, we have made many unpleasant things in the Shenzong and Ming Hao.

However, we refine the ancestors of Shen Zong, but everything, there is a major thing, must personally go to the opponent, invitation to come and sign a party.

The same is the same as the martyrdom, I am afraid that they have a new palace master, and they will come to us to refine the gods. "

After the Lord of the Shenzong, the sword is unparalleled to nod, replied:

"The disciple knows, the disciple will be set off."

For swords, there is only a process of going to go, there is nothing trouble, nature is not unable.

"Well, this parade has arranged a disciple to accompany you, tomorrow morning, you will leave."

The Shenzong main opening said.

Inspiring, the Lord of the Refining God has explained a few words that needed to be responsible after the host, so that the sword is unparalleled.

The white haired is the old man, not to send a word until they end, but listening to the sword, after the sword is unparalleled, he will say that the deep and long said:

"Eight wild, I see this person is not good, the tone is not humble, I am afraid that I am a heart, the city is deep."

The Lord of the refining God heard the words, did not understand what the white-haired burled old man said this sentence, what is the meaning?

White haired is the old man, just shakes his head, no more.


The next morning.

After the sword is unparalleled, it is intended to leave the articles and go to the temple.

If you have a far away, the sword is unparalleled to see a woman in red, a tall woman, standing in the mountain gate.


The sword is unparalleled, picking out the eyebrows.

What is the disciples who say that God's land?

"Fog, fog double, Zong master, I am responsible for it, take care of you all the way. And the principal of the host said, and later let me be your closeness, and you will make you."

The nine thom is low, some don't dare to see the sword, and if the mosquito flies.

Since then in the main hall, after the matter, the two did not have a come, nine musk, and the seemingly angry, the words were gentle, and the fog, the fog, and more, there were more people who said unknown. Fear.

Yes, it is fear.

"Oh, let's go."

There is no double point of the sword, and I will release the god of the gods to give his giant bone bird, step out, falling on the back of the bone bird.

Why did Shenzong will send nine-smel that he understands that he is afraid because of the conflict between swords and .

Although this conflict and the nine cous is not much related, after all, because of the ninekk, the Lord will change the 'compensation' him.

In this regard, the sword is quite helpless.

"If you come back, after you come back, you will find a chance to say clearly."

Shake the head, the sword is unparalleled to see the nine cousin, the right foot is gently.

Time, the giant bone bird makes a clear, wings, and suddenly make a stream, rushing to the sky, disappearing in the door of the penguiner.

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