Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4566 is a big reverse

The atmosphere, caught in the unprecedented silence.

After a long time, the dazzling a smile on his face, asked: "Master, where are you going?"

Feng Tian's ancestors pay attention to the look on the look of the child, and it is not coming to reveal in both eyes.

If you can, why do he want to leave the young?

I am a fretty person, so I'm so simple, if I am not there, who goes to protect her?

Will it be cheated?

In the long years, this old is a small, and it has long been dedicated to a honesty.

However, the next moment, this is a resolutely replaced in the next moment.

He turned his head, no longer went to see the nami, look at the direction of the distant exterior battlefield, try to make your own tone calmly: "Go to a place that is a teacher."

The nicker is again silent. She knows that she is going to make up for a regret.

The last time, the master did not participate, the whole cosmic corpse is very popular, although it is very few of the ancestors of the ancient ancestors, but the young people know that the master's old people don't shoot myself, help the universe has been worried. Pregnant.

Now, the battle of the catastrophe is once again broke out, it is a master of his old man, and it is time to complete the mission.

"it is good."

A brilliant smile is squeezed on the chicks, and the eyes laughed into the cadres.

"Master, I will go early early, and I still wait for you to stay with me to travel together."

"Haha, that is the hope, when you see the little birds next time, you have found the people who truly willing to stay with you to travel to the West, rather than being a bad old man."

The hair of the biting hair was blocked, and the sky was a little breathed in the heart.

Fortunately, this apprentice is not completely unable to accept your own departure, and emotions are stable.

In this way, he can rest assured.

However, he forgot, and the dazzling girl is a very sensible girl.

"Annual, that is the teacher, the next time I will see you again, you have to fix it, you can punish you."

Feng Tian's ancestors said a sentence, and then he didn't hesitate. After leaving a small imposed, he left a laser, and went to the distance.

I saw him a jumping, which was a hundred millions of miles away, across countless silver river stars, speed fast to the extreme, short-scale, and disappeared in the depths of the universe.

The dazzling look at the sea, the eyes, the eyes flashed, and the eyes were angry.


Outside the battlefield, big camp.

The major supreme has been closed, and the whole domain battlefield is quiet.

However, everyone knows that this is just a sign of the storm.

The Hall of the Zhenon.

The gods sat in the master position, press the eyebrow heart, these days, he did not stop, constantly refining to the treasure medicine, hoping to be these supreme, helping the power of the Shenli universe.

"Master, this is the nine god tea tree tea extracted in the Mountain of the Mountain, the cage of the Mountain, the cage of the disciples, and you can try."

Blue Soviet hands with ceramic glazed tea cups, respectful came over and said.

A silky tea is mixed with hot air, which is raised from the tea cup.

However, it was surprising that this was not scattered after this hot gas rose, but it made a small unicorn.

"Well? This nine-god tea tree has a Tiangui family in the Chicken Cage Mountain, you can get this tea from them, you have a heart."

The Zhen Zhen smiled slightly, took a tea cup, and said slightly.

"Master respects the words, this is what the disciples are."

Blue San laughing with a laugh.

A piece of tea is under the belly, and I feel that my emotions are good.

Blue Su, I have a move, I will have an opening next to it: "Master, you think this battle, how much we have a victory?"

The Zhon Wen thought I thought, replied: "I am afraid that less than 30%."


Blue San nodded, the eyes flashed a touch of thinking, and immediately used the tone of the test mode, whispered: "Master, you have already guarded 100,000 chaotic bilies, if ... I said if I said, the universe is really broken. Do you still have to be accompanied by the universe? "

In this case, the atmosphere suddenly became a strange quiet.

The Zhen is put down the tea cup, the smile on the face gradually converges, and the face is not expressing to the blue Soviet, slowly said: "You said this, what does it mean?"

Blue San Wen said that it is not forbidden.

"Master, I ....."

He has a few mouthfuls, but in the end, it seems that I think about what I have, I'm looking at the beginning of the Zhen Zhen, and I said: "Master, the universe of the universe is outside the virtance, the snake god is equally weak. Behind the back, there is a support of the organization, the disciples fight, the Shenli universe has not too much vitality. "

"It is better to deliberately deliberately with the goddess for the universe. Can you rule with the gods of the gods, can you rule your strength? As long as you talk to the virtance, I think that God is not a brain. End, it is absolutely happy with you ..... "

"Mix !!!"

It's awkward, the Zhizhen is already slapted, and the slap is on the face of Blue San.

"Blue Soviet! You are a hundred million people who want to respect the entire Shenli universe. Regardless of your life, do you live for a person and die?"

! !

Under this slap, I will fly off the blue sauce directly, and the cheeks have smashed a big pit on the ground.


Blue San turned over, and quickly slammed the ground, constantly hoeing, and the tapped floor was born.

"Disciple is not dare!"

I heard this, the face of the Zhon, is still difficult to see the extreme, and the sorrows:

"Give the teacher to go out! If you let the teacher heard the big remarkable speech, he will blame the teacher who is not talking about the teacher, and the life!"

He didn't pay attention to the blue Sushi who deeply buried his face in the underground, and suddenly rushed to a grievance.

"..... disciples know the wrong!"

Blue Soviet from the teeth, squeezing this sentence.

"Not rolling yet?"

The Zhen will drive again.


Blue Suqi stood up and respectfully.

Just no one didn't pay attention, his eyes, on the tea cup next to the Zhen, stopped the moment, and the face was painful, and the color was very happy.

"Master, the disciples don't want to accompany the Shenli universe. Since you want to be alone, you can't make a clear, then don't weird."

The heart is silent, and the blue Su Su is suddenly leaving the Hall of the Zhenon.

In the big temple, there is only one person in the abroad.

He constantly breathe, adjusts his emotions, but the face is still iron green, a serious angry has not fallen.

In addition to anger, he is more painful.

Because he didn't think of it, he took a big disciple, and he would say such a big way.

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