Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4568 Combat


The virtual universe is like a big man in the day!

Since the god and the Battle of the Zhen Zhen, after falling into sleep, the snake will rise, take time, become a new hegemony of the virtual universe.

If it is compared to the virtance, the strength of this snake God is far less than, but this does not mean that he is weak.

The strength of the zombie is quite azure, and has taken the step, intermediary between the realm of the virtance and the six trace level, and the reason why there is no realization of the gods, it is only a lack of a few air transport. Stop.

Behind the god and the zombie, it is the left and right anifiable, these two are standing in the six traces of the realm, the most peak existence!

After another, it is a joint walk out, and there is a different breath, but the strong unusual six trace fake!

The third ancestors of Tianyao, the god of the gods, the second batch of six trace virtues in the universe of the universe, this is also called, and the nest is dispatched at this moment.

They stand in a piece, and the breath of the game is straight, bringing a very powerful visual impact!

And behind them, they are the attacking army of ordinary virtual respect. They are also the most people, they will be full of sky, covering the sky, vastness, and dare not visiting.

The most horrible thing is that in the voids behind them, they also faintly passing fluctuations, showing seven sides of the gown.

That is ... my organization!

At this moment, they integrate together, it can be said that this force is enough to destroy the earth, and the top of the nine is falling, and the nine segments are governed!

Horror to not describe!

at the same time.

Big Camp in the battlefield outside the domain.


A sharp alarm sounded in high altitude!

Everyone who is closing the condition in the palace is almost at the same moment.

next moment.

The sound of the gods is ringing in their minds.

"The finals of the battle, the speed set."


Suddenly, there are no number of strong figure.

The seventh team belongs to the sword unparalleled palace.

"I finally started."

The sword is unhealthy in the eyes of the gods skyrocket, and the whole person is full of a sharp breath.

Switch, the sword is unparalleled to absorb a sigh of relief, mention the Joo Shenjian in the side, inserting the waist sword , starting up.

"Then start!"

! !

The sword is unparalphed, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in the palace.


When the sword is unparalleled, the entire spacious hall has been crowded.

Seeing the sword, there is no double, these ordinary supreme, the eyes have rushed to the eyes, and take the initiative to unparalleled a road for their walking.

Unconsciously, the sword has already conquered everyone. He is just the first person under the invincible supreme, and it is a leader of the Shenli universe!

The word leader, why it is heavy.

The sword has no two steps walk nearly, and it will respond to these supreme points.

Going to the front, some invincible sunset looks to the sword unparalleled, and the color is also exposed.

"Little guy, I haven't seen you for a long time."

The hegemony old ancestors smiled slightly towards the sword.

"Senior in white."

The sword is unparalleled, and the old ancestors smile.

At this moment, the sword was unparalleled, and the voice of the big voice sounded.

"Hahahaha, the chicken, the old man see you again!"

The sword has no double mouth, I went back, I saw it looked at myself.

"Feng Tian Senior."

The sword is unparalleled with a sigh of relief, and the sky is arching.

"Hey, little guy, can be seen at you, I forgot to ask you, what is your name?"

Feng Tianzu smiled.

"After returning to the predecessors, the older sword is unparalleled."

The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled. Well, this name is a little familiar. When traveling in the universe in recent hours, it seems that people have said, is our first day of our universe?"

Feng Tian's ancestors got the sword and unparalleled eyes and interested.

"I dare to be when the night is dare."

The sword has shaken his head.

When I still want to say it again, the temple is deep, a white figure is going out.

Seeing the Zhen Zhen, the face of the Tianzhu's grandmother suddenly pulled down, slamming from the nose, don't talk, no longer talk.

Others, the same, have a saying, and the eyes are not oblusively to the Zhen God, the expression has become serious.

The gods are not expressive, and the eyes slowly swept from everyone's face, and did not say any nonsense, just simply say four words.

"Come with me."


All people, no response, the sound is straight, and the shock is nine days!

Of course, you have to be outside the sea.

"The whole is quite like then one thing, don't engage in flowers."

He slightly.

The Zhen did not manage him, step on the ground, and the whole person suddenly made a stream, and went toward the domain battlefield.


A stuffed came out, and everyone followed.


Just within the distance of the big camp, the two parties of the Shenli universe and the universe of the universe were met.

The Zhishen stopped, and everyone slap.

The two-sided horses are looking forward, although there is no words, but there is already a stunning war, from both sides.

The sword is arrogant, and it will be sent!

"The Zhen, this time you can't stop."

The virtual god is handed over, and it is faint.

Around the black fog of him, like a shore of the shake, constantly spread, surging.

"Is it?"

There is no expression in the neighborhood.


The virtual gods shook their heads, continue to open: "Zhen Zhen, our dispute, nothing more than competing for this universe gas transport, if you are willing to be refined, don't, you can self-defeating this starry sky, this seat can Commitment, don't move the grass in the universe. "


This sentence, suddenly wants to push the Zhen to the opposite of the Shenli universe!

Ok, the blindfly face is not for the Supreme, there is no expression on the face behind the Zhenon.

Can become the Supreme, is a firm generation, and will it be confused by these three words?

The gods are in the gods, and the universe has the opportunity to turn over, once the spirit of the gods, the whole of the universe, will fall into the fish on the cutting board, let the gods slaughtered.

See this, the god does not care, just sighing a breath, waving forward:

"Then let the killing to stop this."

boom--! ! !

In the moment, the ordinary virtuality of the black pressure was led to the black pressing, and he passed from the gods behind the gods. Hide!

Fight, broke out!

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