It seems that it is in the discourse of the Zhen Zhen.

Just in the gods of the universe, I plan to set the whole force. When I was completely killing the virtual universe of the universe, I looked back at the thirty virtuality of a deep body. I screamed and said:

"let's go."

After saying, I have a big sleeve, and these thirty six trace are deficient, and in 100 ordinary virtual revenue sleeves, follow the footsteps, enter the void crack.

The universe of the universe came with invincible, and finally, she took the wolf.

However, the people of the Shenli universe have no one in the face.

This time, the front of the two universe, it seems that the Shenli universe won, with the universe of the universe ended.

In fact, this time, the universe, although the universe is falling, but at all, I can't hurt the bones.

It is to know that in order to this battle, the Shenli universe has made various means, such as that hundreds of kills, so that the sword is unparalleled in the ninety-nine-nine fences under the void.

They are hurting the universe of the universe, and even the intentions of the whole, I have been in a service.

However, reality is thinking about them, it is simply in the north.

Opportunity, fleeting slightly.

And this opportunity, has passed away for the Shenli universe.

Don't want to know, the next virtual universe is once again, and it will inevitably prepare for the attack.

At that time, it will be the disaster of the Shenli universe.

And this day, it is obvious that it hasn't been used for a long time.


A invincible supreme, the voids in front of the front, suddenly bombarded the void as a mirror, vented the depression in the heart.

Other invincible supreme, although I didn't think of this person, I will express my inner depression, but I'm sinking a face, my face is not very good.

The sword is unparalleled to income the sword , sigh.

If you say that there is no mentality, then everything they want, maybe it is really reached.

At least the sword is unparalleled, and the ordinary virtuality of the universe is absolutely that the whole army will be covered. No one will escape.

And the god has no locks provided by the tissue, and it is impossible to open the connection channels of the two universe. Those six traces are virtual respect, at least one half of it comes here.

It's just a pity, thousands of thousands of counted, but it didn't work.

This is a tumor.

"Well, we will go back to prepare first."

The Zhen Shen took a sigh of breath and opened his mouth.

He is the leader of the Shenli universe. Despite this battle, he also had a little low, but he knows, he can't show it.

Once he is desirable, the Shenli universe is really finished.

The Shenli's universe is now a tough, and it is true that a rope is on the Zhen Zhen.

"it is good."

Everyone took a nod, followed by the body of the Zhenon, headed towards the big camp.

The domain battlefield, once again become quiet, only one pile of residual limbs, and countless power fluctuations, confirming the fierce battle.

But over time, the traces of these battles will be swallowed by the universe, repeating the beginning.

The universe never change.

It is like a ruthless and constantly running machine, silently looking at the times and the tide of the tide.

Even if people in the universe come in, they will only be a monk who live in the universe of the universe, rather than the Shenli universe.


Back to the big camp.

Responsible for some supreme, seeing everyone is serious, and the appearance is not a good result.

Therefore, they did not speak anything, but they call a villain, they will no longer speak.


The Zhenzhen nodded, and then said: "Come to the main hall, discuss the next plan."

In his voice, a tired exhaustion.

After that, I will not say more, alone, one step by step towards the main hall.

At this time, the people found it.

In the Zhen Zhen, when the legend, the straight waist was slightly smoked, and the back appeared.

Everyone saw it, couldn't help but look at it, and then sighed.

The pressure of the Zhon is the biggest one.

He is responsible for too much too much.

"Let's go."

The Bili old ancestors took a sigh of relief, and then strikingly followed the body of the Zhenon.

Entering the hall, everyone has gone:

"I will wait, see" Ionneer. "

"At this time, I don't talk about these buddies."

The god swayed, and the eyes were tired.

After that, I didn't talk anymore, but I went to the big palace.

Some positions have been empty.

One of the prodrus is a nine team, the fifth team captain Zero Supreme position.

There is empty, the location is still, but people have never come back.

"Zero is supreme, died in the hands of the first ancestors of the universe."

The fourth team leader Golden Supreme and whispered.

Among the team captains, he belongs to the relationship between him and Zero Supreme.

The two are in the same era, but the two days of arrogance in the era, and later entered the domain battlefield, fight side by side, can say that it is the most intimate relative in the world.


The nephell nodded and opened: "Xiaoxi, you will go to the heritage list later, and the name of Zero Supreme is going."

"Yes, Master."

Blue loudly.

Although she is a disciple of the Zhen Zhen, her status is respected, but I also added this battle, and at this moment, my face is pale, and my breath is sluggish. It is never a light injury in the battlefield.

There was no new emotional rendering, and the Zhen Shen took a sigh of relief, forcibly mentioning the spirit, and retreated sharply, swept from everyone's face, said:

"Do you have any intentions on the next?"

In this case, everyone is facing each other, no one speaks.

The means of this use has been exhausted, and this level of war, ordinary conspiracy tricks have long been there.

It's been a long time.

The hegemony old ancestral, standing up from the seat, tanguked the iron road:

"No him, the soldiers will soon to cover the soil, only dead wars!"

" ?"

The Zhen He heard his eyes, then nodded, and his eyes revealed his endless killing pride and fruit.

"Good, only death"! "

Others many supreme words, suddenly heavenly skyrocket.

Indeed, at this time, I want to defeat the universe, all conspiracy is just a joke.

They only have a road to go, then it is only dead war!

"I apologized!"

Wu Jian fairy coldly spit out these two words.





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