Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4604? Mystery Ranger

"Omelet rash, I just want to listen to a truth," The big tear drops down with a dazzling cheeks. "My master, he is still dead."

Deep sucking a sigh of relief, the sword is unparalleled, no longer looking at the young, and the trembling say "death."

The eyes of a lot of eyes, the eyes quickly faded, the figure was slightly shackled, and they played into the sword unparalleled arms and dumped.

Looking at this unsea-free little fairy child, it has become this model, sad from the eyes, and the sky is killing straight.

The sword is unparalleled, and the body is slowly rising.

The remaining four cosmic boats, 30 of the total of thirty people, surrounded by a heaven.

"There is no palace owner, hurry." Dao Yan and moving the shadow of the mountaire, looked at the more than 30 virtual eyes.

If it is in the Shenli universe, these even the virtual respects of five traces, only need to move the mountain, you can wavitate.

But now, the universe is in the universe, and the moving mountains will play a lot of six or seven layers, and the Taozzi has so early, and they will not be able to supplement the power. Even the birth of Qinglian will be irreversible.

For these thirty virtual respects, there is no way to win!

However, the sword is unparalleled, but there is no signs of leaving, and the golden gods in the eyes are falling.

"Just use your shackles to pay back."

Without any emotional sound, like god penalty, only one sentence, the road has been exhausted.

This more prosperous star field has quietly marched a foggy frost, and countless life under a trace virtue is unknown to become a ice sculpture.

Thirty virtual respects at this cold cold, felt strange changes in the same time.

"What's going on, I feel that my bone marrow is frozen, and the imperial power is in conjunction!"

"I said, right, make everyone died in this kid, how can we use people to kill more people!"

"Quick escape!"

After noisy, after the thirty virtual respect, the bird was scattered, and the black light was scattered.

Then, each virtual honor can not escape, in the moment they fold the body, confuse the ice sculpture.

The four seasons in the Taile swords, now there is no longer synonymous, half-step invincible supreme, can be turned to kill each, more than the four traces of virtue.

Instantly Ice Star Field Deniors, so highly, the sword is unparalleled is like the God of the Pensions, and these stars and virtual respects of innocent blood are all infected.

Feel the coolness of the around, the moving people can't help but take a tight robe shirt, he began to find that the sword is unparalleled, and it has exceeded his cognition.

Dao Yan is not watching the flying virtual respect, step forward, watching the slim shape of the sword unparalleled, can't help with your heart.

"Is this a little girl under the sea?" Dao Yan asked.

The sword has no doubles and sink, nodded.

"The child is so hard, and you are really damn!" Dao Dao tears, clear faces with a blood color because of anger.

"I really want to crush them now!" Moving the mountains and colored iron green, a box of fragrant sides of the frozen ice sculpture.

"The virtual universe owes us, and it will eventually be paid with blood!" The sword is unparalleled, and the last one in the heart will not disappear quickly.

In the next period of time, a strength is strong, the appearance of youth rides in a large black robes, let the universe of the universe are frightened.

That dream, everything in one star field, for half a day, the whole star field will have disappeared, down to the Six tradul, no life.

It is difficult to pass the sky, even if the strong six trays of the respective heavens and the earth are difficult to escape the fall.

There is no side forces know what the mysterious ride is like, because he has seen that person appearance, has already disappeared with the stars.

There is a virtual royal rumor that mysterious ride is the Shenli universe dedication, but it is vetoed, and there is a holy rumor. The man is the apostle under the sense of God. It has failed to defeat, and there is a loss of mind, and it began to slaughter.

When there is a large preparation of the five-party star field, please move all the ancestors, launch the killing, but finally failure, the whole north is universe, it is silent.

The four of the top five enveloped six traces, and there were hundreds of virtual respects, which disappeared in a night.

The five bustling star fields are like a hard erase from the stars, and only black voids.

No one knows what happened overnight, they can only silently pray that people like dreams, they will leave.

In a snorkeling star field, a cosmic boat that only hosted five people is like a shocked speed jumping in a very fast speed.

The sword is unparalleled on the bow railing, and the long wind blows the hunting hunting in the black robes. It does not seem to be a murdered gas, let him see from the blood sea from the corpse.

"In January, the 27th star fields, killing the six marks, the five bits, the five scorpion, the rest of the realm, can not count."

Another number of ordinary numbers emerge from his heart, soon disappeared.

Today's sword is unparalleled, only one of him is extremely terrible, waving, you can never kill one side of the true star field, even six traces virtuality can only walk in his hand.

If it is not the universe that is about to leave, the sword will be a strong force in each star field all the way.

At the same time, he is also a little strange. The universe seems to be a little quiet. In addition to the prosperous star field, there is no movement outside the battlefield outside the domain.

The second figure of the universe, the Zombie, whoever, will be able to easily detect the sword, the sword, and even if there is no response to the maneous organism of the universe.

Is it really because it is too low?

It has been put on a white shirt, and after the sleep, after the low shite, then quickly rushed to the sword, and pulled the sword unparalleled corner.

For today's daemon, the sword is unparalleled, seeing the birds like the birds like the birds, he seems to see the temper, and the heart of the universe.

The sword is unparalleled and jumped under the railing, and the moon is very comfortable.

Like the bobbity of the thoughts, it is still quiet, but it is just that both hands will not be released.

The twenty-seven-seven-star fields, the unrecognizes of the culprit, the right, all of which were a child losing sin.

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