Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4534 Nan Yu Xiandao, Feng Tian Lao Zu

In the temple, the candle is shaking.

The sword is unparalleled and the people of the Zhishen, this talk is a whole night.

"Go to South Yumi Xiandao, find a day old ancestor?"

The sword is unparalleled, slightly, slightly.

This is, I am only afraid that I have to spend some time, but I have a god of the gods, and there is a Temorad of the gods, and there are people who have a gamble and the elders.

"it is good."

Astringent, the sword nodded and agreed.

See this, the vision of the vision, said: "The sword is unparalleled, the old man must remind you a few words, the guys are spoicon, and it is not happy to make the card, if you meet him, keep the basic polite However, you have no need to move, otherwise he will inevitably tease you. "


The sword is unbounded in the eyes, and it is schematically knowing.

At last.

The Zhen Shen stretched out the right hand, patted the sword unparalleled shoulders, the first tone, Zhengzheng said: "The sword is unparalleled, our universe is life and night, there is a large part, you are in your body."

"The people of the Zhen Zhen have seriously, and the sword is unparalleled.

The sword is unparalleled and the same will solemnly drive.

In fact, for the sword is unparalleled, now he has mastered the practice method of the virtual universe, even if the universe is destroyed, he can practice it in the virtual universe, and today, he is still the main land of the Shenzong, and the status of statement It is not better than the difference between the power of the universe.

However, the Shenli Universe is his home, and he has paid all the growth, his lover, his loved ones, his division, deep roots in the Shenli universe!

To this end, he will die!

On the next day, when all people have not been perceived, the sword has left the big camp, and rushed to the South Yuxian Island.

Nan Yumi is located in the South Yutian, which is not the center of the universe. In accordance with the location, it has been considered a little wilderness.

Most of the star fields are some ordinary mortals living.

half year later.

Located in the edge of the universe, a black robe is a step from the cosmic channel.

"Before the convenience is the Nanxia star field?"

The sword has flashed in a touch of tissue, and the continuous rushing road, even if he is, it feels some tired.

It is preparing to release the power, find what location in Nanxian Island in Nanxiao, but found that the whole Nanxia star field seems to be covered by a fog, and the power cannot erode.

Don't want to know, this is certainly the hand of the ancestors.

Shake the head, the sword is not careless, and I am so strong to capture the position of the Tian Lao Zu. After all, he came here, and it is also a person who is for people. If this is done, it is inevitable that there is a few bismuth.

call out.

The sword is unparalphed, and suddenly fall into the South Youth Star Field, the most prosperous city.

"Sugar gourd, sell sugar hoist ~~"

"Suzhou Jinlan's rouge, come and see ~~"

This city pool is bustling, many mortals walk in the streets, there are happiness on both sides, but they are a good fireworks.

See this, the sword is unparalleled, since the heart, since the power is strong, the daily face is the case, and a heart is tight, never stopped, take a look at the way. landscape.

"The mortal is a life, although it is short, but there is also his purpose."

Shake the head, the sword was unparalleled to stop the old man, and smiled and asked: "The old man, you can know where the South Yukian island?"

"Nan Yu Xiandao?"

The old man heard the words, and asked: "Later, you also go to the old fairy to listen to the class?"


The sword is unparalleled, and the old immortigation in this old man is only afraid that it is the same.

I nodded, swords and no pairs: "Yes, old people, you can know where the old fairy is in the South Yumi Island?"

"Out of the city, I have been going to the south, you will see a South China Sea, where there will be a boat that goes to fish, you spend some silver two, rent a boat, the path straight to the middle of the sea, it is, If you have a fate, you will meet the South Yumi Xiandao. If you don't have a dead, you can find the South China Sea, and you will not see the trace of the old fairy. "

The old man said.

"Thank you."

The sword has no double DPRK this old man arches the hand, the spin is the foot, and the whole person disappears.

This scene, falling around the road, suddenly caused a shock, countless people kneel down, and the fairy will be ignorant.

However, the old man is in seeing the sword and unparalleled, the mouth is a slight smile.

"Little guy, I want to find the old man, it is not so simple."

Shake your head, this old man also disappeared.

However, the periphery passers-by, but did not see it, but did not know.


Just a breathing time.

The sword is unparalleled to the edge of the South China Sea, countless fishermen sheroes with wooden racks, and salvages on the net and wind-dried.

The sword is unparalleled, and there is no directly to find Nan Yu Xiandao, but the two stones will be picked up, and after the mortality of silver, in the hands of a fisherman, I bought a U.Iy boat.


Wusun's boat is going to the sea, the sword is unparalleled in the bow, the hand is mechanically, the storm, blowing his hair.

Ren whose waves are stunned, he is self-moving, and it can't be easily explained.

Wo-Zun's boat is on the blue sea, and the sword is unparalleled. I also see many other boats, and I am going to visit the sea.

After three days.

The sword is unparalleled brow gradually wrinkled.

In terms of common sense, with his speed, it should have been visible to this South Sea.

But he found that he would have been in the vicinity after it is in a foggy big.

"play me?"

The sword is unparalleled to look at the distance, and the eyes are more impatient.

From falling to this star field, he did not deliberately converge, and this Tianzhu should have already known his existence.

The sword is unparalleled, and after this star field, the row is still polite, this day, the old ancestors, but it is now.

Thinking of this, the sword is not a double brow, the more wrinkled, and the unattime in the eyes is more obvious.


at the same time.

In the South China Sea, there is a small island surrounded by the sky. The island is in the island, and the crane flying, which is quite a few fairyland.

On the island, a bamboo forest.

A head dairy towel, the old man with a paddy fan sitting on the ground.

In front of the old man, there is a chess board, and there is no one opposite the chessboard, but every time, with the old people look down, the board is automatically emerged, and the game is played with him.

"Master, that person has been trapped in the array of three days, don't we take him?"

A child's lip red and white child, standing next to this old man, a small sound asked.

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