Eighty-seventh cracks.

The Sacrifice Supreme is still continuing, and a shareholding row mountain is inverting.

In the twenty-three cracks, the sword is unparalleled and the ram is supreme, and it has stepped out and walks into the crack.


The void crack is twisted, swallow the sword unparalleled and the ram supreme figure, and the two disappeared.

The familiar dizziness is again attacked, waiting until the sword is unparalleled and the ram supreme, when he opened his eyes, he has reached a starry.

The same starry sky, just the breath in the universe is different.

The sword is unparalleled and the ram is right, and it is a movement in his heart.

Sure enough, in addition to the eighty-seventh cracks, this twenty-three cracks can also go to the Shenli universe and the imaginary universe.

The two are going to the Zhenon camp.

A big shout, suddenly burning!

"Is the thief, die!!!"


I saw a six-claw white dragon, and I was driving fog, quickly rushing!

In his mouth, there is a huge flacked bomb, which is just like a sun in the mouth.


When the ram is coming, it turns again. This remembers that the two have just crackd from the void, which is certainly being used by others as a virtual universe.

However, I haven't waited for him to explain, and the fireball has quickly hit, and I slammed a broken channel directly in the void, and the pen is straight to the sword and the ram supreme.

This fireball, the light is scattered, and the hot temperature is far from the rear.

Just when the ram is desperate, the sword is located next to him, there is no double, stepped out, holding the sword handle of the waist Taolo sword!

Pull the sword!


A shocking training, like a river, obliquely, directly putting this big fireball, smashed two halves.

Countless flames spread, reflecting the sword unparalleled and ram supreme faces.


Leading Ta Luo Shen Jian, sword unparalleled, faintly looking into a huge dragon eye, flashed the jabbed of the six-claw white dragon, calming the mouth: "Long Qing, I haven't seen it for a long time, I can't think of you or so stupid."


Tens of thousands of legs of the six-claw white dragon, the white man flashed, and immediately became a young man wearing a white robe, a double corner of his head.

"Sword is not double?"

Dragon has sprinkled his eyes and snorted.

And the sword is unparalleled, the sharp ear is restored, and the imperiality is turned into power, and the real people are dominated.

"This guy, did not die in the universe of the virtual."

"And, this guy seems to be strong!"

The dragon eyes flashed in the eyes.

This time, the sword is unparalleled into the universe, except for the specific situation of the Zhen Zhen, as for others, even the two disciples of the Zhen Zhen, are unclear that the sword is unparalleled and others in the universe of the universe, do something what.

Therefore, Long Qing also thought that the sword was unparalleled, and he was killed in the universe of the universe.

Heartball ~~!

Subsequently, it is also a few shadows, etc. After seeing the sword and the unparalleled, suddenly, it is not dare to confuse the color.

"Is the sword and no pairs ?!"

"The sword is not back from the universe of the virtual universe?"

"The sword is unparalleled or the first person from the virtual universe?"

Everyone has shocked.

The sword is unparalleled and wrinkled, and he did not pay attention to them, and it is indifferent to the mouth:


After that, the sword is unparalleled with the ram to respect two streamed streams, and instantly scratch the horizon and moved to the big capital of the Zhen Zhen.

This time, the sword is not double, but I will come back to the Zhinshen, but I am in person, because it is very important, such as the map and combustion deployment of the void ban, and the long spectacle spent tens of thousands of chaotic collections. The information you have, you must hand it over to the Zhen God, and the sword is unhearthed.

After several hours.

Camp is here.

There is no difference for hundreds of years, and the big camp is nothing to have, and it becomes more downs. It is responsible for the guards who guard the patrol capital. They are full of face, thinking, they also guess the things that the war will come.

The sword is unparalleled, and the monks who are responsible for watching the big camp are preparing to intercept. After seeing clear people, I will have a little surprised:

"You are the vice captain's sword, do you come back from the universe?"

The sword is unparalleled to see this person. I saw this person wearing the seventh squash. It is the team member of the seventh team. When the sword has no double fight for five thousand years, this person will fight side by side.

"it's me."

The sword nodded and didn't have any nonsense, and the opening:

"Take me to see the people of the Zhenon."

The seventh team member saw the sword and did not have a double expression, and the things were ruined, and they were busy with the sword to walk towards the Head of Zhen.

On the way along, many eyes look at the swords and unparalleled, first is surprivable, then it is a shock.

"The sword is unparalleled!"

"He came back from the universe!"

Without ingredients, these discussions, the swords have nothing to move into the temple of the Zhenon.

In the Head of the Head, the appearance of the Yeon is a big bull, and it is looked at the book, the blue and the blue saple are standing on both sides.

I heard the footsteps, I was looking at the beginning, I saw the sword unparalleled, and there was no accident on his face, but the mouth showed a smile, nodded:

"You are coming."

Waving waving, he schematically sides of Blue San and blue and blue.


Blue San and Blue Should have a sound, when you pass it, look at the sword is unparalleled, and it is equally surprised.

After two people left, the whole hall, only left the Zhen Zhen and swords.

"Aege people."

The sword is unparalleled with the neighborhood.

"You don't have to take a guest between you."

The Zhen Shen put down the books in his hand, patted the position next to it, indicating that the sword was unparalleled to sit next to him.

"During this time, you have worked hard."

The Zhen Shen looked at the sword where the vicissitudes of the eyes were there, sighed. I am inexplicably distressed.

The sword is sitting next to the Zhen Zhen, and I laughed.

There is a word of the Zhen Zhen, everything is worth it.

God knows that his sword is unparalleled in the Shenzong, it seems that the wind is calm, and it is true to tighten the heart every day. I don't dare to relax, I am afraid that there is a risk of myself.

Its cost-effectiveness is simply not possible.

"The neighborhood, you will look at these two things first."

Astringent, swords are unparalleled, the map, the list of war, the list of war, and the bamboo tube handed over to him, all appeared in his hand.

"it is good!"

The Zhenzhen also did not have a lot of waste, and the hearts of the war will start, and it is not an oldest.

He first took the roll of the bamboo tube and looked at it carefully.

In the Head of the Head, the candlelight swayed, the legend of the universe slowed down, and the brow suddenly wrinkled.

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