Sword Master of All Dao

Chapter 4611 ???? Ancestral

The sky is emerging in the sky, and the sky is a heavy pressure.

Wan Dao is returned, the most ordinary one is, and the one is

"Let's go!" I have never been able to say that I have a cold drink, and I have always greeted the sword.

One red black two mun is like matters, collision.

I can't even be proud, and that plain sword is tearing open the mourning, straight!

The pupil is shrinking, the big horror between life and death makes the dead time.

Why will he think of it, in order for half a step, there is no such thing as the Supreme sword, but will actually tear open his defense with a self? !

Broken the sky, the Tianmen giant refers to the simultaneous depression.

This side of the sea star is completely broken, even more distant stars burst, and the land is finally collapsed.


The sword is full, and the Tianmen giant refers to the body of the two.

The extremely white mood covered everything, the hurricane swept only the broken earth ...

I don't know how long it is until the death of the death, the sword is unparalleled is everything before the eyes.

In the broken void, intact, intact, hugging almost twisting from the middle of the middle.

From the creation of the blood, it is obvious that there is much extra gas and the intake is less.

"Adults!" The Eight Wildness is coming. Although his arm has been reroute, the whole person is extremely wolf.

Run your hand to send the dead of the dead in the arms to the hands of the Early Wilderness, and I slowly moved to the sword in the void.

As he took one step, the void is sagged.

One is unpustouled like a giant sea, it is a half ancestral atmosphere.

The sword is unparalleled.

"The sword is unparalleled, you should not exist, if you are not his disciple, I will give you hundreds of times to tell the emperor, will be included in the organization, but you are his disciple, then you must leave you. "

Slightly sorry sound from the mask of the one, it is originally a bit of astigmatism, and finally condenses the mystery!

"You have to have a horizon, like enchanting, you can kill half ancestral in the district, but you can know the least, it is a genius, more genius more genius, has already stood a lot. "

The sound of my own sound is rushed to nine days. He has completely stepped out the step and reached the ancestral!

Half ancestors promoted a ancestral ancestor is always unable to make up for it.

That is the real , only with the air of the universe, come through that layer.

How can a ancestral arrogant in the air of the universe?

It is really condensed with the substantive horror, as if drives the entire virtual universe to move toward the sword.

The ancestral atmosphere is almost an emergence, and everything has become a foregone.

"The sword is unparalleled, die in my hand, is your final destination."

There are countless red illusion into six big hands, gradually condense behind the one, and each hand has a rule of heaven and earth.

And the sword is unparalleled to stand in place, and the eyes are gradually turned into calm from the beginning.

The snake gods huddled in the Shenli prisoner, "Let me go out, let me go out!"

If it is previously, the sword is unparalleled can only be closed.

But now, everything has changed.

A dark red huge arm, master the power of the heavens and the earth, and the sword is not double milling.

Subsequently, there is another one or two arms, just like the sun, the same, the same suppression!

The star field is full of broken, even if the virtual empty, all of the ancestral breath, starting a large area of ​​collapse!

Looking at the three arms of the sky, the sword is unparalleled just after taking the steps, and it is not worried about the danger of himself.

The zombies in the Shenli Cage have been like an art, crazy hit the cage, trying to escape.

Feel the warmth of the wrist, the sword is not looked behind.

The old, the old, carrying the right hand, the left hand holds a hydraulic water in the sea.

The pointer touched the empty, and there were countless sneakers and screams suddenly rushed, and they gave them to eight parties.

I don't know how much the hempia is rising, and the huge waves are pulled out, and it is illusion of a black virtual image of the top.

The three arms behind the one behind it, and the ancestral feelings are unstoppable.

However, when countless fans-like black flanges covered hundreds of millions of void, the three arms of the ancient times were cut off, and the speed visible with the naked eye was in the eyes.

At the same time, the black virtual image of the extreme sea, from the ultra-sea, a punch to one of the three arms.


Shocking, the red arm is directly smashed by the black virtual image, and the two punches that are connected in the void, and they are equally smashed.

The black virtual image is flowing with ripples, and the sinking hits the blood in the void.

I have a silent, I don't have a back, but I will meet.

Only three huge arms behind, in the same moment, condensed as a sharp giant spear, and thoroughly stabbed into the chest of black virtual images.

Time seems to be stagnant, the thousands of red cracks emerge from the heart of the black virtual image, and then thoroughly collapsed, and the high seawater stream is returned.

It is still a long-lasting body with a grand breath.

A scarlet is one-eyed, turning from the sword unparalleled to the old, and rare reveals the color.

At the same time, a weird card with a metal color appeared in his hand.

The sword is unparalleled, and the frightening blows of the weird card make him impressive. If it is not the final shot, he is difficult to escape the weird energy in the card.

Just when he was prepared to remind the old and respect, he found that the old figure did not know when it had disappeared.

"This strange energy fluctuates, although weak weak, it should not belong to this universe."

The low voice quietly slammed from the ear of one ear, he almost didn't want it, directly throwing the card behind.

As the tide is emerging, the paled palm directly grasped the card directly.

Hey, even invincible to respect the card, it was easily crushed by the old respect. Come into powder.

When the pupil, the rule arm behind him talked directly toward the old.

The water wave flows, the figure is dissipated, and when his body shape is once again, it is in the front of the one.

"Tell me, what kind of thing you use is given to you, why is there anyone in it?"

The old voice is full of unfair, but also the palm of the palm, a bunch of black light, directly shredning a rule arm behind the back.

"You should die!" I was crazy, and since I followed the emperor, he never had such humiliation.

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