Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4528 Holocaust

"I am waiting, I will welcome the gods of the gods!"

"Congratulations to the gods of the gods!"

One time, the entire refining Shenzong Square booked, tens of thousands of refining disciples were poured down, and they shouted.

Welcome to the sword, there is no passion, and the rolling waves are rushing up, and the whole refining god.

At this moment, the sword is unparalleled. I have been replaced with a big robber, and the striped gold line of the corner is under the hot sun, reflecting the glory.

He faced a clear show, the eyebrows were cold, but it took a calm meaning of such a prison, and it was not angry.

Especially the eyes, extraordinaries are so hard, and people don't dare to see.

"Get up."

The sword is unparalleled, and the right hand is in the top.

Suddenly, tens of thousands of disciples are standing.


The Deng Qi Dynasty in the Shen Shen is gradually ending in the Wanchao.

After the sword is unparalleled with the people who came to the parties, he farewed them. Among them, the face of the owner of the marty, the face was not very good, and the sword was unparalleled. Leave the refining attic.

After another, it is the arrangement of the eight sheeks away.

In the main hall, only swords are unparalleled and eight harmonious.

"I want to come this, it should be this seat, last time I am sitting here."

Eight Remaining Sitting on the throne of only the main owner can sit on the throne, with the hands on the black gold armrest, the thumb is gently scattered with fine ripples on the armrest, slightly.

The sword is unparalleled to him, silently, and bowes.

"Fog double, this seat is not too much, you give this principle, you are a thoughtful, the city's deep generation, this is a good thing, but it is also a bad thing."

"This seat can feel faintly, your heart seems to hide what is hidden, but this matter is not guess, ponder, this seat is not to break the casserole, this seat is only hope, no matter what, You have already taken out the position of this seat, become the main owner of the Shenzong, then everything is the best in the benefit of the Zongmen, the personal interest is time, do not make the point of refining Shenzong into the abyss. "

"To tell the truth, Yan Dan this person is a cardiagy, or the talent is better than you, but if Yan Dan does not die, this is still the position of the master, and pass it to Yan Dan. ... "

Early Wildness is slowly speaking, it is the first time with the sword.

The sword is unparalleled, but the heart is sigh.

After he joined the Shenzong, no matter what this refining God is good, it is still good, it is good to give him the impression.

Just a pity, naturally determined to stand in the opposite side, the sword meet each other.

At that time, the sword was unparalleled in the outside battlefield and the eight harmonious and other people. What kind of scene?

Eight Remaining Essence and no longer wants the sword without double answer, but continues to say:

"Fog double, this time this time, this is the mission of this seat, the mission is very poor, it is very likely that you can't come back, so you will look at the Shenzong for me."

"it is good."

The sword nodded.


Next day.

It is still in the morning, and the eight sheeks have a smile and the white man who has left the refinement.

Under the god of the gods, the sword is unparalleled to look at the backs of the Eight Ware and the bumen of the old man, and squinted.

This eight defects have been finally left to him, and there is no way to confirm the void ban. At the same time, the sword is unparalleled, this is not so simple.

"I still have to go slowly by myself."

The sword is unimpeded.

at this time.

A excited voice, in the sword where there is no double brain.

"Leight, we found new situation!"


There is no double brow, there is no need to respond, but the eyes are full of light, and the main hall of the host is.

"The main people!"

"See the primary people!"

Responsible for the two disciples of the hill door, and quickly and half squatted, and the loudly said.

"Well, look at the mountain gate."

The sword nodded, then stepped out of steps, directly from the sky.

Countless land, narrowing in the sword.

Just a few interest, the sword is unparalleled, and there is a step in the main hall.

In the Temple, some servants who are responsible for the main owners are cleaning the temple in the main hall. I have seen the sword and I have to kneel.

"Go out."

The sword is unparalleled.


These servants have retired.

Waving the gate of the main temple, the sword has no double shape, enter only the palace that can enter the palace that can enter.

In the palace, many books are placed, and it is a secretary of the secretary of refining Shenzong, as well as a secretary such as a variety of alchemy.

In the middle, there is a yin and yang gossip, countless vain and corpse, from the center of the chart.

The sword is unparalleled and the knee is sitting down and silently starts absorbing these virtual power.

After having the imperial crystal, the sword is not equivalent to a converter, which will make the power of absorbing, and transform the power!

Located in the sword, this yin and yang gossip, not only controlling the navigation of the gods, but also absorbs all the corpse and flavor of the full!

In other words, that is, the sword is unparalleled in this yin and yang gossip. The whole of the blossoms and corpses will be filled to him!

What horror is this?

However, the sword has nothing to start the picture, but connected to the news of Jiao Ming, which is connected and the red whale.

"You said carefully."

The sword is unparalleled.


Luo Ming voice excited: "Less Lord, we are responsible for staring at the top of the top potential, just in these days, the top forces, or always fall into the old, old, all awake Come over, all in the empty!

In the case of void, we found that Guheng Xiangzun and others, all closed, all contracted.

This is definitely there will be big events right away! "

The sword is unparalleled, and the essence has skyrocketed three inches.

Looking at this, the second Holocaust War, I will start it right away?

I took a deep breath, the sword was unparalleled: "I know, the last time I will let you prepare the empty map and labeling, do it?"

"After returning to the Lord, all the map is all drawn!"

Luo Ming took a role.

"Well, you sent people to the people, send them to the gods. Remember, this person must be your child's child, it is the person who is banned by me!"

There is no double point in the sword.

"Small understand, immediately arrange it."

Luo Ming quickly replied.

"Well, you can arrange it, then have any situation, you should contact me the first time."

After the told this sentence, the sword was unparalleled.

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